Some Whales are Abusing their Power with Downvotes

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Simply because a person who has become a whale by building up enough steam power, it shouldn't give them the right to go around and basically rip money out of people's pockets.

Look at the record of this user just going around downvoting posts left and right:

I could see if the occasional post were just complete garbage, but he's going down a person's blog list to downgrade posts in bulk. The one guy @miketr who he hit today has been trying to help the community by building a faucet to help everyone. And even when his first faucets didn't pay enough, he paid out of pocket to keep his promise of doing 0.020 SD to each person who upvoted and commented. I don't know the guy personally but I think he got a real raw deal today at the hands of @liondani who took it upon himself to decide that he would just squash the guy's efforts outright.

Sorry I think this is just totally wrong and goes against what steemit is all about. There needs to be a way to keep people that become whales in check because as it stands it's just way too easy for them to influence things in a huge manner up or DOWN. Spread the wealth through creativity & activity is the idea. Not to allow an elite few play ultimate judge & jury on anything that doesn't fit their fancy.

Post your thoughts and opinions.... but I'm really discouraged by anyone doing something like this. And makes me question the future of this community if people with massive power can just call all the shots at their own whim with a click of a button.

We need ways to improve this or it will just keep getting out of control.

#steemit #whales #abuse #ideas #sharing #steempower


Paying people to upvote is abuse, or at least within the range of reasonable definitions of a abuse that someone may find as a reason to flag/downvote. @liodani did nothing wrong here.

Faucets are a very common practice with crypto and there are no rules against it. You will see a number of posts on steemit of giving things away if someone votes and/or comments. So I disagree this any abuse.

Also the downvotes this whale in question is doing are not just in relation to just this. And because of his steam power weight he can squash whole threads of posts on his own which is too much power.

Faucets are a common practice when people give away their own money. In this case votes allocate money from the reward pool which belong not to the poster, but to the community. As such, all in the community are entitled to protect the pool as their conscience dictates, which is exactly what @liondani did there. If I had seen it I would have done the same.

If there are other cases where you think @liondani acted inappropriately then point them out specifically. Making vague allegations without facts helps no one.

I disagree with you and see no difference in offering anything for upvotes and comments. And a faucet is a valid way to bring people to the community because once on the site it is very likely they will do other activities.
Downvoting gives those with too much power to be the judge and jury. So even when other disagree, our pinions are meaningless when crushed by one person with too much power.

Downvoting gives those with too much power to be the judge and jury
Right this is the same like what in Turky happens
Why downvoting simply make a Reply an say what you think about this and other
can upvote ore leaving it or say what he thinks about it
This we are calling in Germany Demokratie!
Downvoting is like censoring and if only the People with much Power can censoring it!
What is it?

And a faucet is a valid way to bring people to the community

We have already an official faucet running from the founders of steemit that gives min $3 to each new registered user!

Half of the STEEM received will be given to new users who signup at

Faucets are a common practice when people give away their own money. In this case votes allocate money from the reward pool which belong not to the poster, but to the community. As such, all in the community are entitled to protect the pool as their conscience dictates,

Faucets are a common practice when people give away their own money
I have paid the first 3 Rounds to all from my Pocket
1.Round 0.10 2. Round 0.02 3. Round 0.02 SD to evrybody!
with over 100 manual Transfers This needs Time and Time is Money too!

I have earned:
Author reward of 0.013 SD and 0.005 STEEM POWER for miketr/steemusdfaucet-round-3

You wouldn't even care about how much steem power one person has if they would upvote your post. People are free to do whatever they feel like, even when we don't agree. Instead of watching other people activity , why don't you spend that time curating ? I am pretty sure it will be more productive...

I do spend time curating and my points on down voting having too much weight are still valid.

I don't and neither do others. But in this dichotomy your vote totally crushes our voices and opinions.
We can agree to disagree on things but when the system allows a user to crush a list of posts simply because you find the idea not to your liking because nothing he was doing is wrong or abuse.

