My First Six Months on Steemit: My Story and Experience - Planning to Stay Much Longer (And Some Advices for Newbies)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


It was in mid June, summer was on it's way and I remember couple of us sitting on bar's terrace and chit-chating about things when I first heard about Steemit. As I already told you in some previous posts, my brother-in-low @olegw somehow mentioned it in conversation. There was also this other guy, a friend of ours, who had previous Steemit experience, and he explained how it actually works to both of us (not mentioning him today, somehow I have feeling that he prefers to stay anonymous.)

So, I've sent a request to join this new social network, which was instantly more then that. As I worked before many years as a journalist and blogger, we all thought it would be a perfect platform for me to write about things I found interesting. And then I had to wait for my account to get approved... My fingers and palms were itchy... Time goes slowly...


Almost a week later, I got a mail. Your account has been approved! YAY! Was really happy and thrilled. There was another world opening to me. I started, baby steps. I just enjoy writing and blogging so much (although, before I have done it only in my native language) so I blogged about things that surrounded me - my hometown, places I visited, restaurants, bars, I tried to catch some interesting moments with my phone (still saving to buy a REAL camera...) And I started quite well. For a newbie, things are never easy at a beginning. I will never forget help and support I got in that first days from my new Steemit friends, @mindunter (who was my FIRST Steemit friend and real helper in very first days:)), @moon32walker, @dumar022, @damirkatusic, @velimir, @pepe.maya, @faces, @fminerten1, @herverisson, @olegw, @svarozich, @bitshares101 and many others...


Is blogging always easy?

Let's be honest - IT IS NOT. Somedays you don't have time. Other days you don't have an inspiration. So it is important not to force it. It would be IDEAL to make a post every day for people to remember you and for your followers to know what and when can they expect your new posts, but it is no rule. There are no such rules here. Newbies, keep one specific thing in mind - This is not a 100 meters race, you are here for a MARATHON. And the best and most persistent ones make it to the top. In my humble opinion, anyway.


Real life forced me to take a break


This paragraph is very personal, but that is another thing that is appreciated here - honesty. I had a personal experience of someone in my closest family who struggled with stroke. My 24 hours daily were about taking care of my grandma, so I have to put everything aside for a while. I was away for almost 4 months. Not very good for a beginning, but sometimes you can not choose the circumstances. Anyway, I knew I would be back here and show my potential when I recover.

Why am I still here (and plan to stay for a long time)?


I love to do this. Not many things thrills me as a white blank paper (or monitor, in this case). There was this guy in a Facebook group formed recently SteemitBalkan where people from Balkan area share their (our) experiences who said that Steemit is fraud and that he can't make any money here... Well, my friend. - if you are here ONLY for the money, don't be here at all. Money doesn't come over night, you have to LOVE what you do and show some passion... Success will follow eventually. Just don't rush it. Like in a yoga class - just practice, all is coming!

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Keep posting good and high-quality content. If you don't feel like it or you can't produce any, better don't post at all. Your posts are here forever. Don't make shitty posts and expect someone to give you an upvote or reward.

Have patience. All we need is just a little patience - Axl Rose knew this in 1988. :P You have to accept that fact. At first, you could feel frustrated, as I did, as we all did in the beginning. You can write a great and good post and get 0.13 SBD for it. OK. Just keep working on yourself, keep improving, keep posting. Remember - you're in for the marathon.

Be honest. Social networks are full of pretenders and phonies (Holden Caulfield, you knew that before social networks, haven't you?). Don't photoshop reality - post honestly - about things that excites you, that interest you, things you know something about. Or if you don't, you are willing to explore. I loved this @nat5an post about vulnerability I saw yesterday. Honesty, like she showed, really blew my mind. I encourage you to do the same! Working on Steemit, and this is a work, sometimes it requires hard work, you are working on yourself, too. Improving your English (if you're not a native speaker), exploring, thinking and re-thinking, connecting...

