in #steemit7 years ago

Ideally, we would all like to see a rise in the value of STEEM.

If there was a simple formula to follow and all it took was a few talented and educated individuals to “make it so” then it would have already happened. Simply put, much is beyond our control.

However, there still are some factors that I think that we have an influence over, and although there is no guarantee in things like this, I believe that there are certain steps that we can take to set ourselves up for the greatest possibility of success.


In my previous post, I focused on the currency STEEM. This post will focus on the platform steemit. IN the previous post, and a lot of the comments and replies on it, a good discussion occurred. Some of the best ways that we can attempt to do things with STEEM itself that could increase the value have to do with being able to make it easier to use and getting it more widely accepted as a currency.

Personally, although encouraging more online stores and physical businesses to accept STEEM as a viable form of payment, I think that having a card tied directly to our steemit wallet (or a secondary wallet created for the sole purpose of being tied to the card… this may be way better) would be one easy way to have STEEM be suddenly accepted by any business that normally allows payment with a debit or credit card. When I use my Shiftcard at a store, it is not necessary for anyone there to have even heard of Bitcoin, it works regardless.

Also, in the “SUPPLY & DEMAND” and “ANOTHER SOURCE OF INCOME” sections my basic point yesterday was trying to position ourselves individually where we did not need to sell our STEEM. Basically, a buyer will never need to buy STEEM, and though they have the opportunity, it is not a necessity, like food is. This means that anyone buying STEEM obviously has extra money to invest… or not. However, if steemians are desperate and need to sell their STEEM, then the advantage is completely towards the buyer.

A desperate person will almost always be taken advantage of. If you have a vehicle worth $3000 USD so you ask for $3000 or best offer and also put the words “MUST SELL” on it, you’d be lucky to get an offer for more than $2000. The potential buyer knows that you are desperate, so they often respond by attempting to “low-ball” you. If you are in a position where you must take any offer for your STEEM, then you will not be able to hold out for a higher price.


Though many attempts can be made to increase the value of STEEM by focusing on STEEM itself, I think that ultimately, it is the platform that holds the keys to the value of STEEM. As @catharcissism pointed out in the comments on my previous post, STEEM will not be succeeding just because we need another cryptocurrency. This is where I believe STEEM has a great advantage to many other altcoins.

STEEM has an entire platform and community tied to it!

For this reason, I will be sharing some thoughts and contemplations about what we can be doing to benefit the platform steemit, that will hopefully eventually lead to a price increase of STEEM as well.



For a community to exist, someone needs to be there. For it to grow, someone else needs to join. From all around the world, many users have already showed up on steemit. Some, like @stellabelle, happened to find it “accidentally” while spending time online. Others, like @papa-pepper and @giftedgaia, were told about it by their friends.

I think that word of mouth has great potential to continue to encourage others to join, by many other forms of attempting to encourage others to join have been brainstormed and attempted. Does anyone remember the steemit billboards? Does anyone know if people joined because of them?

As a bit of a quick research project, if you reply to this post, could you add how you found out about steemit?

Anyway, the point is simple, however new users show up on steemit, we need them to be joining if we want the community to be growing.


Yes, getting people to join steemit may have its difficulties, but getting them to stay on steemit can be tough too. For many reasons, people have quit steemit, or even committed steemicide. Some just didn’t make the money that they thought they should, some got fed up with how the upvotes and Steem Power system works, others got harassed enough to call it quits.

Whatever the individual reasons are, the fact that our user retention rate could use a boost remains a valid concern. Personally, I try to do what I can to be inspirational and encouraging, but I am only one person. There is only so much that I can do, and my 1 cent upvotes won’t be the reason that someone keeps working hard and being active on steemit.

I’ve done a few posts that touched on this subject previously, so rather than restating some of my ideas here, I’ll just link one of my best posts on the matter.



Though there are many accounts on steemit, only a small portion of them are actively posting or commenting. Because of alt-accounts and curation trails, many more accounts vote than post or comment. Once we have users on steemit that stay on steemit (don’t quit) we ideally need them to manually be active on a fairly regular basis. The more real interaction occurs and the more content is added to the platform, the better off the site will be.


The more active users that we have, the more original content will be created. The more we put out there on the internet, the greater the probability that search engines will lead people to steemit. Creating quality, original content will be the key to increasing our visibility online.

As with anything, things take time. Eventually, we should start having posts, memes, or videos go viral and get a lot of exposure. I only started my YouTube channel because of steemit, but I like to add “” to the end of the title just to increase visibility. Anyone who stumbles across a YouTube video of mine online will at least be able to see the name steemit.

What other ways can we be increasing our online visibility?


