Inviting good quality creators to Steemit – Arthur Moore: Filmmaker, Traveler, Artist – Eye Gazing with Strangers [DE/EN]

in #steemit6 years ago


Es ist wieder soweit.
Heute am Samstag, 10.2.2018 lade ich wieder einen Youtuber ein, sich einen Steemit-Account zuzulegen.

Die letzten beiden Youtuber, die ich eingeladen habe waren Abbey Glover, eine Sängerin und Ukulele-Spielerin und Mark und Juliana von Boho Beautiful, zwei wundervolle Menschen, die hauptsächlich Yoga Videos machen aber auch ganz viel Travel, Spirituality und Personal Content mit einfließen lassen.

Hier könnte ihr euch die beiden Posts nochmal anschauen:

1. Inviting good quality creators to Steemit – Awesome cover songs on Youtube by Abbey Glover: Breezeblocks, Shape of You
2. Inviting good quality creators to Steemit – Boho Beautiful: excellent Yoga videos, workouts, and vlogs by Mark and Juliana :: Tolle Youtuber auf Steemit einladen [EN/DE]: Boho Beautiful

Heute wechseln wir wieder das Genre. Ich stelle euch einen israelischen Filmemacher aus Indien vor,
hä, israelischer Filmemacher aus Indien? Was soll das denn?
... der verschiedene Promotionfilme für andere produziert, aber dazu übergehen möchte mehr von seinen wundervoll farbenfrohen und für mich sehr inspirierenden Vlogs zu drehen.

Hier auf Steemit sind zwei seiner Videos schon über @mikega erschienen, aber mehr habe ich hier nicht von ihm gefunden. Aber es wäre schön, er würde sich für Steemit begeistern können und unsere Wal-Gemeinschaft mit seinen Video und seinem Wissen bereichern.

Festival Ozora by Arthur Moore
Another Arthur moore Ozora one shot passage...

Arthur arbeitet in seiner Wahlheimat Indien und produziert überwiegend Tanzvideos für Tänzer und Tanzgruppen.
Seine privaten Vlog zeichnen sich vor allem durch eine Mischung von Travel, Personal und Event Vlogging aus und beinhaltet eine Vielzahl kreativer Ideen und versch. Stilelemente.
Hier sind meine Lieblingsvideos von ihm:


Today on Saturday, I invite a Youtuber on Steemit for the third time.

The last two Youtubers I invited were Abbey Glover, a singer and ukulele player, and Mark and Juliana from Boho Beautiful, two wonderful people who mainly do yoga videos but also incorporate a lot of travel, spirituality and personal content.

You find the two posts here:

1. Inviting good quality creators to Steemit – Awesome cover songs on Youtube by Abbey Glover: Breezeblocks, Shape of You
2. Inviting good quality creators to Steemit – Boho Beautiful: excellent Yoga videos, workouts, and vlogs by Mark and Juliana :: Tolle Youtuber auf Steemit einladen [EN/DE]: Boho Beautiful

Today we change genre again. I introduce you to an Israeli filmmaker from India,
What? Israeli filmmaker from India? What's that about?
... who produces different promotion films for others, but wants to do more of his wonderful colorful and inspiring vlogs.

Here on Steemit two of his videos have been mentioned by @mikega, but I have not found anything else about him here. But it would be nice, he would be enthusiastic about Steemit and enrich our whale community with his video and knowledge.

Festival Ozora by Arthur Moore
Another Arthur moore Ozora one shot passage ...

Arthur works in his adopted home of India and mainly produces dance videos for dancers and dance groups.
His private vlogs are characterized by a mix of travel, personal and event vlogging and include a variety of creative ideas and various style elements.
Here are my favorite videos of him:

Eye Gazing With Strangers (Am 28.09.2017 veröffentlicht)

INSANITY & NIGHT LIFE IN GOA (Am 23.02.2017 veröffentlicht)

NAMASTE BITCHES! 🙏 Silly & Deep Life In Goa (Am 24.01.2017 veröffentlicht)

And here is his most recent video:
Make Strangers Love Your Camera INSTANTLY (Am 30.01.2018 veröffentlicht)