I have already explained to @miketr that it is nothing personal.
I am just convinced that faucet's and lotto posts that are organized from new accounts are dangerous for steemit in general! Because nobody can assure you that scammers are not behind it.I don't say that miketr is one! Just that successful faucet’s from new accounts would certainly invite them! After all we have practically a official faucet running that gives minimum $3 of Steem Power. If the shareholders decide it is too small or too high they will change it accordingly. My intentions are to protect the steemit holders wealth. As said I have nothing personal with @miketr and will keep an eye on him to upvote his good content, I just think the faucet-lotto posts will harm more steemit than make good for it...

PS plus I don't liked @miketr asking for 10% fee for his SBD transfers ... (seemed kinda weird that the "earned" Steem Power was not enough to pay him for his "work")

So because this system has you millions of credit then it allows you to be judge and jury on people. When you get millions of Steem power, does it come with a badge and a made up law book.

There is nothing wrong with his idea to create a faucet with Steemit. It's better here then outside with some of these questionable faucet/dice companies. I get the admin2017 guy spamming other's people's comments but even then the spambots were catching him left and right.

At least with Miketr running it here then he has to be transparent and it's work for him running such things. So those that want to participate just agree to the terms. If you don't want to join in then don't. But to take a dump on all his posts and downvote.

I disagree these things hurt the community. Games and creative ways to pull people are in are needed. I've seen a number of people offer things in trade for votes and comments. Some I did and some I thought were a joke. But I didn't poo poo on their ideas by down voting. I think it should be reserved and limited to those that real are not adding anything to this community.

So those that want to participate just agree to the terms. If you don't want to join in then don't.

If I see a potential danger for theft on a post I step in. Because if a scammer takes away for example $1000 from the system, he takes it from the shareholders of steem, he takes it from all SP holders... and not only from the participants on a post that "agreed" with the terms....

Again everything is transparent within the system and you are judging someone is up to something bad eventhough he'd proved himself in 3 rounds.
If someone is found to be abusive then he will come under attack by number of people. But you are making decisions on your own and simply because you have a big digital number in community power, the system gives your opinion over basically everyone else. Sorry it's wrong and you don't speak for the community and you are not the police for the community.

In germany we call it Egoist :-)

he'd proved himself in 3 rounds.

no comment

If someone is found to be abusive then he will come under attack by number of people

then it will be to late

PS If it would be a verified trusted member I would not downvote (even if I don't agree with these practices) , as said, I see this as an invitation to scammers if it works out... If we had an escrow future in place on our platform I wouldn't mind...

PS2 Sorry I can't trust a 1-2 week old account that are asking for money... when there is even not a introduceyourself post in place with basic id identification...

Yeah - just like I thought. You say "No comment" but obviously you are passing Pre Judging someone by down voting.

Your steam power should not give you the right to pre judge people and take their funds. And until they change it to not allow you guys that just have some millions of digital credits to rule over all irregardless of character then this community is in serious danger of being rules by a master class or sell appointed demigods.

Ruling on high -- "I deem it unfit and so it shall be" --
Your opinion liondani has no weight over mine or anyone else's. It's just this system is giving the false premise that it does. It's pathetic and sad.

I was going to cash out alts to go all in on Steem Power, but now after reading this I may pull back. I think everything should be a measured response in Cryptos, and having god-like powers to hurt other's creativity seems like it could corrupt the entire system :/

We have to remember this is beta as well but the current structure is giving too much power to the top.

It's "almost" like an active Yelp reviewer that has actual dollar power in their voting and in just a few clicks of a button they can mass 1 star a chain of restaurants in one go simply because he didn't like they the way they are pulling in customers.

do you really think whales want to shoot their own foot?
believe me that is not our intention. Think outside the box...maybe then you will see the glass half full...

I didn't until I saw what you did. If it's not your intention then don't go after people trying to be creative with faucet games which are totally acceptable. And much better controlled within the community the outside the community.
You may not like them but you are judge & jury. And just saying you are protecting the community is just a way to make it look like your decisions are just when in this case they are not. said if it was from a confirmed trusted member I wouldn't make such a deal of it...
We are talking about a one 1 week account (Created 2016-07-24T08:19:12 - ) that are asking for votes/money without even an introduceyourself post where he could give a basic id proof of his self!

