Blessings come in two's

in #life6 years ago

God where are you?

In the whisper of my silent prayer and in the roar on your omnipresence.

God keeps showing up and in this season he is a blessing in double. I once heard someone say that death comes in threes. I didn’t believe, but I kept count in threes. It’s not a biblical saying by any means. I just wonder if death comes in three does blessing come in doubles?

God is found in fellowship.

My best friend and I met ten years ago. As a typical teen surfer if from low self-esteem my brave new Friend became my God-given Friend. My G.G.F was coined. You see when we meet I hated myself and she expressed a great loss. Her father died. The next five years were of many disappointments and loss.

Then I came home from college. She married her husband. We both started getting opportunities to travel, to save, and to dream. It was scary. Any time we would become hopeful the situation would worsen.

Then I lost my job and she did too. I spent a week break from searching for a job she spent two. Then we spent a week praying together. She found a temporary job and I received a full-time offer. This all happened a week apart. Two months later I interviewed for a new position, she interviews the next day. We get the jobs a week apart. Both making more money, both approved three weeks off to travel, and our blessings come in twos.

God is found in small coincidence

We even ended in the same Greek restaurant one night.

God keeps showing up for us. What are the odds we would both find work in the same area? That would allow us to have lunch together every day. We could encourage and pray for each other. We would drive home together. We would share so much life together.

I start my new job June 11, my sister starts hers June 10, and I’m sure she’ll start around then too. We are in awe of how the first half of this year challenged our core and how the second half put us in awe. In my Sunday post I talk about having big dreams. In my wish list post I wrote about all my wishes coming true.

On top of all that, this year I turn 27! Ten seventeen is my favorite number and now I am privileged to add another ten. The play on numbers makes me joyous. I can only pray stability will come, but if it doesn’t I’m excited about the blessing that challenges my core. This new job will allow me to buy my homes. This new job will allow me to travel. This new job will help me relocate.

God is found.

It’s officially half of the year and I’m pumped for the rest of it. How do you feel about it so far? How are you doing? Did you experience a ton of change in your twenties? Is this normal or just life?



Hello, thanks for sharing a personal part of your life. I really hope your new job works out and if it doesn't there was probably just a lesson in it :)

The number 3 is interesting in mathematics, its the first whole number greater then 1 that can't be split cleanly. I wonder if there is a secret to number 3.

When I hit 24 I experienced a big change, for me this was the age I realised I needed to stand tall and be proud and settled on who i was, it was accepting who i always was in the first place...Probably doesn't make a heap of sense - probably better to say, the person you are now, your deep value sets and beliefs are largely who you will be for the rest of your life now, and that person is a fantastic person with heaps to offer!

Nothing is just handed to us in life, we all need to learn and work for it - At your age (27) I realised I needed to stop measuring myself against others and instead push myself to be the best person I could be.


I think to change at our core we need something drastic, even spiritual. Could you see a change in your life when look back at each passing decade?

Sort of...well for me, when your 17 your personality sets.
When your 27 your identity is set
When your 37 your path in life is kind of set, well at least the options are fully clear.
I'll let you know on 47 :)

What do you think?

I disagree, we may become more stubborn with age, but I’ve seen radical change at older ages. Some people have changed countries in their 30s and then again in their forties. I think with each decade the limits of our lives are dependent on the individual

Seeing the path and walking it are two different things.

For me at least, with age came clearer vision, the truth (hence why you see more people making changes when they are growing older as you say).

In my younger decades the available options for me were actually always there, I just didn't see them clearly...probably not making much sense.

From a spiritual point of view, faith grows stronger as you go along, you can see the beauty and the depth of design in things more clearly- Still you barely scratch the surface in truly understanding our reality, its design and ultimate purpose. I'm less attracted to "people" created things, and more attracted to natural systems and design, the truly beautiful

This is such a touching post. I’m so happy for you, your sister and your friend! I always believe that everything happens for a reason. This year I learned to surrender , let go and let God... have Faith that He knows what’s best for us. Time is Perfect! Wish you all the best on your new journey. I’m moving to Ft. Lauderdale June 15th... blessings to new beginnings🙏🏻❤️😊

You are going to love it down there and I’ll come visit you whenever you like :) miss you!!

Tienes una vida por delante, eres una luchadora y triunfadora. Nunca desmayes antes las adversidades, dios estará a siempre a tu lado.

Hello @kubbyelizabeth I am delighted to have discovered you and to browse through a couple of your posts. Your brief bio grabbed my attention as I am a great fan of Charles Swindoll. be able to write like him! The scripture you provide in Proverbs 21:2 is one we need to read often as it is so correct. Our own self righteousness prevents us from being truly free and to be the individuals God intends us to be.

This is a very encouraging post and it is great to know that God sent a special friend to you who was able to see your potential and help you be the person you are today. I look forward to reading more of the wisdom implanted in your heart. Blessings. (Following)

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