The Mysterious Motives Of @MisterDelegation? 18MIL. SP ๐Ÿ’ธ

in #steemit โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

Hi fellow content creators,

How quickly does the shit roll down hill? ๐Ÿ’ฉ

Do we even pay attention to blockchain politics?

Someone once said that the bots will kill Steemit..

In my case @spaminator served some perfectly timed AWARENESS! ๐Ÿ˜ณ Today's content is a continuation from yesterday's post: Who the Fuck are the Spaminators!!?๐Ÿ–•

I'm not suggesting a huge conspiracy here, just looking under the hood a bit. Not even in a suspicious manner. I believe you have "good intentions" and I'd be slacking if I ignored quizzing the finer details of motivation for all that hard work. Is it just to police the unsavory types? - It all started here..

If it wasn't for the hint of "control" I felt from the @spaminator.. ๐Ÿค–

I would never have followed up on @misterdelegation which lead me back to pretty boy @ned and in turn had me curious about what he's doing to extinguish all this FUD? Instead of finding any inspiration, I was rocking and responding to my own echo chamber.

So today it feels poignant to invite fellow bloggers on a little walk and talk. This rabbit hole leads back to a 2 day ago conversation that feels super important to share..

Grab your life jackets and follow on!

No one likes to think that all their good intentions have been bought and paid for right?

My heart goes to all the well intended volunteers who gifted time and energy (as we all do) for what we each see subjectively as service to the whole. Many generous minds with great ideas have consistently worked hard here. The @steemcleaners gang for example, self-appointed spam sheriff's just doing their best in the wild west. As we all are right? We all wish to build the value of STEEM (and thus Stinc) for the prosperity of the "greater Steem community".

So what happens when well respected members of our greater community ask for some transparency. You know, good-willing efforts to innerstand the challenges we are facing. Even offering assistance to help support an integral and central hub, a majority holding member of our family.. one that must still be hurting from a 70% broken heart?

"It is a also a difficult time for the bloggers, content creators and steem users that are not developers." - paulag

Side note: Did you know there's a whole industry built around friendly "voluntourists" visiting impoverished parts of the world. Many even pay out of their own pockets to go on these missions. Very few get compensated for what they are worth, though it's all about service and giving right? I'm not saying they aren't helping those worse off, I'm saying they definitely feel like they are. Their "sacrifice" of holiday time to put more skin in the game than others, obviously makes them more important to the cause.

Anyway what was I saying? Oh yeah, the do-good factor is a strong self-appreciating asset that many of these so called charities count on. Imagine if they also found a way to tokenized that good-will? You know, shared some dusty crumbs and awards. Or even better, appoint them jobs from their homes so they don't have to disturb their own lives too much.

You know like those helpful unbiased Facebook "influencers". At what point does that become a business though? You know like a private businesses? Like a Cambridge Analytica? Oh yeah silly me, when they generate profits and resist audits. Ok back to here.. what was the point?

Ahh thanks here's mister delegation's response laying it out clearly..

STEEM = a decentralized blockchain. We know this, if not sit up. Steem, Steemit and Steemit, Inc. are clearly distinct and not misleading entities at all duh? We were all forewarned, informed and appreciative of what a 50+ MILLION SP worth of pre-mined "influence" means on a decentralized blockchain right? ๐Ÿ˜‚

No? Ok it means play ball, wear the uniform and dance how you're told. That's if you ever want to be paid/delegated and even more so if you wish to witness and stay in the top 20. Meanwhile, don't look while those who claim to protect the very infrastructure of the platform power down..

"Otherwise more will power down every time you speak.." - ceattlestretch

"By continuously selling you are damaging their investment" - isacoin

"We've already lost so many users, we shouldn't dare to loose even more" - surfermarly

We still have freedom to power down right?

So what does this mean if you're part of the 99%? You know, those who came here sold on the idea of freedom and liberty. Those who I dunno, invited, promoted and shilled the ideas central to STEEM to all your friends and loved ones. What of all those hours you've tirelessly given to attempt to get a footing on the blockchain? What if you came here to play and not get played? Well first we better wise up and learn who's backing who, who reps your set?

Some wise words shared between some of the most respected in the community.

If you got a exit strategy you better drill. If you got advise you might want to share. What I see on the horizon is a big effort is needed. Some home truths to sink in and then a willingness to stand for voluntarism and dig in or find your way to greener pastures. Either way educate and elevate your perspective. Form groups and help take care and inform each other.

I love those who have stamina and compassion to keep reaching for solutions..

