👍Food for thought # 21 - Steemit V/S Facebook [Gloomy or promising - The Stats]🔥

in #steemit7 years ago

We all have this impression or certitude that Steemit will surpass Facebook in the longer run but with the stats below, is it really possible? Should we be motivated to be on Steemit on Monday or should we be worried of where we are investing our time and money?

Steemit has been founded in 2016 by Ned Scott and Dan Larimer, under the company name of Steemit Inc. The platform allows for writing blogs and getting paid in a cryptocurrency we call Steem. Now this Steem has a value and can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or dollars.

Facebook has been present in our everyday life since 2004 and does not need an introduction. Most of Steemians here surely have a Facebook account either active or dormant.

With all the grey areas in the terms and conditions of Facebook, users are increasingly worried about their privacy and how their browsing behavior is being sold to companies who need those statistics. Facebook is making billions selling those big data analytics to big corporations and the user is getting none of that share. Is this the price we are paying to keeping Facebook free?

Can Steemit provide the answer to the growing needs of the people for more privacy over their digital self and their investment. Can Steemit really return some of the rewards back to the people. Will Steemit survive long enough or will its rival crush it down.

The stats of Steemit

1. Traffic & Engagement 

Globally Steemit is currently ranked 4,238 and in the USA alone, it is in the first 3000 most popular websites. In a competition of billions of website, to be ranked in the first 5000 globally is a really healthy position, considering that the platform has been online for just over 1 year. 

There has been 46.77 million visits from June 2017 till August 2017 alone. This is almost 5% higher than the previous month. If this uptrend is maintained then the rankings will decrease and the popularity of Steemit will increase.

Usage of Steemit is almost same for desktop and mobile users. This shows that Steemit renders the blogs in responsive mobile friendly fashion and people find it easy to use on both desktop and mobile.

 Many of you must be asking what is this Bounce rate! Well it is a metric that indicates the percentage of people who land on one of Steemit page and then leave without clicking to go anywhere else on the website. 

With a monthly average of 15.59 million users and a daily average of 500, 000 visits, the platform has gained traction after June 2017 which was around when the Hard Fork 19 was announced. After that, the participation rate has been almost contant without any sign of improvement. 

Many Steemians joining are probably not making enough out of the platform and finds it hard to engage with the community. They have either been sold the wrong information or there is an evident lack of support and tutoring for new comers.

2. Geography 

As expected, the US has the highest participation followed by the UK and Germany. Korea makes it into the top 5 countries generating the most traffic and confirms the real surge in Korean accounts. They surpassed Canada and displaced Australia who is generating 2.81% of the traffic. Among the top 10 countries we have France following Australia with India, Netherlands and Japan. China has a participation rate of 1.51% and does not even make it into the top 10.

3. Audience interest 

Interestingly, most searched and read topics are mostly about investment and the stock market. Steemit is loaded with many articles written on cryptos and the general market. For those wanting to learn more about Steemit and the whole crypto market, this is a really nice place to do it and you are able to view the comments to find the authenticity of the articles.

4. Marketing Mix

How is Steemit promoting itself. How is it being accessed and by which sites people are getting to know about Steemit? Most traffics are coming from search engines and from accessing the site directly from Steemians. The organic search and the direct access result being almost same most probably indicates Steemians that are using the Steemit search to look for posts, which is powered by Google Search.

We can notice that there is 0.03% which is being used in Ads. Who are those Steemians funding those ads display? I know of one of those Steemians in the name of @jerrybanfield with how he is funding paid advertisement by checking the post 1,035,858 Facebook Users Discover Steem for $1,008.91! We can also help in this cause and help grow Steemit even bigger by participating in such collective ads paid events. Every cents matters to help promote Steemit further.

The same stats but with original figures. We can see that there has been a slight decline by traffic coming from other social platforms.

Among the social platforms, Facebook is leading the way by generating the most traffic followed by Twitter, which I know @nicnicy and @clixmoney spreading the words.

5. Search

Most search are coming from Google as even Steemit's search is powered by the Google engine.  The competitive overlap parameter is for people who have searched for Steemit and then visited the other websites. We could see that people looking for articles in search results also visit bitcointalk a lot.

6. Social

Here we can see the contribution of all the popular social media sites in promoting Steemit. Facebook, the main rival, is leading the way in promoting Steemit. Linkedin ends the list with of the top 5 most used social media sites. There is an active community of Steemians who are promoting Steemit aggressively and we should be backing them up by participating in more promotional events.

