The Sunday Purge - Spammers - Plagiarists - Cireclejerks

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Steemit is turning into a freak show lately, with all the spammers, plagiarists, and scammers thus probably why STEEM is still at $1 and not $10. If you are like me you probably just don’t pay that much attention to them and continue on your content creating, but today I was triggered.


Disclaimer: What I'm saying in this post may be right, or it may be just my hallucinations from too much tea but to know the real truth you will have to research everything on your own.

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I knew about most of the flaws from this platform already, but when I saw this, I was blown away. It is way too much. There are some goddamn bastards posting one single quote or one photo quote, and they are making more than $10.

You know how much is $10 and how hard it is to make constant $10 on your posts on Steemit even if your content is dynamite? Hard as fuck.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m trying to post as much quality content as I can and engage in the community as often as I can, and I’m still not at that level, after five months on this platform. It is frustrating to see people making more than you with no effort.


I know people that either leaved Steemit or they either reduced their post count to one per week or even less because they made no money. They had no recognition, but it seems like there are still enough rewards for those bastards to earn $10+ on their shitposts but not for content creators.

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Today, I was trying to find an excellent post to nominate it for @OCD, and after two hours of diving deep down into shitposts, I was barely able to find two decent posts you know why’s that? Because the platform is full of people that are trying to make a quick buck by plagiarizing and spamming and since some of them are making more money that way than us why would they turn into content creators?

Those fuckers need to be destroyed and maybe, maybe in the future STEEM will have a chance to survive and maybe get to $10 if not, it may die miserably because too less action was taken.

If you haven’t realized already yes, this is my HATE POST. And yes, I’m using CAPITAL letters.

Today, as I was searching for good posts, I stumbled upon some absurd accounts, and my friend @macchiata sent me some more accounts like that. It is ridiculous.


In my situation, with a $0.12 upvote, what can I do? That is what most of the people may be thinking. I decided to tear them apart because the situation went too far away. After “hate” commenting them a bit, of course, I reported the accounts and the post to @SteemCleaners and @BernieSanders.

In case you want to check them all out here they are:


Some of them are getting support from dolphins, other are using vote bots, or others are abusing the vote bot. It’s pure murder what these people are doing here.


Also, if you want to see something else fucked up, there's a guy, @mdabunayem40, that made a video about how to get away with plagiarism on steemit. You will probably don’t understand what he's saying, but you will clearly see how these thieves are operating.

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Curation is a vital part of making this platform prosper, but as long as people are abusing the reward pool, all of our efforts will be neutralized by their spams. Someone has to take action and stop these fuckers. Some people are already taking action, but more have to join.

The harsh truth is that the situation on Steemit is not all perfect, flawless, there are a lot of malicious things going on.

The bright part is that if none of us can make any money with our quality posts, we can always make a quick search on google and post a quote and make $10.



Strong words, i know, but true. Going through news tab on steemit is nightmare, but hot page isnt better. Self upvoted content, bot upvoted content, or upvoted by whales via steemvoter because they dont need to read to get curation rewards. Best indicator that something is wrong views/upvotes ratio

Philosophy became so full of shit lately. I used to find a lot of great posts; now I can barely find something readable.

It's not only philosophy. I am regularly searching the new sections of "photography" and "art", and I am either finding stolen pictures or crappy phone shots with little to no text in the post. Now, I must say that most of these do not make money, but the amount of such shitposts is mind boggling...

Huh, you are courageous. I don't even dare to get into #photography, that tag is way too spammed. It's so full of bad posts that I barely can find anything good in there.

Yeah, it takes courage and persistence to dive into the deep shit pit called #photography. But I have to do it because I would like to help talented photogrpahers whose contribution goes unnoticed.

That is noble from you. I get what you mean, it's nice to support Steemians, but sometimes the hardest part is to find people that deserve some support. And there are a lot of great posts, but they are just buried in the sea of spams and shit.

#Photography can be pretty tricky; I used to post decent photographs a while ago, I'm still learning, maybe I should get back on that. Or perhaps I should just stick to my writings, lol. :))

There are tons of problems and many of them have been exacerbated since the last couple of hard forks. The problem is, nobody with the power/ability wants to acknowledge and/or address that, so it won’t improve. And most of the whales aren’t interested in downvoting the absolute shitposting. Hell...some of them are part of the problem.

