Is it REALLY quality content that is rewarded on the STEEM platforms?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Is it fair? 

Before you get mad and angry because people with shorter content than you earn more STEEM and SDB than you, I think you should take your time to read this post. 

Is a post on steemit, that only includes a photo/photography, a quality post? What about memes? And short articles about a update in the crypto market, is that content of quality? Well here is my opinion…  

As most of us already know, there exist many platforms connected to the STEEM block chain. We have Dmania, DTube, steemit, Dsound and more… and all of these platforms, that looks like our every day social media, have active users that is rewarding content. Therefor, If I was providing content on Dmania, which is a platform for posting “memes”, I would receive rewards from people who are looking for entertaining memes.

steemIMG is a platform where users provides photo and photography. So when a photography is posted on steemIMG, and you see that this post receives upvotes, then it is usually people that searches for photography content. Everything that is being posted on these platforms are automatically linked to steemit, and it is therefor you see post of only pictures 

So then I have to ask again… is the examples that I mentioned, content of quality?

My answer is both yes and no, but I will still lean more towards yes. Because people are looking for different content, and the market for the different kinds of content varies as well which means it is more likable to earn more from posting a meme rather than a article. But I believe that a photography is good content on steemit on the same level as an article. 

If you are demotivated because you are not earning much on steemit? Then I suggest that you read my article where I talk about what to do as an Author in order to start earning more. You can read about this (right here).

Tip to new users! Check out Steemfollower, a great service for author that reward you with upvotes on YOUR posts in exchange for you curating. Click the link below to check the service out:

Thank you for taking your time to read this post! Very much appreciated. If you likes this post, remember to follow and leave a upvote

Make sure to followe me on:  

So what is your opinion on this topic? Do you think it is fair? Let me know in the comments below and I will gladly answer everyone!




I don't see why these other sites like dmania and the rest are thriving. What is exactly is the point of them ? We post there and the post appears here. Why not just post it here to begin with ? Why have all these other sites linked to steemit. Why not just have steemit ?

I don't see the value they bring. I must be missing something.

And no, it's not quality that gets rewarded here. Sometimes quality does. Just about every time popularity does. Meaning if you are already popular via Youtube , facebook ect. then you will be able to earn at steemit regardless of quality.

You are bringing up some really good points to this discussion @rentmoney

I agree with you on some points. No, I also believe it is not always quality content that gets rewarded. But i still do believe that Dmania and all the other paltforms should be connected to Steemit, and I do believe that there should exist more platforms that all is in the STEEM block-chain.

My thoughts is that these different platforms exists so that people who are only out after specific content can easily reach it on these platforms. And the reason content from the different paltforms are linked to steemit, so they appear in our feed or under different tags, is because the creators want to build a big community. Yes, I do believe there are flaws that makes this system of a block chain a bit disorientating.

Same question could be asked to our everyday social media... what is the point of instagram, if the picture that is posted on instagram also is shared on facebook. I do understand that trough our every day social media we receive the option "to share", which is not a provided option on the STEEM block chain. But without a way to share content from one media to another, the whole social media concept would completely change. Then the ability to spread your information would be more difficult and the growth of the platform would not be as fast. But with sharing content between the social medias, the platforms is able to lure even more people into the circle.

I understand that people that have gathered a bigger audience from other platforms, like youtube, facebook etc... and brought them over to the STEEM block-chain. But they really had to work for it to get that amount of followers/subscribers on the other platform in the first place (In most situations).

I do appreciate that you have opinions, and I am happy that you bring up these questions, I really am! But have to ask you @rentmoney... What is quality to you when it comes to provide people with content?

I love that you engage @rentmoney, and I wish you success in what ever you do!

Thanks for the thought out reply. I don't use many social media outlets. I do use Facebook from time to time.

As for the ease of finding a specific item / topic / picture (ect.) explanation for being the reason to have all these different media outlets :

I don't completely agree but I don't completely disagree either. A simple search for gifs will bring you to the steemit gif section. Same goes for Pictures, videos or any other sub section. I can see how someone that is less farmiliar with social media might find it difficult to navigate, so a site dedicated to each would serve a purpose in such a case.

As for what I think quality is, it usually isn't a one sentence topic nor is it a topic that is full of pictures with an extended explanation to a simple question ( which I see allot of on here ). For example someone is searching for the answer on how to resteem. The answer doesn't need three or four lengthy paragraphs plus 3 or 4 pictures to explain how to. I am sure we all have different views on what we consider to be something of quality. Which is the great thing about social media and life in general. We get to meet all sorts of different people with different views.

I wish you the best with your success as well !

I got to understand you a bit more now @rentmoney!

It is great to have a individual view on what quality is too you! It is also important to share these things in order to improve each other.

I made this post because I wanted people to share their thoughts on this topic at the same time as I gave you a presentation on my view of things.

My belief is that... If you found a post, article, picture or even a meme, that makes you stop and read it, then there exist a quality behind that posts structure and/or preview. If the post also added value to you as the reader, in terms of educational, inspirational, (ect...), then I consider it content of some quality.

