Write your dreams into existence...

in #life6 years ago

I heard a sermon about dreams then I found a list

Every at some point, I write a recap of the previous year.

Sometimes I add dreams I wish to accomplish. Sometimes I write about dreams I had accomplished. Sometimes I just make list. This particular list had a very specific request in each line. I was looking into each of those items and remember resolving to conquer one by one.

What I failed to remember is that I had written them down at all. Today when I found that list I was in awe. I then realized every wish, desire, and dream I’ve ever written down has come true. Not always in the way I expected or hoped for.

If all your dreams come true, what comes next?

It was time to start writing my big dreams. Even the ones that were already in the works. If writing them down helped me achieve them, pray harder for them to come true, and helped me remember them when I had nothing to lose.

I wrote down Europe in August.
I wrote down Australia in December.

  • Landlord by 2019.
  • Full plant-based vegan cooking.
  • Healthy skin.

Then I wrote down my current working situation and the various versions/dreams of what I want it to look like when I work. Or how I wanted work to fit into my lifestyle. I don’t think I wrote down North Carolina, but that’s definitely in the works. Maybe now as soon as we thought since I didn’t think to write it down, but moving is going to happen.

I wrote down words that I hope aren’t in the beginning phases when I find this list again. I plan on rewriting this in the coming month to see if it’s still the same. I once read or heard that if you make a list of dreams. Then in the following week make a new list. The items that reappear are the ones that are truly important to you or actively being work towards. Have you heard of something like this?

My last list was from a little over a year ago. My whole world is different now. I hope to say the say next year.



I see Europe and Australia and I start to wonder how many different continents have you been to? Would be amazing to see you visit them all at least once. No pressure ,visiting Antarctica would be a bit chilly!

You know smalls, you always come up genius ideas. I’ve only been to Brazil so far, so after this year three continents five to go!

I think you are a bit closer than that after this year!

  • North America (check)
  • South America (brazil, check)
  • Europe (check)
  • Australia (check)
  • Africa
  • Asia
    Antarctica (not quite sure how realistic this one even is. There tends to be expeditions costing a fair amount of money for something like that.)

That just leaves realistically Asia and Africa. You could around the global in only a couple of years! Maybe they will have Steemfest if it has not already been set up in one of these locations!

You should get into vision boards!

You see I tried that and making one isn’t my creative strength. I made one for work online and that worked, but maybe next year will be different

I have a digital one that's my background pic on my laptop. I just found images/quotes that speak to me and made a collage in this. Super easy and I look at it every day. I can tick off a bunch of things already but it's still working for me so I'm not ready to update it yet.


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Seems writing them down gives you that nice bit of focus you need to work it into reality :D


This is true for me. Is it true for you too? Do you write things down and that helps you make them happen??

Pretty much everything aside from the occasional bloggy thing that I write is fiction. I kind of usually have to go with the flow on a lot of things as often whenever I try to push anything to happen it fails, sometimes spectacularly.


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