Though this can be a touchy subject with an often negative vibe to it, controversy can be a huge tool to springboard something into the limelight. Does anyone remember Insane Clown Posse? They were mostly unknown, until Disney signed and dropped them. This single bit of controversy launched I.C.P. into nationwide fame in the U.S. and that is when their career really took off.

Of course no one want to tarnish the name of steemit, but if steemit suddenly did become a household name, it would certainly cause a lot more interest in the platform. I have no intention of attempting to make a nationwide or worldwide controversy to attempt to gain some sort of publicity for steemit, I am just mentioning it as a potential occurrence that could lead to an increase in the value of STEEM.


I have not read the complete volume, and I will not be recapping what I have read here. But, it is worth mentioning for multiple reasons. For one, people like to have a have a plan and to know what that plan is. The roadmap has accomplished that.

Additionally, many of the goals and implementations mentioned in it should prove themselves to be good, solid steps in the right direction. I have also been impressed with the amount of suggestions that have come from the community that have already been implemented. Two of my personal favorites are the double-checks before resteeming a post and clearing a post. Before the double-check confirmation was added I have accidentally resteemed the posts of others and cleared my own posts prior to posting them.


This may be one of the most important things that really sets us apart from other online communities. I’m not sure how many of you went to “FACEFEST” back when you were on facebook or how many of you plan on heading to “REDDITSTOCK” this fall… but I’m unaware of any site like ours accomplishing the things offline that we have already done or that we are planning to do.

The local meetups have been very cool, and there have been multiple ones around the world already. Then there was STEEMFEST in Amsterdam, where steemians from all the world met up for a huge event. Now, @riosparada is planning on having our own MUSIC & ART FESTIVAL this October in Austin, TX, called “STEEMSTOCK.”

I believe that the offline interactions at the meetups and STEEMFEST have already added incredible value to this community, and the more that we can build up and inspire the community, the more the platform and currency will increase in value as well.

I’ll do a full promo post on STEEMSTOCK soon, but I think that this is the next big event that we need to focus on. To have a music & art festival fueled by our own musicians and artists would be incredible, and a great evidence of what this platform can offer. To have the music and art provided solely by steemians and to open the event up to the “general public” would also be a good deal of publicity.

Whatever events we actually pull off together, I believe that they increase the value of steemit and set us apart as a platform


I post this section separately, although I did touch on it under “VISIBILTY.” Basically, there is a good amount of competition of steemit to get noticed and to get payouts. It can also be discouraging, but for those who press on past the discouragement, it encourages us to do the highest quality work that we are capable of.

The fewer and farther between poor posts that have been made with very little effort are, the better the overall content of our community is. When someone hears about steemit and the first three posts that they check out are pure junk, they will think that we are a joke. Quality can add to credibility and influence the way that others view us. We already know about some of tactics that are being used on sites like facebook and reddit to make sure that their users don’t get pointed in the direction of steemit, so we have to overcome those obstacles another way.

Also, the higher the quality of our posts (collectively) the better our platform will be as a reliable source of accurate information and worthwhile ideas and concepts.


Larger obstacles do stand in our wide of being more widely used. With the current lower value of STEEM and the limited number of whales, there is only so much financially that steemit can offer any individual. Many of us came for the money initially, but when we realized that is wasn’t exactly flowing, we had a choice to make. Can we who have stayed make this type of the community that people want to be a part of, even if their time is only worth a few cents or a few dollars?


I know that you all have some great ideas on the matter, and the ones above were just some of mine. Please reply with your ideas below, or just make a post out of them and drop the link below. Regardless of what happens here, I’ll be doing what I can to attempt to make steemit all that it can be.


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)

The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.


Great post. I think we need filtering for separate languages each with its own interface. At least the major ones, French, Spanish, German, Chinese etc.. need to be well represented.

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Excellent insight!

I actually love that you can see posts form people all over the world on here, but perhaps a way for it all to be translated would be great! I only see the option to translate sometimes.

I like the interaction and reading posts from other cultures too. More could post if they could use their own language.

Onebit is now up and running and you can make payments from steem. I am not sure exactly how it works (by sending a tx from your account, or pre-loading). They are working on tap to pay and chip and contactless cards for the accounts as well.

Excellent news, thanks @l0k1!!!

  • A card connected to the steemit wallet seems to be a very good idea!
  • Concerning new users I try to convince my friends of the advantages of steemit (but I notice that many people are very careful and slow when it comes to something new and unknown ...)
  • As you asked, I heard the first time about steemit when reading this article: . Then it lasted about two months until I created an account and three more months until I found enough time to study this network more thoroughly and write some articles myself.
  • I think it could attract more users when some small things could be improved: for example there should be the option to send private messages directly on this site; the text editor is partly rather uncomfortable (if you forget to click on the editor-button it is too late to do it later and you cannot format the text anymore); you need extra sites to upload images or videos ... All that doesn't change the fact that steemit has many advantages (blockchain based; own crypto currency; one can earn something; fast site; open-source; no annoying advertising; well educated and polite users; ...)