That is just my belief and point of view. I think we agree to some point on certain things, but I believe it is good for us both to disagree. Let us agree to disagree on certain points, and I will let myself learn how to improve my content :)

Thank you very much @rentmoney

(sorry if my writing is bad now, I am typing on my phone)

I like your view on quality.

Well I like your view as well as my own. I appreciate others view

Good post and things to ponder. You are correct as in not prejudging what quality is. Steemit is alot like sales. Just because you or I wouldn't buy a product does not mean that millions of others won't. In that line of thinking then what you or I may not be interested in may get thousands of views and earn a ton. I am new here and a retiree. To me this site is great investment and a relaxing place to come. I like to meet new people from all over the world and this place seems to be it. I read things that interest me and skip past the rest. I haven't had to write or fool with technology in several years so this platform is also a place that I can exercise my brain and actually have to think about what I want to say. I loved your post here John because it caused me to think. When we are thinking and creating I believe we are contributing to the better good of all. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this. Nice to make exchange ideas with you.

Frank @democratsonly

What a lovely comment @democratsonly, if I could upvote you with 1 SDB, then I would!

Nice to hear how you find comfort and piece on the STEEM block-chain at the same time as you are able to be proactive and work on your self! This is what I like, and I think you have a great spirit!

Every article and post I make is always of something that I just though off, just experienced (often, but not always the case) or something am going to do in the future. Trying to be as fresh and original as possible. This has become my way of making content and it makes me also work my brain.

I am more than happy to share ideas with you and everyone that interact with me!

If you are looking to collaborate in the future, just type to me and we can discuss ideas and ect... You can hit me up on

Awesome reply! Just so happens I figured out how to get my Steemchat password lined out today. I hope to see you there. I ve only logged into chat the one time but look forward to meeting good people there as well. Debt and finance is my expertise and I hope I am able to contribute something useful. I upvoted you for being kind enough to reply my post. Thank you!
As the kids say... To the Moon STEEMIT!

My user name is johnasp96, just like on steemit.

There is several good things about You can directly communicate with other STEEM users, share your posts (promotion), and also being able to gain new friends and followers through interacting with others even more than on steemit. Just DM to my username and I will reply :)

Theres a difference between the purpose of the apps and people posting random pictures to steemit with no text! I agree that single picture posts can be valid especially on an appropriate steem app. In the beginning at least I noticed people spammed nonsense pictures with no next. That may be dying down more now. The steem apps are the way to go.

You have a good point @havok777, thank you for mentioning!

The picture spamming has been reduced which I think is good. As we have a limited amount of voting power, it makes it hard to keep up with the voting and speculating if it becomes to much content on the platform. So I could almost see the reduction comming.

STEEM is not flawless, but it has a huge potential!

Thank you once again for taking your time to interact with my post!

Ya no prob! Thanks for bringing up the subject

I think size (in this case) doesn't matter.

  1. Is the content even if it is only one sentence, quality? Example: I think there for I am, is still talked about often.
  2. Is the content relative to the title (not clickbait).
  3. Did the people that viewed the content, gain something for their time spent reading/looking at it?

I could say, even if it an article, or picture is only created to get upvotes, and it gets a lot of upvotes, then it has, for the purpose that it was created, been successful.

To me, content that gives me pause, could be considered quality in the short term, but in the long term, quickly forgotten.

You are bringing up some good points @jcking

I agree with you on many things.

Posts that gives a value to the readers is content with value that provides a certain quality is what I believe.

The reason I made this post, is because quality comes in different shapes, forms and structures, and many new uesers on the platform does not get that. There is other things people don't understand around earnings on STEEM platforms which leads to misinformed users which leads to unhappy and complaining steemers...

Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:

Thank you very much @gaman, I really do appreciate that you include me in such a big project!

The robots and the people that pay them seem to do most of the deciding. :(

Well, speculation exists everywhere and a lot of people intend to pay for services that rewards their investments, but is that not to be found everywhere?

If we take one social media, Instagram, then it is easily accessible to buy followers in order to fake your growth so you can build a social media business for example.

So bots will exist, and there come good and bad things from bots activity in different communities and platforms.

I'm rooting for the humans to win out in the end. lol

Let us hope that the bots don't take control of our actions as well as the upvoting.

Just don't make their handlers mad or they will destroy you. lol

Thanks John, I do appreciate this post...

It is always welcomed to see efforts aimed towards new users; I've been here a while, but I still feel like a n00b! This sort of post tho makes me learn the ropes a bit faster. XD

Thank you for the warm and kind comment @dialsamai, that is very much appreciated!

I have only been on the block chain for only about a month and I am will definitely not call my self a professional at all. I am in the start of the game, and I am using every day to educate my self on cryptocurrencies. And STEEM is a big priority at the moment.

If you feel like a NOOB, don't you worry, because I am pretty much a noob myself!

I've provided several posts about steemit and the STEEM block-chain that might interest you if you are looking to learn more, and more posts are coming in the future as well, along with different kinds of content

But I wish you all the best in what ever you do @dialsamai!

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