Meet Your Mods: @kubbyelizabeth

in #meetyourmods7 years ago (edited)

When you're a parent you know better than to love one kid more than another. Sometimes they love you more than the other parent, but that's different. One of my favorite quotes in the world I believe to be an anonymous quote, but I saw this while wandering the halls looking for sales on a University campus "Love is asymmetric. Men love women. Women love their kids. Kids love butterflies." In the right mood I'm laughing and crying at the same time to that.

Anyway, I know I'm supposed to be impartial in leading MSP, but I have to make a total exception here. I love Kubby. She's amazing. She has energy for days. She is kind. She is thoughtful. She is inquisitive. She's adorbs. She's funny. She's charming. She's a constant source of joy for me. If my daughters grow up to be like Kubby I'll be one of the happiest dad's in the world (already am!!!).

Kubby, you make me smile on bad days. You make me laugh just about every day. I feel appreciated and welcome when you're around. I am grateful to see you when you're here. Thanks for being my buddy. Thanks for being a mod.

So, at this point it should be clear that it's my heartfelt pleasure to introduce you to Kubby Elizabeth aka Muh KUBBY!!!!

When did you hear about the MSP?

@kubbyelizabeth: I heard of MSP through Scaredycat a couple of days after joining. So, sometime late June or early July.

Why did you join the MSP?

@kubbyelizabeth: I joined MSP because a friend invited me. Like many before me, I came to meet people and network. At first it was all about spamming people to upvote my posts. I quickly learned it was a lot more effective to not do that. With all the competitions going on, it was more fun to give than to receive. I love going into Discord and promoting my friends posts and contests. It is so much fun to surprise others with SP and SBD. I make it my mission to always win. Win for those that lose, win for those that feel left out, win for those that haven't figured it out. MSP- where we join together to give to those we value for their efforts.

What do you think is the best aspect of the MSP?

@kubbyelizabeth: The best aspect of MSP are the moderators and witnesses. They are gems. So talented, so funny, and so loving. They know so much about the platform and want others to thrive in it. They spend every day, multiple hours a day ensuring someone has benefited from MSP. They are what we stand for and are the reason we thrive every day. I hope to learn their ways and be as positive of an influence as they. My second favorite aspect are all the radio shows we have. Anyone who hasn’t tuned in, needs to!

You're a moderator what does that mean to you?

@kubbyelizabeth: Being a moderator means using my skills and talents to enhance the community. My goal is to make someone feel loved, supported, and appreciated. I LOVE marketing and networking. I know no stranger and have yet to run out of questions for any person I have ever met.

I, like many moderators, find people to be interesting and love helping them feel like part of the community. Although I do many similar tasks as the other moderators, my goal is to use my gift to spread joy and awareness of how our members could do the same. Each member that joins is amazing and has something of value to say or do. I make it my mission to find out what he or she are passionate about and help them share it with the group. We are stronger together. The more minnows that join, the more diversified we become, the more we can give back.

What's your service project?

@kubbyelizabeth: My service project is to recruit new members into our community, and recruit current members into other projects. My main focus will be on recruiting new members into various MSP-related projects. I will help fill the needs of other projects within our community.

I will hunt for friends near and far until every single one of them knows about MSP and has joined us. I know no stranger; just friends that I have yet to meet. I will be searching high and low for talented individuals. See, this community is about working together to let us grow faster together. In order to do that, we need Steemit users of all types. Trust me, there is a place for you to add value.

How much time do you spend on MSP stuff?

@kubbyelizabeth: When I am off work, over 12 hours, and when I am on my regular schedule, roughly six to eight hours. Either way, I pick one day a week to completely log off.

Why does it matter to you so much?

@kubbyelizabeth: Many on this platform need a friend. We all share a similar core value to give and be generous. I think this is due to the fact that we give to others because we have been given much. I care about people, and any time I find a group of people that believe in uplifting others, then I want in. You can’t be everything to everyone, but what you can be will mean everything to someone.

We need some channel mods, why should people do it?

@kubbyelizabeth: People should become channel mods because even without the title, they are already performing the duties of a channel mod. With the title, they would be empowered to go a step further.

If people are dedicated to a particular channel already, why wouldn't they want the official role as channel mod? With the title, they will continue to do all the same activities PLUS become empowered to enforce the the integrity of the channel. If you are on Discord, if you love chatting, if you want to help guide and engage with others, then become a channel mod.

What excites you about Steemit?

@kubbyelizabeth: The people excite me. The leadership excites me. The various projects excite me. I am excited! Our friends at MSP/PAL have so much knowledge to share. The fact that each member is unique and participating in various projects only helps me enhance my communication skills, creative talents, and network. One cannot have too many friends.

What's a long term vision for where Steemit is going?and how do you fit into that?

@kubbyelizabeth: My long-term vision for Steemit is exactly what we see today. There are many ideas being discussed, many tools being created, and many groups being formed. I see Steemit growing and adapting with the community. As more join, more ideas flow, and more processes will improved. I see myself growing with the community and bringing many with me.
Over time as my skills improve, I will be helping to take those ideas and make them into a reality. I see myself helping connect people to people to create a strong community.

What can MSP be doing better?

