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RE: The Old Dog Asks: Are You Mentoring Other Steemers to Help Us All Succeed?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

That's so so nice of you to help ! ❣this community! I still believe it's like a lottery here so , I don't even think about rewards when I write my stories .I would never give up anyways and don't take low results personal at all. It's rewarding to meet so many wonderful people I would never know off otherwise. The other day I was amazed that somebody just sent $$ my way and called me His steemer of the week . That's incredible!


What a great attitude! Have fun, read, write, learn and earn. We learn a lot reading but wow do we ever learn when we write!
What a great experience you had as someone's Steemers of the week. No doubt much deserved!

I spend it all on radiosteem 🎶🎶😝

By the way I'm just over at your page looking at your posts. Lot's of very nice material there. You've won me over as a follower!

Oh wow ! That made my morning . I am stoked for every single comment like this. It keeps me going and maybe I get back to write more personal stuff again. I have my ups and downs with insecurities due to my language barrier and being too critical about myself . I feel , I am in baby steps becoming a good writer instead of a present "mediocre" style . It's my main goal staying on this platform . 🌸 To become a bad ass Mammasitta

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