Steemit V/S Facebook

All the stats of Steemit looks pretty promising but what happens when comparing it to its rival? While Steemit is built on the blockchain and promise anonymity and no ads, Facebook sells analytical data of users behaviour and there are many conspiracies running around it over privacy concerns.

1. Rankings

Facebook is the number 1 social media site around the world and is also the most popular website. For Steemit to be able to compete with Facebook, it should be having over 1 billion users. Will Steemit it be able to sustain such a huge traffic and what will happen to the reward pool? Will it be able to share the rewards fairly across the whole spectrum?

Steemit is already having trouble with the retention rate by analysing my own followers list and that of some close Steemians. How the platform will evolve over time will decide the fate of the platform. This should be watched really closely to understand clearly the future of Steemit.

2. Traffic overview

Facebook had a total visit of 107 billion in the last 3 months as compared to the 46.8 million visits for Steemit. This is expected as Steemit is still in the developing stage and it lacks many of the features that Facebook offers. The Steemit ecosystem should be more integrate with time with more grading of the feed and in built chat system.

Facebook is also popular due to its powerful mobile apps which users can access anywhere anytime. Steemit has an unofficial app in the name of eSteem, which has been developed by @good-karma and offers great features and is under constant upgrade.

There is a lack of centralised communication from the Steemit platform developers and finding all the information can be very difficult. So many posts are written and curate each day and information is easily missed. Should the main representatives of the platform has a separate section for them?

3. Geography

Among all the major countries common to both platform, we can see that Facebook has 99.9% of the market at its hand. Will Steemit be able to steer away such a huge disadvantage? There is a long way for Steemit to go to beat Facebook. But can a major update to Steemit change everything?

4. Marketing Mix

Steemit is accessed directly by its link more often than Facebook where we can see that the latter's organic search is higher. People uses search engines more often to find results for Facebook as compared to Steemit. Both of the platform spends around the same on paid advertisement (0.09% by Facebook and 0.03% by Steemit) and does not rely too much on such form of media.


Steemit has a long way to go before it can overtake Facebook. All the stats points towards all the weaknesses that Steemit has to address to be able to serve users in the millions and billions. The game changer will come after the next Hard Fork named Velocity which can bring so many changes like making the account creation process more open. 

What do you think: Will Steemit be able to surpass Facebook and how long it might take?

Share your conclusion with us so that the community is aware of it and can help motivate the growth of the platform!

If you enjoyed reading this post, don't forget to upvote, resteem and check out my other posts for interesting videos and reads :)

(created by @readallaboutit)


Upvoted and Resteemed by the Minnows Accelerator Project.

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Thanks for the upvote and resteem. Cheers XD

This is great! Very well put together and easy to follow.💯

I think that in the long run Steemit could surpass Facebook, but only if Steem is somehow universally accepted as a currency. That would pretty much ensure it. 🙃

For now though it will mostly be for content creators, which is the main difference between Steemit and Facebook. Facebook is literal 'social media'. Things regurgitated over and over in meme form. Yes, there's some info there and really great support groups, but it's not really a blog site.

I think this (Steemit) fills a void that many of us were missing.

I would like to see a few other features (like an internal chat, and maybe internal groups too).

I also like your suggestion of the creators having some special account or tag that automatically shows up in everyone's feed (unless they CHOOSE to unfollow). So... maybe an automatic follow for all users.

Being new is VERY over-whelming.

Luckily, I'm a quick study and can multitask like a boss. 😎 I've got on relatively quick.

I really like that everyone is working together to create tools that are available for the whole community. That also makes it different than Facebook. Here, it's like we all know the secret and we get to support each other. It's nice. 😍

Thanks for the thoughts!
memoji excellent

Upvoted, followed and ReSteemed!

Really nice to get your thoughts on the subject. I didn't really think about Steemit and FB having different audiences. One is a blog and the other is for social media. They possibly can run alongside each other.

Even if Steem is not accepted as a universal currency, we are still able to convert it to other cryptos like Bitcoin or Ethereum which can be use for payments :)

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

Oh, yes. I love that it can (currently) easily be exchanged for other cryptos and then back into fiat. I just think that if one crypto could do it... I'd love for it to be Steem. To be fair, I've got my eye on a couple of other ones too.

Thank you so much for the tip! I'm going to check out this service, as my upvote is worth exactly what yours is. LOL!)

This is a really great service as I am able to curate more posts now and I am able to make the comment section enjoyable for both sides XD.