Changes need to be made. Your witness vote can help. Try supporting this one: @ats-witness.

“This blockchain needs a better class of witnesses. And I’m gonna give it to ‘em.”

Yeah, a lot of the people are just pretending that everything is fine even if it's not. @Tuck-Fheman was the first to show me how fucked up are some people from here and what they are doing.

You should've told me earlier about your witness, I had no idea you have one.

Tuck is one of the good ones. And he knows his stuff.

You should've told me earlier about your witness, I had no idea you have one.

But...I resteemed it on my blog! :(

Make sure you tell all your friends!

Indeed, he does and what he's doing is great, and it's going to be HUGE.

Oh, yeah, now I see. You probably mentioned it on the SPL chat too, but I was so off this week. I have missed a lot of stuff lately. Real life sux.

I'll check you out. You kind of blew me off for talking shit about the HF19 at the time, but you seemed like a decent guy at least. @ats-david

You have to vote for his witness bud. David is one of the good ones, he's one of us. :)

I wasn’t in favor of HF19. Do you know where this happened? I talk shit about it all the time...because it was shit.

steemspeak i guess i was pretty whiney when it happened cause i was the only one i knew looking past the one week of nice payouts.

Only way to fix this is to come up with a solution to change the algorithms that power the blockchain, and convince the witnesses to put it in a hard fork

Easier said than done.

I truly believe the only way to do away with corruption on steemit is to level the playing field, either by limiting how much a whale vote can be worth or some similar adjustment, and deincentivizing multiple accounts that don't serve multiple purposes, perhaps by reporting on them the same way we report on plagerism. These kinds of adjustments will deincentivize some of the current investment but will stablize the platform and protect the community.

Something in between and steemit basically, the ability to buy in but only to a limited extent, votes at least being closer to the same value.

You are right though, this is the main reason steem hasn't taken off, the turnover rate is aweful, many quality writers leave because the place is rigged, same as what we are used to.

I was thinking about something like that too, but the problem is that the main idea of Steemit is that it's decentralized so nothing like that can be implemented.

If those guys would not make any money, they would just leave quietly to scam another place but to do something like this we need to work all as a team and to fight back. And I mean all, the whole community.


Minds is interesting. I used to post pictures there a long time ago. The best part about is that it's open source too.

This Fucking sucks dude! 3 of the guys you mentioned are powering down, just Pathetic. This is not what steemit is supposed to be, but you'll see; We'll prevail.

I didn't even know that they are powering down. It is pathetic, indeed.
I hope that the situation will get better. I'm looking forward to your project ;)

Some girls have all the luck! Some days I get over 100 comments, most times less thank, but there is always a lot of interacting with each other. (that is counting mine I am guessing) However, it barely clears a cup of coffee in $$.

It's not even about the $$ - but, post garnering big bucks with no content. Boo. How is this supposed to make me want to stay?

Totally. I used to comment a lot more in the past. Lately, I focused more on interacting in some chats. I'm soon going to focus on both as much as my time allows me.

Sometimes, even if I'm making less, if that post gets a lot of interaction going I'm satisfied with that.
I hate the posts that get a shitload of money and little to no content. I'm always trying to provide as much value as I can.

I love the interacting! It is the best part!

I don't care so much about the money either. What is money if nobody gives a rip about what you say???

I love the money, but if I didn't get them at least, some interaction would be good. :)))

Truth. Money talks. But, if I can't have that... give me the interaction. Now get over to my post and interact!!!! LOL

Haha, something like that. I just fixed my wifi today, I am planning to interact more soon. It's going to be big time :D

Yes! No wifi stinks!

applause - Bravo @guyfawkes4-20, si multumesc pentru asta.
100% + resteem!