Don't forget Notorious Dan got your back, sure he left us with P.B Neddy though he still works hard for the vision. Bitshares has been here and EOS is steadily taking shape. Thanks to @officialfuzzy @alexpmorris and dev team at @whaleshares we already have a strong, fully functioning rescue ship.. ready to board. It's even equipped with community tokens.. just like SMTs.

I still have maximum respect for donkeypong and all the Steemians I've quoted.

Personally I'm here and loyal to the people, to be an example that blogging can be an integral part of a multi-stream online income strategy. A life changing opportunity for blockchain based social media paired with crypto-currency to enrich, empower and improve the lives of every day hard working creators.

Loyalty in Question or Question of Loyalty!!? ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฏ

If the largest stake holders are still on with that vision or not it's important for us to know, prioritize and support each other. I'm not about pooling the power by narrowing our narratives and profiteering off the backs of unsuspecting and good willed working. Fuck that old paradigm.

"Like a Ponzi scheme but you just might get a reply from the ring leader.." - skramatters

Is this all adding to the crypto-currency FUD?

  1. Perhaps but hold on, before I close for the day. Let me put my tin-foil hat on for your entertainment. Would it be such a reach to consider that those who intend to clean up the mess and "protect" us all from abusers are ripe candidates to be "employed" by those very same abusers?

  2. Could the same pump and dump strategy that big money institutes use to gain power over markets be the same underling motives for key STEEM stake holders to sneak around behind alt accounts. Delegating to a few hard working do-gooders who maintain the fight for good of the majority?

  3. Keeping the platform on life support for as long as possible. Not quite dead, not quite free. Does the perpetual beta keep FOMO just high enough to bring in more hopeful investors and "early adopters" scrambling for a head start? How cheap will we voluntarists and volunteers go to keep producing content to promote a private firm?

  4. These are all just unanswered questions I find myself pondering as I consider my own position as well as inform my friends. I'm simply doing what I wished anyone had done for me 2 days ago! ๐Ÿ™„

Well I can say for once I agree with Mr Berniesanders

Sharing serves all, secrets serve few.. I agree with johndoe

That about sums it up from angelinafx

Announcing: I'm officially powering down as of today!

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I don't have much, though maybe more than some. Which I don't know if that makes it easier or harder to make this decision? My point is that I'm not selling.. yet! I'm simply liquidating, though I definitely sense danger in the ocean. I'm keeping one foot on the life boat while holding a torch for others. I know many other full-timers are counting on crypto as much as we are.

Women and children grab your things, it's gonna be a long and daunting 13 weeks. Just know that you don't have to feel sad about disloyalty, powering down is simply moving to a safer position. I'm not "financially advising" anyone to sell or buy anything. I still feel there is great value in this community and I don't believe it's a great idea to sell to the sharks swimming around at the moment, it's simply a precaution.

Whatever happens, I'll be tuning in tonight (Thai-time) to learn and watch as history unfolds right before our eyes. Though I won't be holding my breath for him to even turn up..

Still amazed he picks youtube over @vimm and @dtube, then disables the video wtf?

Ordo Ab Chao

Same strategy works over and over..

Ordo Ab Chao: While philosophically esoteric, the phrase holds closer to the literal movement from darkness into light.. Mackey, in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, describes the phrase, thus: A Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos.

Did you secured a landing pad anywhere else yet?

Do you have faith in the future of Steemit, Inc?

What are you going to do now?

See ya next post.. or comments below!

Thanks for reading my rambles.

Keni ๐Ÿ‘Š

Join our mutual support & co-curation community on discord by clicking here.

My recent posts on Whaleshares:

Who the Fuck are the Spaminators!!?๐Ÿ–• - Hello, I wonder what I'll post about today? Oh I dunno, perhaps I'll check replies first.. What the..? ๐Ÿ™€ Oh the shaaame LOL.. Well now I know what today's post will be. Having just spent my valuable creative time responding..

Tales For The Terrible Twos! ๐Ÿ˜…โœŒ๏ธ - Single parents I salute you forever! ๐Ÿ™ #dadmode I love my mom and respect her choices as a single parent to do her best with what she knew at the time, what options she had around her and what must have been..

Who Are The Real Porn Pirates? Oooh Aaah.. โœŠ๐Ÿ’ฆ - Do I have explicit "permission" to use this content? Do I even know the creators, owners or those depicted in it? Do I care about piracy and how it effects them and our creative rights? Will we ask..

