in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I have been on the Steem journey for 5 months and still running. But at the moment,I feel tired.
This sounds Strange, coming from @Oredebby, but True.IMG_20180527_052927_145.jpg

I sit up morning afternoon and night busy making quality contents, but I get just very few people to read them. I always try to communicate sense to people and I can't make another already made post because Mr Cheetah is always at alert. I am tired.

And even when I make the posts and people read, I don't get what I expect from them.
Someone once asked me to give her the names of those I'm following up with ginabot. I gave her part of the names I have and then she screamed and asked if I was a bot. Funny
She said that because she felt those names are too much for her to add to her list. Not knowing I only gave her just about 20% of what I have.

I really can't explain where I got the energy from for Steemit. Many people tell me about numerous airdrops but I really don't show interest on them. As if Steemit is my calling... Laffs

But on a more serious note, I know the future is bright. That is for sure, but when will the future come?
Many things get to me that make me cry and make me think I can't do this, but I keep encouraging myself that I can.

I'm sorry

because I know I always encourage many other people to keep at it, but I just realized I'm also human and not a bot. I need help, I need encouragements. I don't want to leave Steemit for any reason. No! Not at all! Help!!!

I hope I get people to Read this.

Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way stronger...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby


As always you got me @oredebby.
For some reasons I have issues using #steemit.
I think they are doing their usual update and made the system hard to use.
I had that feeling too about #steem.
The reason I am still here posting cause my expectations about #steem is not about hoping I will get something big back.
I am talking about followers, rewards, all nine yards.
Here is all about who you know and then You will get appreciate with votes.
Do not worry about @cheetah cause you do not do copy and paste.
Just focus on writing what is so natural about you.
Feel good about giving like you always do.
Set a timeframe and a number of posts and votes.
You should be alright.
Glad to hear from you.

I really appreciate you Pouchon. I hope you saw my next post and mention.

I’d be lying if I tell you that I got the right answer because I don’t. I’m new to Steemit and writing every single day wasn’t really a part of my routine. Honestly, I already have a headache even from writing a short comment like this one (laughs). But writers like yourself truly inspire and challenge me to get better at it. I wish you could imagine the amount of pleasure I get from reading your posts, granted I don’t always comment, but rest assure that I’m paying close attention. It’s okay to feel discouraged at times, but don’t quit. Think about the reasons that got you started, seek more knowledge about the platform, try writing more participative contents, learn from other followers that you think are doing a great job, take a break if you believe that you have to... do whatever you got to do, but don’t give up. Reality is, someone somewhere does care.

Wow... This is touching. I really really appreciate this. God bless you.

If there is one thing i admire about you is your strength, both physical and mental. I won't tell you not to cry. I won't eveb scold you for feeling this way. I will just tell you that i will be there for you and with you, to hold your hand in every single step of the way.

I can relate to how you feel. It could be so demoralizing and you lose every single strength in you to go on. Thank God you know how i started my journey too. Those frustrating moments are sometimes close to breaking point, but then, this is a practical example about life. If you don't go through it, how can you have a story to tell? There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it is not from an onrushing train. You will be fine. Everything will turn out well. You can always count on my support and my upvote. At least from several comments, you see what you mean to people. You can't afford to let them down. Keep staying strong, not just for you but for everyone who look up to you. It is okay to feel this way, but come back reinvigorated. Love you.

Thanks darling. I hope you saw my next post and mention.

All thanks to God.

Of course i did.

The more you focused on the rewards, the more you get discouraged when they are not coming, but when you focused on impacting peoples' lives, you will be encouraged

Thank you so much. I hope you saw my next post and mention.

There there dear, its only been 5 months. I understand how steemit can feel, particularly for those who depend on it partially or fully for their income. Don't give up, don't relent. Like you said, the future is bright

Sure it is. Thanks so much.
I hope you saw my next post and mention.

We need you on here.
Keep faith alive

I'm grateful

You have to be strong. It doesn't mean you will not catch up if everyone already ahead but you. Just try and figure out how to engage your followers. There are steemians that whenever i login to steemit, i always visit their blog. This is because they've engaged me with something. So for your to get more attention and thereafter what you want, you have to engage your audience. It is left for you to discover your niche.... Thank you.

I really appreciate this. I hope you saw my next post and mention.

I see you around, i read your comments, you're almost always everywhere, you have the steem passion, dont let anything take that from you, i understand that this place can be very tough, but you have already scaled through a bunch of hurdles trust me, if you dont know, some people look up to you here.

You cant give up, i dont know how long it will take for you to get to that position you want, you might be closer than you think

I wish you all the best

Thank you so so so much. I hope you saw my next post and mention.


I hope you saw my next post and mention.

I hear you on this one. I suggest two things.

  • Try to get any camera or phone and take your own pics. Learn to process them. This is a needed skilled here for most of us and is not that hard or time consuming.

Join kryptonia and you can get better upvotes and rewards on your posts and people who actually come and comment interesting comments. I've been there a few months and it have made a big difference for me. Here is an older review I did of the place and it is even better now.

How and Why I use Kryptonia Review after One Month

Best of luck - I am burnt out too right now but trying still...

I'm very grateful. I hope you saw my next post and mention.

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