Yeah, the card would be a huge steo forward... along with direct private messaging.

Thanks so much for your replu @jaki01!


Thanks for being an ambassador for the community. Your zeal in infectious. I hope others members will join the effort to make the platform better by encouraging others to give it a try.

Keep up the good work.

Yo Papa! Per your request, I learned about steemit from research into new cryptocurrencies on YouTube. Not sure, but I think @crypt0 first.

Next, as a new user, I'll put in my two cents on retention. From my perspective, steemit is really a big, back slapping, good old boys club, much like the national guard, or the Shriners. If you got here early, or have wealth to invest, you can make an income for almost no work input. However, if you are new, your work isn't paid squat.

If my motivation for posting was entirely monetary, I wouldn't waste my time here. If you want quality content, this place needs full time writers, and they will want paid.

A pithy content from a whale makes $5, but an article meticulously researched and painstaking put together with hundreds of views might make $1. Who is going to put in the time for that?

Also, I appreciate the technology behind the platform, but most people aren't going to give a crap. All they are going to care about is if they can profit from Steemit some way. Attention spans being what they are, people aren't going to stick around if they don't think they are getting good content, or getting paid.

The only posts that make $$ are posts about steem, and they're already here if they're reading it! I'm not offering suggestions because I don't have any, just giving my $0.02 as a new user.

BTW, I'm posting for more than profit so I'm sticking around. I believe in Steemit, blockchain technology, etc., and think it's the future, so I'm going to keep plugging along if I can. I'm just trying to point out that if we want mass adoption there will need to be incentives for new users. Who wants to join a club to watch the founding members make each other rich while unable to cash in themself?

You make several good points for discussion.

First of all, I remember ICP! I was a huge fan in high school and college. And what did I hear about them finally claiming to be Christians after all those extremely profane albums they released? Who knows. ANYWAY...

I have tried hard to recruit new users who I feel have great writing ability, are intelligent, and would have a lot of great content to add to Steemit. But everyone is so skeptical they won't give it a try. Instead, they continue to post several times a day on FB and Reddit, and whatnot. I don't get it.

Many people do not have the creativity or willingness to work hard, and they would never make it on Steemit. I've said before that we Steemians are a higher caliber of people, with intellect and creativity, so our growth will always be hindered because of that factor. How many of Facebook's active users can actually compose a sentence that is grammatically correct and properly punctuated? NOT MANY.

I could rant further, but I will spare you. I will continue to share posts from Steemit to my Facebook page in an attempt to draw more attention to our platform. I will continue to create what I feel are quality, creative posts on Steemit on a regular basis. And I will continue to upvote and comment on others' posts that I feel add value to the platform. I feel that is all I can do to help Steemit for now.

And to answer your question -- I was told about Steemit by a friend here in my home town, @tinyhomeliving.

Upvoting and commenting really do add value?

Also, are you still down with the clown? LOL!

Not so much down with the clown anymore!

I personally came on steemit because I did research about blockchains and met a friend at the Bitcoin embassy, in Montreal. Since, we creat the club Steem Quebec and the BlockchainCoop. We give every week information's sessions about bitcoin and blockachain 101 and Steem 101. Every week, more people are interested by the plateform ! We have a lot of work to do. We have a great vision of what steemit and the steem protocole can do. We are starting a development team for participate to the steem blockchain projects !

Also, with and steemq, I guess it will attract more and more people and it will help to increase the value of the money. The marketplaces of busy will be really helpfull ! We are working on a local marketplace that implant crypto-curencies, I guess it's another step in the good direction !

I'll write a beautiful post in #introduceyourself in the next days for explain who I am and all the crazy ideas I got ! And well, Papa-peper... What is inspiring it's not your 1 cent upvote, but your awesome posts ;)

Please link your intro post when you make it so I don't miss it!

Yeah, for sure ! This week I'll do it, promise !

I heard about steemit somewhere online in a podcast about bitcoin mining. Someone started talking about altcoins and mentioned a social network called steemit based on a new coin and something about rewards for users.

I've brought some friends to steemit but not all of them are using it actively. I tried not to make a big conversation about the rewards so that they wouldn't arrive with the expectations of making "easy money". I focused more on the good content and nice vibe among users with common interests. None of them quit but I think the retention is an important issue to be aware of.
The offline interaction is something I think may be distinctive and successful on the long run but what I think might have an immediate impact is the card. I know there are lots of cards around and most of us have BTC cards but we "early steemians" would be very proud to walk around with our "SteemCard".

A card would be huge!!!

I think best 2 ways is incorporating a built-in marketplace and a 2nd is groups/clubs

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57956.22
ETH 3126.99
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45