The music video is Redbone - Childish Gambino. It's a fit and here's the source link. Feel better, to stay positive, stay woke

Sort: ย 

Rescheduled Tuesday 11th. Same time.

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Ahh.. well waited up tonight to catch @ned's show and he couldn't even complete the simplest promise. I binge watched his last weeks streams instead. Nothing inspiring. Just updating you all here if you're only just reading up on this now. G'night folks.

I am doing a safety powerdown myself at the moment.

Me too bro, my delegations should be back in pocket tomorrow!

Dude Im not even sure what to think of all of this, but sympathy isnt the word that I am looking for in the end..


@karinxxl I know right?

Like I trust the community on STEEM THE BLOCKCHAIN. Some great minded people will rally round and save the future through dapps. Eventually.

But how long it takes I feels is a massive play. If itโ€™s too long for these key players to hang then shit Iโ€™ve gotta get real.

I feel Iโ€™ve been way over optimistic about this particular Stinc team. All I know is I ignored the warning signs when Dan left. I glazed the lack of hierarchical interest in the blatant witness manipulation. The vice and dlive flops I blamed them for misusing the community then ditching us. Now it seems Stinc themselves are posed to do the same under the name of destiny.. irony much?

I donโ€™t know what else to say. Just that Iโ€™m gonna be sure that any opportunities upwards of $2 I need to be prepared. We all have our break point. This was literally savings for relocating my family. I can hardly find words to say how disheartening it is to have put faith in someone who, rightly didnโ€™t ask for it. Though implied for over a year that his private company was working on SMTs as a solution and that this was gonna be the breakthrough for us all. Showing no respect or regard for those who stuck in and gave their time, energy and hope for cents on each post.

How long until we just loose hope? Every time I attempt to write on this. It spills into a rant. Yet I know none of it changes a thing. It is what it is and now it just seems clearer what it had always been.

My advice is to follow your hearts and the amazing communities we have bonded in. Just stop following people blindly LOL! I gotta go, I feel even this reply is a downer the more the reality and magnitude of this sinks in each day.


Choose your own path what feels right,

i do have hope still, so i am just waiting it all out!

Yeah I am too, I'll wait here with my VP liquidated cos really.. who wants to be stuck on the wrong side of 13 weeks right?

I'm gonna hang out in SMG and chat..

Yeah it's been pivotal to chat in there and support each other. Sharing awareness and securing our positions. Love talking with you anyway, you help us bring problem solving forward and present to newer smg minds.

Good documentation Keni.

"dis respected guy from the community" :)

Ah! Haha thank you for the response brother. Simple clarification that even a rant and bitch and a moan serves a purpose and brings us all closer together at times too.

Thankfully all this has lead us to a place of more respect and appreciation. A better way has sprung from the steem poop and new life! Yaay! :)

heh, we will see, we will see.

Lol yeah that place is a software fork imo

STEEM = a decentralized blockchain. We know this, if not sit up. Steem, Steemit and Steemit, Inc. are clearly distinct and not misleading entities at all duh?

STEEM = Currency
Steem = Blockchain

Wow so we learn something new every day, that's something I never knew. Thanks for adding that distinction.

life is all about learning :)

Safety power down is probably the best thing to do.

The amount of money I've dumped in STEEM is <$1000. I'm okay with riding it down to zero.

Thanks for the clarification @enforcer48, key is I'm not selling yet I have enough self-worth not to do that. Though sure as fuck I'm not getting stuck pants down.

Once my first 1k is liquid again, my sell limit orders will be placed in thirds as optimistically as I can price my time and efort here. I wonder how many weeks ahead @Ned is? If only I could be bothered to scroll down.. it mostly likely won't help anyone feel better knowing that though.. LOL!

Is anyone else having power down issues or steemworld assertion errors attempting to remove delegations? Please help ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿฝ Most of us are on the wrong side of a 13 week wall. @steemchiller?

Awesome progress report on this issue. I got both a response and a solution. I will gladly accept it must have been some kind of human error on my part. However I don't type private keys, I simply copy/paste. I got the delegation unstuck anyway and will be 7 or 5 days away from my next precautionary step that will be explained in a future post.

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@steemchiller thank you so much for your response and also for your time creating steem world, it is by far my favorite tool for managing and monitoring my account and vp. I ended up getting it done via a steemconnect tutorial and direct line in the url.

I used the same private active key for that I'd been attempting the whole time and it worked. So I don't know what the issue was but it's solved now. I am relieved. Thank you once again.

Edit: Btw I followed these instructions if anyone else is having the same problems:

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