Virtuality can go to REAL LIFE. That happened to me recently, THANKS to Steemit. Like I said more then once (even in this post), don't be here only for the money. Be open for everything that might happen during this wild and lovely journey. I traveled to Barcelona recently to visit a friend and there, in a foreign country for both of us, I met this beautiful soul Marie, you might know her as a @flamingirl and we spent some lovely time together. Yes, we talked about Steemit for an hour or two, but later we started to share much more personal things and experiences. We had lunch, we went to a beach, we felt each other. We also met two days later for a dinner, with my friend, and were totally incognito about it. Share, but don't OVERSHARE. Some sweet things keep to yourself - and be open for Steemit to bring some wonderful new people in your real life. That is what happened to me. :)


Help the newbies, you were in the same place not so long ago. I try everyday to support new people joining our Steemit crew. Some really great people post really quality content, they just don't (yet) have the voting power or reputation. Support them, give them a chance. It is boring to see same people on trending page every day. There is more then 800.000 people on this network at the moment. Reward content, not a person (who might leave on an old glory). @olegw wrote a post about this the other day. Be aware!

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So many new, young and motivated people from my country joined our community recently. Give them some loving, too. Like in life, on Steemit it is also about sharing. Don't act selfish, it is not something that will bring you satisfaction. Check them out - @sljivanono, @mateakrnic, @rita0404, @jele.mala, @lovepath, @stephanie.tzvek, @big.mama, @schkure, @gingergeorge, @katarinazaja, @spalatino, @lukaluci, @thelittlemile... And many more!

Be kind, share love and experience and keep up the good work! See ya around!





some good tips, focus on telling your story and that will eventually rise to the top. kind of interested why you used the introduceyourself tag when you have been here for six months already but i think it's because you came back, i'm sorry you had someone that had a stroke, i can imagine that took up a lot of you time! onwards, upwards and onwards!

It was kind of re-introduction, after being away for quite some time...but also my first half year review...I’m flattered you find my advices useful for new people that come daily, especially here in Croatia. :) Thank you for your kind reply- I’ll remember this: onwards, upwards and onwards!

yep yep, welcome back! :)

Thanks for the mention! Pretty accurate description of the life of a Steemian in there... The doubts, the marathon similarity, the patience, the vision and the honesty you must deploy :) By the way, have you managed to convince a lot of people to join Steemit as well? I found it the most difficult task of all... but maybe i'm not a good proselyt :)

I work in a team with @olegw on that matter. We brought here his wife, my cousin @rita0404 and also another cousin @jele.mala, and my dad @thebigmile and stepmom @thelittlemile. Now i’m working on convincing some of my friends to join, too. It’s not easy at first, but I’m a talker, I think I’ll manage. :D
Thank you for all the support:*

Congrats on your first six months on Steemit, it gets under your skin:)) Keep up the good work!

Thank you 🙏🏻 @pepe.maya!

I've just been around here for roughly 3 weeks? Thanks for the reminder to keep going :)

Just keep swimming! It will all open and start to rise before you know it. Just don’t quit. All the best! :*

Thank you. Will definitely put that into heart. Keep up the good work :)

welcome my friend! glad you came!

Thank you, i needed to see this, just joined and i dont even know how to start with the introduction Lol

I’m waiting for your #introduceyourself post. Take your time and then...To the moon!

Nice post! I love the Gunners patience reference and your image at the bottom with the rainbow coming from your heart.

Thanks for sharing :-)

Hey ninja, thanks for reading till the very end 😺

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I wish you many more years of blogging here on Steemit!!!

@stalexmkl Hope we’ll hang out here for a long, long time :) Thanks, man! :)

welcome! Glad to see a like minded person joining the platform. Live long and prosper!

@lopezdacruz Glad to find you here, happy we think in the same direction. All the best to you! :)

Welcome to steemit!!
glad to have you here stay stunned...
You can follow my blog @hrishikeshmatre

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