"I want you, do you want me? - Kubby for MSP Moderator"


Dearest MSP,

My dream came true, but lets start from the beginning…

I ventured into this community singing, dancing, and screaming for attention. I was hunting for my turn to play with all the new friends. So many new names, I couldn’t wait to meet them all.

I was quickly greeted, encouraged, and finally made PINK!

My super Girl Power pink became very mighty and bright.

This community is filled with talented writers, programmers, and jokesters. Their talents and interests stretch as far and wide as the seas. See some of my favorites below.

@swelker101 is the first member to push me to become more involved and become a greeter.

For his patience I shall forever torture him as a mentor. Also Vote for his witness HERE

@uniwhisp was the first to ask me to be on her radio show. (Another dream come true)

She is always an inspiration and a blast to talk to. Check her out HERE

@choogirl was the first to become my most faithful reader

She is my yoga sister. A faithful friend and soon to be travel buddy. Check Her out HERE

@scaredycatguide was the one who brought me to steemit & discord

I am a huge fan of his work and his #1 fan. Don’t let him tell you otherwise!
Buy his Book HERE

There are a few thousand more members on top of those.

They have made my journey so rewarding. Having them help me register and earn my title as a Member, encouraging me to apply for the Greeter role, and patiently walking me through the entire process. As I grew and was able to delegate they never hesitated to help walk through the process of adding my support and becoming a Delegator. Yet, none of those titles fit my mission, nor fit my purpose, or even fit my greatest gift to the community.

What can I offer this community?

Well, I am glad you asked. As the founding member of TEAM GIRL POWER, my main bright pink girl power title empowers me to go on secret missions.. A force like no other. With a goal to make someone feel loved, supported, and appreciated. The ultimate goal being to make someone smile. To shine my bright pink light on the unknown and challenge the norm.

You, my MSP friends, and I share a similar core value.

I went on an adventure inviting people to join, walking them through the process, and challenging them to give more than they receive. Little did I know that my efforts had been noticed, appreciated, and needed. Then I received an invitation and a desire of my heart has finally come to fruition.

I WAS FINALLY ASKED if I would be interested in becoming a moderator. INTERESTED I am! I am also so very passionate about helping other minnows. Like many before me, my daily efforts of helping others, adding value, and spreading joy has been recognized.

And for that I thank you!

My community project…

My main focus will be on recruiting new members into various MSP related projects. I will help fill the need of other projects within our community. I will hunt for friends near and far until every single one of them know about MSP and have joined us. I know no stranger. Just friends that I have yet to meet. I will be searching high and low for talented individuals. See, this community is about working together to let us grow faster together. In order to do that, we need Steemit users of all types. Trust me, there is a place for you to add value.

To share about your passions, and meet amazing people that you soon will call friends.

I will help you find each other

If you are a minnow and not already part of the PALnet Discord server, what are you waiting for?

Join here: https://discord.gg/XqVMRCr

If you would love to see my dream come true. Leave a comment below with your support. It would be an honor to serve as one of your moderators!



Like a breath of fresh air you walked into our lives Kubby. I'm immensely grateful you're here. I'm so proud of you, and I know you're going to make a fantastic moderator and excel at bringing new people and their talents to our digital home. I fully support!!!!

Woo-hoo, now it's a party. Growing and learning as one strong unit. So honored to have your support and to officially be apart of the time.

You have my support. Also, DAMN you make a good looking post.

yeah she does!!! @kubby will you give me lessons?

I say do it, time to make this kid work for her living under our roof ;)

Love ya Kub. Good luck on the quest.

Finally time to work together you mean. Team work makes the dream work. Thanks for the support. ♥♥♥

LOL, how you said it sounds better. :P


Because I am better by your side <3

Somebody has to stand there <3

Yeah there's a line, I just skipped everyone and stood in front. :)

I'll allow it. :)

I 2nd that motion.

Finally! Can't wait for you to join the crew :)

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love working by your side! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I think we are building a dream team, lol its gonna be awesome!

We are the DREAM TEAM!

You have my love and undying support ❤️

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Well, I hope you know that you have my love, support, etc etc. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

There are some interesting ninjas on Steemit, you are by far the most interesting! How you manage to stay on top of it all amazes me! Well done! You have my vote and know you will do a great job at it! =)

Awww, Blushing Thank you very much my friend!

You are always welcome! =) 100% support all the way!

Congratulations on being a moderator! I didn't know there were moderators here. I guess I still don't know what's going on. I admit it, lol!

She has become a moderator for a group of Steemit users on the chat platform Discord called the Minnow Support Project. See their website here, it's a good resource for meeting some of the most active users on Steemit:


Thank you very much, come hang out with us!

Kubby 4 Mod. Has my support. Few people bring light to the darkness like Kubby entering a chatroom. She also said I had to leave a heart, so here goes :revolving_hearts: :heart: nope? <3

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ You did so well, thank you for the support my friend! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Going all the way down the rabbit hole....wishing you the best :-)

What am I doing to myself here, help me!!

This is why everyone loves you, you are willing to do that stuff. Keep me away from the drama lol ;-)

Omgsh, did you just give me a compliment? I think that was a compliment. Faints in disbelief

You got my vote! Good luck!!! :-)

Thank you very much!

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