Hier ist der Brief, den ich an Arthur geschrieben und unter sein neustes Video gepostet habe:
Here is the letter I postet as a comment under one of Arthurs videos:

Dear Arthur,
you’re doing such awesome stuff here on Youtube!
I love your editing style and you bright and colorful creative art!
I don’t know everything you’ve been creating, but what I’ve seen is so awesome that it would be a shame if you didn’t share your art work, your videos, your knowledge about editing and filmmaking on the Steemit platform.
Do you know Steemit? It’s an awesome social media platform where creators vote for other creators and get paid for it. There are musicians, artists, writers, photographers, filmmakers, experts on different subjects, and „common“ people like me who produce, enjoy, upvote and resteem some good quality content, that has some value to other steemers on the platform.

Hereby I invite you on behalf of many others on the platform to our community.
You can create your account on Steemit here:
There are different tags you might be interested in, like the #travel tag, the #india tag, the #food tag, the #life tag or the #video tag. Have a look at the different inspiring content of some of "our" creators,
for example from @karensuestudios: 🎨 Dtube Taiwan Adventures: Glass Blowing Class! 🎨
or from @nyctoinc: Original Art, NEW Portrait! Steps + GIF + Video
or from @kevinli: A Day In My Life | Vlog #28
or from @joeparys: Chicago Winter (A Short Film) [Dtube]
or even from myself @holgerwerner: Raw Recipes: Mango-Chia-Almond Creme

If you want to stop by and leave me a comment I would be very pleased! You find me here:, and I will later add a link of my invitation post to the comment section.

So come around and enrich us with your great inspirational content!

By the way we even have our own "Youtube channel". It's called Dtube and works pretty much the same as youtube, only that your content is seen, upvoted (liked), resteemed (shared) and payed (in Steemdollars) by the Steemit community.

See you there!
Love, Unity & Abundance

Ich hoffe Arthur, du meldest dich bald und wirst ein Teil unserer großartigen Gemeinschaft!
I hope that you, Arthur, will stop by and start posting your creative work on Steemit!

Wenn euch dieser Beitrag gefallen hat, dann schenkt mir ein Upvote, resteemed den post und abonniert meinen account, wenn ihr das noch nicht gemacht habt!
And I hope that you, Steemit community, support my work by giving me an upvote, resteem this post and follow me here on Steemit, if you like my content!

Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende
Have a great weekend!

Love, Unity & Abundance


Wow! Thank you for this. I just watched his eyegazing film and I am blown away by how beautiful it is. Fantastic. Let's hope we see him here on Steemit!

That'll be great! The plan is to invite a Youtube Creator every week. This has been week three!

sehr cool :) find ich toll!

Danke! Übermorgen gibts schon die nächste Einladung!

I love what you're doing here @holgerwerner. This is a really great idea and way to bring value to Steemit, and expose more people to the amazing work of these artists.

I really really loved "Eye Gazing With Strangers". Such fabulous works and something very common for us at the @gardenofeden. I hope Arthur Moore meets @quinneaker - it seems to me they have a lot to share. And, I'm hopeful that you succeed in getting Arthur Moore to Steemit. His videography is really amazing. Thank you for sharing. I'm grateful to have found you. Great content!!!

Your profile also describes much about me. It's no surprise we have connected. Following you!

I followed you back, seems there will be a fruitful exchange of inspiration coming up!

Thanks a lot for you lovely comment! I'm glad you like my work. Much appreciation!

Thanks for blessing us with it.

by the way...
I sent the next invitation to a incredible singer on youtube: korantemaa / Johananaas

Oooooo....enjoying this one too!

Firstly great work and really hope he come along, you are doing a valuable job.

The eyegazing film in incredible wowzers! I love it 💯🐒

Yeah! Thank you for your encouragement and support! I definitely continue with my invitation project!

Great to hear 💯🐒

The project continues...

I sent the next invitation to a incredible singer on youtube: korantemaa / Johananaas. I would be pleased, if you had a look!

Wow she is amazing what a voice! Incredible.

Check out Piro Syklone

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