The Old Dog Asks: Are You Mentoring Other Steemers to Help Us All Succeed?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I recently started mentoring someone who was about to give up just a few days ago. Look at her now!

I wouldn't still be here and wouldn't be having the success that I am without the mentoring of others here in the Steemit community!

If more and more people on Steemit have success we all win. However, ask yourself, what am I doing to help others? In this article you’ll see how a little advice and encouragement made a BIG difference for one of our members!  

Don't Forget to Check The Real Life Success Story at The End of This Article!

 Why Help Others?  

  •   You can describe it any way you want by using either a religious expression or a secular one. “Do unto others”, “There’s more happiness in giving than in receiving”, “Karma”, “What goes around comes around”. The point is if you do good things the right way there is a much better chance that good things will happen to you. Bottom Line: It's the right thing to do both here and everywhere!

  •   We want people to be successful here on Steemit so that we will have active users. If users go dormant or decide to quit we all lose value.  

  •   The success of others means that wealth is redistributed and more members will be voting with Steempower and will be able to make a difference.  

  How to Mentor Someone Here On Steemit

  •   look for someone who is new and that could use some guidance.   
  • In your comments to their blog post, after giving positive feedback, give some advice as to what they can do to improve.   
  • Be specific in your recommendations and give examples or links if possible.   
  • Follow up on their next article and do the same so that they can continue to get better.  
  • upvote good comments that you receive by newbies on your posts so that they receive a "tip" and are thereby encouraged to curate.    
  • Rinse and repeat!

  A Real Life Example  

  I’d like to introduce you to @patelincho.  She wrote a post and advertised it on the boards at @patelincho sounded so frustrated and about to give up but on the other hand her tone was of a humble person willing to learn. I decided to reach out to her!

Here is her post and just watch what happened with some mentoring!

Her English is not perfect but it gives her a unique character that she can spotlight!

This is My Response to Her Cry For Help!

Notice her humble response " I will be around to learn" and as she put it: "Thnx for the advices".

She Also Thanked Me In And I Gave Her More Advice There!

As she says she put the advice into practice and check out her posts!

These Are Her Recent Results With A Bit of Help!

She started showing her Bulagarian side with a visit to her parents new born rabbits and a Bulgarian recipe!

Wow You Did It @patelincho!

Of course let's be realistic. It's unlikely that all of her posts will make almost $200.00 but imagine how she feels. Imagine how I feel. Imagine how YOU could feel.

I'm still following up and I'm still making suggestions. I honestly hope that she has even more success than me! If she does we'll all benefit!

I'm not saying that I'm the only one that helped @patelincho as she herself says that she received plenty of help. I do however make it a practice to try and assist those that are willing to learn.

Are You Mentoring Other Steemers to Help Us All Succeed? 

If you are, good for you and keep up the great work! If not, I'm confident that you're anxious to give it a try so that we will all benefit........ and that includes you!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


This was the best post I've seen you do kus-knee! I can also see from it a similar attitude to your brother. You two must have had some really great parents who taught you the value of generosity. Your warm heart and empathetic attitude towards others is expressed very well in what you wrote here, and I'm sure it will inspire many others who read it. It is an excellent model of behavior that will go a long way towards making this platform better and more attractive.

Good Job!!!

Wow thanks! Very kind words, whatever I know or do I learned from others.

Hey Old Dog....

I consider this post of yours to be so inspirational and motivating for our community that I have decided to promote it (out of my own pocket) to the front page.

Hopefully many more community members will now get a chance to read it and benefit us all thereby!

Wow! I'm speechless....thanks so much. My real wish is that some of the tired souls here will see that THEY can do it too!

Sounds good. I like the positivity of this site!

That's so so nice of you to help ! ❣this community! I still believe it's like a lottery here so , I don't even think about rewards when I write my stories .I would never give up anyways and don't take low results personal at all. It's rewarding to meet so many wonderful people I would never know off otherwise. The other day I was amazed that somebody just sent $$ my way and called me His steemer of the week . That's incredible!

What a great attitude! Have fun, read, write, learn and earn. We learn a lot reading but wow do we ever learn when we write!
What a great experience you had as someone's Steemers of the week. No doubt much deserved!

I spend it all on radiosteem 🎶🎶😝

By the way I'm just over at your page looking at your posts. Lot's of very nice material there. You've won me over as a follower!

Oh wow ! That made my morning . I am stoked for every single comment like this. It keeps me going and maybe I get back to write more personal stuff again. I have my ups and downs with insecurities due to my language barrier and being too critical about myself . I feel , I am in baby steps becoming a good writer instead of a present "mediocre" style . It's my main goal staying on this platform . 🌸 To become a bad ass Mammasitta

@kus -knee Upvoted because this is the kind of article I resonate with and wish would dominate Steemit. One that lifts others up and not drag them down.

Some authors have mentored me, too and that made me feel welcomed in the community - @tiffjane and @oaldamster are a few to mention.
And little did they know they've created a positive ripple effect because I've decided to pay it forward and already am. If only this kind of aura and behaviors would dominate Steemit - it would be such an ocean with crystal clear water - you're right everyone could just succeed! Lovely post!
And for this you are worth following! Cheers!

Wow thanks so much and really if we all focus on being positive, (while realistic) and on HELPING others and adding value we will ALL benefit. Your comment was a thing of beauty. Thanks again!

@kus-knee on - "adding value to people's lives - we all benefit " makes me think you're a warrior? Does "Ahooo~" ring a bell to you? (and I'll understand if you find this one weird but it's an honest question.)
on being positive and staying realistic - I get you there and I agree on that, too.

No but I'm by nature extremely curious so I googled it but couldn't get the reference. I headed over to look at your blog! Compliments!

@kus-knee - I see, I haven't posted anything about it but thanks a lot for visiting my posts ... warrior or not I like the message you are spreading here !
And I high 5d back :)

Intaking and mentoring people is going to be a big part of Steemit as it continues to grow. People will be able to build entire businesses around it on just this one platform.

Great points, thanks for your input!

Nice work @kus-knee.
I've been trying to be used to encourage and guide newcomers as well. Looks like your help paid off for this lady. Excellent job and thanks for encouraging others to do likewise!

So do I upvote this now and hope it is successful, or later?

Now and then we all succeed!

@papa-peper, you've been a huge encouragement to me! Thanks!

I'm mentoring some users in, when I see someone asking for basic help there.

Additionally, I brought two people here on Steemit and one of them, after a little struggle, is currently able to learn average 50/100 SBD a day (much more than I actually do!).

I love to hear stories like yours and I'm also following you and some other friends on the Italian

Thank you so much, I forgot to follow you back but now I did it :)

Unfortunately, some talented people have few patience and as they see a little lack of interest, immediately start thinking about giving up.

Great advice. I've also found it helps to carefully walk people who I introduce to steemit through the stuff that they are unfamiliar with, and check in with them periodically to make sure they're finding what they need to make this platform work for them.

Good points. It helps if you live near each other or you can do it over Skype like my mentor did with me. I'll be showing one of my friends the ropes soon and I hope that he can have fun, learn and maybe even earn!

That's great @kus-knee.
There should be a friendly and helpful environment here on steemit, and thanks to people like you, there is.
I'm looking forward to seeing more people rise to the top!

Thanks for your kind words and your great attitude!

Thnk you @kus-knee for your advise to have funn ! Also want to thnks to the @fyrstikken whum help me with stiling and the all of you i meet in the SteemSpeak radio :)

I'm so happy for your success!

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