First Birthday 🍰 on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago


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Today marks 365 days on this platform.

There have been many moments to remember, but you are the best part of it all. Happy Birthday also to Minnow Support Project

Yesterday, I noticed balloons.

My favorite Steemit moment was writing this post. Kubby for MSP Moderator. I have painted all the walls I could find with pink since then. Meet Your Mods: @kubbyelizabeth and find out how I convince everyone that joy and pink go hand in hand.

Needless to say, the leadership team has been beyond patient with me. I often wonder how Steemians before my time connected with members beyond comments and content are written?

Writing a daily blog has given me a voice. My Friends call me Kubby and still do, some have even considered joining that platform, and most wonder about my blogging friends. Speaking of which, this first year was all about finding my voice in writing. I found it, lost it, attempted to dress it up at times. Ultimately, I think my next venture will be in writing about my travels.

Like many saturated markets, travel blogs, fashion blogs, and crypto blogs are filled with analysis, poems, and stories. We shall see what stories come my way as I travel to you. Meeting Steemians will be my obvious highlights. I wonder how many more I will meet in the coming years.

I love knowing you!

Meeting people online hasn't always been my favorite past time. Then I started blogging and I find where all the cool kids hide online. As I expected, many have come and gone. Many have come, gone, and returned. Many have ventured into other groups, started new groups, and left those groups too. People are interesting that way. They float in and out of our lives like the wind. Every year, I have had the privilege of meeting new people. Similar to new social media platforms. Not everyone we meet stays in touch, but we all stay connected online in some shape or form.

What's next then?

Not sure, how many more trips I can squeeze in. How many more fundraisers can we run? How many people can we help? Friends we can make and projects we can assist in? I have learned, that doing one project, with one group, without change or improvement isn't for me. I love to float around and help where there is a need. Then when the need is filled move on to the next one. Some of these projects will join forces, some of these projects will grow, and some of these projects will die out. All of which is fine, we grow, adapt, and change.

This past year has all been about change. Change in time, changes in careers, the inspiration to travel, and in the end I lived. Change now seems less scary of a word. I will say, that time has proven to be a double blessing. I don't think change when unwanted will be less challenge, but I do think it does tend to lead to better outcomes than expected.

I will say this whole working in an office is great for funding, but so time constricting for actual random trips. Since these last few days, I've noticed that writing down dreams makes them come alive. I've decided to create a dream list for next year.

Year two Dream List

  1. Become a whale
  2. Create a Steemit related tool
  3. Join/Create a witness team
  4. Be known for engagement efforts
  5. Travel to meet 17 Steemains
  6. Make the trending page
  7. Attend Steamfest

What are your blogging dreams from 2019?

It is only six months away, are you chipping away at your goals?

What are you most grateful for in the time you started blogging? If you could be remembered for one trait, which would you wish it could be? Most people will mention the people they have loved, they have left, and everyone in between, but who do you wish to meet?

sireh kubby.jpg


Happy Birthday Kubby! I'm very glad steemit brought us together.

Also, 17 is a very specific number.

It's my birthday number so everything in my world surrounds the number! So, glad to have met you!

Feliz Cumpleaños girly girl!

We hope to see you in Steemfest too =) and if you decide to travel to Panama, well you will be able to meet more than 1 steemian here!

What you live in panama too? I’m going to visit @choogirl there when she buys her new place!

nice, well let me know in advance!

Happy anniversary Kubby and I look forward to see what else that you come up with.

Thank you so much, I am excited to see what else comes up again!

Happy 1st Steemit Bday 🎂🎂🎂🎂

Thank you so much and you brought cake! You are awesome! <3

Happy steem-iversary kubby!!

THANK you so much ma1neevent, you are on my list of people to meet. Let make this happened before my next birthday shall we?

wowowowo happy anniversaryyyyy ... Many many happy returns :)


Woohoo! Happy anniversary Kubby! I truly support the make-Kubby-a-whale movement. :D

ahahha, indeed you are awesome on so many levels! How did I get so luck in finding you?!

YEAH!! Happy Birthday!

Happy 1st birthday and hoping for many more! Looking forward to contining see your journey!

Thank you, I am excited to see where you will be next year too!

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