Ah so the unwritten rule is that a person must present themselves before king's court to introduce himself. It's honestly crap and it's been proven that some of these introductions are just made up.

I'd much rather see him slowly prove himself through his actions over time which he has been doing. And he isn't asking for money out of pocket. He's just paying from his balance that he's put in himself (because up until round 4 it never made money which it was close to doing until you squashed it). And I don't think you get the fee, t's not like some nigeria scam thing where people have to pay up front to get paid. He's just saying that he will use 10% for admin fees.

He's been giving away 0.02 SD to each person that voted and commented, but if the value goes up then he'll up the amount.

I just saw yesterday some giving a Solar coins for voting and commenting with an address. A new person but I took the high risk (NOT!)of voting and commenting, and sure enough 12 hours later the person sent me some solar coin.

I think when advertisers start coming on here there will be a ton of creative ways people will be pulling people to their posts with SD$ or other means. And there is nothing wrong with this. But in the case someone does abuse users then we can go after them but pre judging all new users as potential scammers is quite the elitist view steam power has bestowed on you.

I'd much rather see him slowly prove himself through his actions over time which he has been doing.

One week is not my treshold

And because this system think that your minds option means so much that everyone else's then you get to just run down his list of posts and down vote them in one swoop. It's a low blow to not even give the guy a chance simply because you find newbies not worthy of your trust.

And he isn't asking for money out of pocket.

The money that will be summed up is money from the SP holders pocket practically, I hope you understand it.

But in the case someone does abuse users then we can go after them but pre judging all new users as potential scammers is quite the elitist view steam power has bestowed on you.

It's to late when abuse/theft etc. already happened...
It is a new user that asks to manage funds that he wants to collect them from "whales" to redistribute them... All new users are not asking for that on our platform!!! At least build first your reputation (one week account? common!) and then go for it!

It was only small numbers and like anything he was building up his reputation little by little. And proving he was fair even when he didn't make a profit.

So one week is too little in liondani's point of view but when is someone have earned a rep. What is it two, three weeks - a month or two? And then what happens with the next guy that has a lot of steem power says "nah I still don't think it's long enough"

I can see you kicking the kids off the street corner in your neighborhood for trying to sell lemonade. "I can't trust you kids. Come back when you have more sales experience"

And because this system think that your minds option means so much that everyone else's then you get to just run down his list of posts and down vote them in one swoop.

I just downvoted his lotto/faucet related posts. It is not my fault he has so much and that kind of content... (spam?)

There are no rules against those post an you just deem it unacceptable. You are the central reason this whole thing happened and I would even waste my time with someone like you but unfortunately this system has you believing your opinion matter over everyone else and it gives you the authority to take a dump on an ideas you think aren't worthy. It's far from spam and just your excuse.

I made an article about this please check and hope it could help

Look at the record of this user just going around downvoting posts left and right:

left-right spammers ! Have you noticed that @admin2017 publish content from others? I guess not!

update! from miketr!
@liondani have now send to me 10.00 SBD !!!
This goes to every Voters for the Round 4 with no fees!
Which he did pay out.

The next day this new reputation system came out and due to the weight of the down votes (I guess) but seems very odd. Miketr how has a rep of (-6) which is just ridiculous. I know there are bugs and things. And I've told him to go on slack to plead his case. But we can't have a system where a person can just be ruined at the hands of a few for something that isn't even justified.
The wang bot has a -8 rep.... I mean come on, this is just ludacrous

Miketr how has a rep of (-6)
and now I have no chance to get a rep (+1)
because all my new Posts are hidden!
How many upvotes I need to climb up in a + rep?

A very fair System!

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.7 and reading ease of 77%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.

completely agreed with you @smooth is a popular abusive whate . smooth is hating ever rising person on steemit

you are just mad because @smooth initially upvoted some of your posts,
then downvoted them when he found out you are a scammer. Cut the BS

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