Thank a lot. I really appreciate your constant support :D

You get support by default from me due to your nationality and fellow OCD position on Steemit :D :D :D :D :D <3

Haha, good to know that :))) ;)

hey! don't take advantage of me though ;P [ehem, because you can :P ]

Too late, I decided. I'm going to change my whole Steemit strategy around. I'm going to post ten quotes per day, with your upvote, mine and some bots I'll become a Steem Millionaire by next Steem Fest. :)))

Let's do it !!! :P bahahahaha! [I have the future SMillionaire on my side, good thinking Mean Mommy, bravo :P ]

Awesome. I'm down for it. We will be rich, lol :)))

Glad to see people are starting to speak up!!! We put hours of effort into writing our posts, using limited, really shitty internet while we're backpacking in developing countries, so it takes fucking AGES just to get our pictures uploaded.. and the posts make $0.17 versus people like you said, stealing a picture or a GIF off google and they're making bank.. makes absolutely no sense and it's incredibly discouraging!!! Makes us feel like we've wasted the time and energy we put in to participate! I mean seriously! Our last post was about a damn close-up sighting of a wild leopard and elephants roaming free in front of our eyes.. and still, nothing!!

I wanted to make something similar for a while but now was the perfect timing.
It is discouraging indeed. Whoa, that is crazy, those close-ups are mad. Those are the kind of post I would've nominate for @ocd, so bad it's already seven days old. Make sure to send me a link when you're posting something similar again.

Aw thats so nice of you, thanks!! We're definitely falling a bit behind with our posting because of the slow/unreliable internet situation.. but we've got months of travels ahead of us with some pretty promising inspiration! :) we'll be following you too!

I get that; the internet is a massive problem for a lot of people. Fortunately, Romania is one of the top countries at internet speed, so I don't have issues with it but something was up with my wifi for the last two weeks or so, and it was so goddamn hard. I'm going to fix it this week.

Make sure to send me a link when you post. ;)

Will do 😊 and thanks again for the support!! It's people lile you who will truly encourage and inspire newcomers to the platform to stick around and keep on contributing!

That is flattering. My efforts are still little, and I want to do even more in the near future. I hope that more people will try to do something positive.

I feel the exact same way. I try to put out only good quality content and it seems like unless i use minnowbooster or a upvote bot no one will even look at my posts! I really dont care about the money but i find it sad that i spend a hr or two on a post to have 30 to 50 people even view it because the post gets swept away so quick by the shit storm of spam on steemit! :/ it is getting more and more discouraging to write every week, and then like u said, some two second post makes way more then ur hard work.
I also have problems finding good articles lately, it seems as tho everyone is just trying to make money the easy way. There is one girl that is younger and all of her pictures get huge upvotes by a few dolphins (pedofiles basically). its disgusting..
Anyhow, if u need a good article for ocd u should check out my latest one. F*ck motivation
Thanks for venting, i totally agree!

Money are good, and I like to get them but what I love is to get interaction going. Fifty views are still decent, enough to get some discussions rolling but when I get only twenty, that is sad.

The number of users is rising more and more, and the real problem is that all of them get on here with the idea that they will make quick, easy money. They all come with the wrong mindset.

Lol, how is that girl on Steemit? I want to see who's upvoting her :)))

Yeah, I saw your article, too bad I nominated you a few days ago. I'm trying to nominate as many new users as possible, but I'll get to your posts sometime later.

Steemit has always been that way. Such a crazy ride. Maybe someday it will get sorted out but I don't see Steemit rising in value anytime soon.

Great post though. I'm happy to break my Steem addiction. I just my daily life here for my folks and friends back to see. Miss my old Steemit friends, love the new ones. I should maybe spend some time here but I have so much to do these IRL it's tough.

Keep on Keeping on.!

I think that it will grow up one day and from there on the only way is to the moon. It's still at the beginning, you can't expect the world from anything that's still in the early stages, but it has a lot of potentials.

Real life took over me too. Lately, I miss the daily interaction a lot. I have to get back on that soon.

It's past the early stages when the crypto world changes and moves so fast. The competition on the rise is most likely going be more rewarding. Steemit dev;s focused on the wrong issues. Would be nice since I did so much for this place, lost a lot face like so many other, wish I never convinced people to invest here to lose their money. Just too sneaky in so many ways.

It's too early to predict what will happen but just perfect to get in while it's cheap and make massive money on the rise. The situation will get better; it has to.

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