Some great info here - can't imagine STEEMIT will evere catch FB, but tbh it doesn't need to - it can still be successful.
I think there's a way to go, but I am continuing to invest both time and money here
Linked from unmentionables, upvoted and followed


I believe that it is difficult for Steemit to catch FB in the shorter run but ever since I joined here and spend time on Steem chat and Discord, I seldom check my FB account now.

I use FB now only to catch up with friends and see if anyone is looking for me :)

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

Thanks for the tip, much appreciated!!

And I agree, I am almost never on Facebook now - not that I was there much before...


One thing that, I think will help steemit grow a lot is the effect of censorship by FB, YouTube and google on the alternative media, as more move to steemit, which seems to be the best uncensorable (is there such a word? lol) site for spreading their reporting , they should bring their followers with them, which should increase usage possibly exponentially... Interesting article, thanks for sharing....

I have not been bringing friends here on a mass basis as I want to be able to help them without them getting discouraged.

When the earning is low, it is easy to quit before looking at the bigger picture.

With the way the world is going where less and less people have an investment portfolio, crypto is giving everyone that opportunity and Steem is one of the best to have XD

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

Facebook and Steemit will attract different people looking for different things.

The big difference I find is that Facebook tends to attract people who express their personal sentiments by sharing articles/images/memes created by others, whereas Steemit encourages originality.

We know that many people join Steemit after hearing that they can actually earn Steem for their content/comments. When this is their only reason for joining, and it doesn't happen quickly enough, naturally they'll be discouraged and inevitably leave.

However I feel that given time, most of those who:

  • Genuinely wish to contribute to the wider Steemit community.
  • Learn how to make the most of the wonderful Steemit editor (best I've ever experienced.)
  • Find their 'tribe/s' ~ Engage ~ Connect ~ Bond.

Will stay.

And when they stay, their content and engagement will improve ~ Resulting in a FAR higher level of personal satisfaction than ever could have been achieved at Facebook. 🦋

You're right! FB gives you that joy of sharing and see the responds from friends...

Here on Steemit you feel there is an engagement between people having common goals and climbing the ladder together. Here I don't feel alone like I feel on FB.

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

Thanks so much for the tip. What goes around comes around too.

I haven't used this service yet ~ But I like what I see of it.

True: Facebook can give one the 'joy of sharing' and a 'good feeling' when your 'friends' 'like' what you share. But from my observation: Essentially Facebook fosters lazyness whereas Steemit fosters extending oneself, personal growth and the spirit of community. 🦋

nice article bro

You're welcome :)

i am seeing how steemit is improving and thanks for sharing the comparison as well nice i like it

Thanks for the great words and I hope it has motivated you to keep going on here XD

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

That's quite a lot of valuable information you've aggregated there, thanks for taking all the time and effort to do so.

I'm not too concerned about the direct 1:1 scale correlation between Fb & Si numbers when there's some very promising indicators among the data, not least of which is the proportion of direct and organic search traffic & views.

They show that Si is succeeding on the original draw card of internet resources, that is to say it is a pull-media that draws attention and generates value, as opposed to push-media that relies on market saturation and advertising to force feed a product to audiences who increasingly need to be captured and retained psychologically like a herd.

WebGUI & app development that facilitate ubiquity and ease of access to the service and content are indeed needed, and I'm sure a million people can suggest a million adjustments or improvements. Si certainly has a way to go, but I like that, it also does things differently and in a way that I also like: a little roguish, a little anarchic, but there's plenty of community ethos, and the wild and beautiful chaos that it is continuously throws up serendipitous finds.

There are also jerks and abusers. But I can tell you this about community spirit and vandalism: when people are directly involved in the world around them, actively contributing and participating, they don't take very kindly to mendacious or destructive behaviour, because it's the world they had a hand in making that is being harmed.

Si aint perfect, but it's better, it's ours, and it has a long way to go, with our help. Look ye forever upward, and march forever onward. Per aspera ad astra.

Apologies, this has become a mini article; too much input data meets lack of string.count & exit code.

Really thoughtful comments with lots of good points.

I didn't know there was such a concept as push and pull media.

Scammers are everywhere with on Steemit it is the community which comes together to punish them and on FB, it is the policies and laws!

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

I'm not sure it will. And I'm not sure it should. I think that Steemit and Facebook differ in many ways. Of course I hope for a growth for Steemit, I love this plattform:-)

From the current situation, I agree that it would be difficult to surpass FB.

But if we want the price of Steem to keep rising, mass adoption is required.

Cheers :)

My vote worth is shit and my wallet cannot show enough of my pleasure reading your comment Reserving my upvote for checking your latest post tip! XD

I guess you are right:-)

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