@kubbyelizabeth: To quote @sircork, we have 5000 minnows, and 50 core chat users. Thats a big gap. (also not accurate numbers, more of a generalization for effect) - so somewhere between 500 people who make full use of the community and 4500 who just come for the bots, we have an opportunity to achieve more community and less gathered up individuals. If that makes any sense. When you join a large group, it's a good idea to find a buddy.

However, to take it one step further, I think this is not only what MSP could be doing better, but what all members could be doing better.

How can minnows contribute to the system and grow their accounts?

@kubbyelizabeth: There is a fun game I play. When I feel that I am not growing, I challenge myself with five challenges. The first challenge is to comment on 20 people’s posts: ten from my followers that I have not already interacted with, and ten completely new people. The second challenge is to chat with new people on Discord. Find someone new and befriend them and connect with them. The third challenge is to find 20 more people to comment on their posts. This has to be friends of friends, so I go see who my followers are reading. The fourth challenge is to join a contest. The fifth challenge is to advocate for a Steemit member that I feel could use some extra exposure.

I don’t always go in this order, but these are the five challenges I set for myself to ensure people know that I am here, I am reading, and I am adding value, but also that I want to give to you first. I want you to know that I see value in your content, and that usually triggers people to help me do the same.

If you want to grow and you are already posting regularly with quality content then continue to do that, but add it to.

What else would you want to share here?

@kubbyelizabeth: I love you all so much. I truly spend time in prayer for many on here, and I value your friendship. You also are valuable and mean something to someone. You are worth more than the upvotes you get. You are worth more than the followers that follow you.

What you love, what you are passionate about, what you believe and hold as a core value is what makes you unique. Don’t try to be like someone, always be better because no one can do what you do like you do.

Pastor Jeremy from North Point Church in Missouri said it best.
“The power of community is understanding the healthy relationships and in two words, me too. In community, hang up’s become a handle for others to connect. The two most powerful words in community are me too. I have been there; I am there, me too. A stranger becomes a friend when they say, “me too.” There is power in community. You impress people with your strength, you connect people with weakness. In community, moments become memories. When you intentionally spend time with people, it becomes a memory.”

Spend time here and over time you will stay for the people.

Kubby, it was a pleasure to interview you. Thank you for your responses. You're loved, respected, and really a truly fantastic person. Thanks for being here and adding some good vibes to our lives.


@kubbyelizabeth I love you for days and she's one of the sweetest people I know on Steemit. Thank you for the interview ❤🌹 we love you! Resteemed.

LOL, I love Kubby Too!
She makes me feel like her own personal "service project" just about every time we are logged on simultaneously :D KUBBY ROCKS!!!

Naw, your comments about @kubbyelizabeth are soooo sweet! And @kubbyelizabeth you are very inspiring. One comment I want to make about using discord as a newbie... it can sometimes feel like you are a stranger walking into a room full of people who are already friends. It's nice to know there is a friendly mod there to chat to. @choogirl is also amazing at that :)

I felt exactly this way when I joined, like I was intruding, but trust me just jump in and say hi, that's how chat goes you'll make friends in no time!

Kubby rocks. And thank you @seajai. Also where you been? I haven't seen you in a while.

Busy with work, kids exercise... School hols this week so off camping. Should be back online more next week :)

@seajai I just won you 500sp for 4 weeks in the shane & muxxy sliderfest.

WHAT?!?!? What do I need to do???

Nice to meet you in this great introduction post @kubbyelizabeth!!

The first place I signed up for after joining Steemit was the Minnowsupport channel on Discord. It does exactly what it says on the tin - support for minnows!

They offer really great support for all newcomers and for those who have been around for some time. There seems to be someone to help at all times whether it is day or night(anywhere in the world!).

The moderators are the most patient and helpful people around. If there are a string of questions at any time, each one of them makes it a point to scroll up and start answering each of the questions - unlike other channels where, if your questions happens to be the first one asked, may not even get answered or seen.

It would be great if you could please check out my Missing Steemit FAQ, my latest post.

nice vibes... steemit would love to have a positive like you have here.

@kubbyelizabeth you are one of the favorite MODs of the BOTTY :]

Keep up the good work and BOTTY will love you more.

OMgsh, Me too ;)

The five challenges really spoke to me. They seem very "doable" and doesn't feel overwhelming when I break them down. I'm definitely going to try this!

Let me know how it works out for you!

I've already started today. I have two more followers!

Look at you superstar! Keep it up and let me know more about your success. It is great to see people so active. Have you considered voting for more witness as well? Like Aggored, Ausbitbank, followBTCnews? What are your thoughts?

I am unclear exactly what witnesses do. Can you refer me to a good source for an explanation? I look forward to having a better understanding of Steemit and being more active here.

Being a witness means something different to each witness, but here is a good article to give you a general idea as to why they are important and why you should give your votes to those you believe will help the community.

This is a good read:--->

This is good too:--->

Let me know what you think. I personally follow @timcliff, he post updates on active witness and is always engaging in conversation on various topics.

Oh these are great! Too bad I can't resteem them. I'm going to look into a few witnesses more closely. Something that I did not see addressed. Do you know if one can change their vote down the road?

Of course you can. You are free to vote and unvote at any time!

The wonderfully adorable Kubby Mod. You go girl! Glad to be able to share some discord space with you! Keep being the positive change you want to see in the world. You do a great job!

Challenging yourself in a game like fashion is a great idea. And it works!

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