You Know What I've Been Noticing? MORE Interaction! MORE Thought-Filled COMMENTS! KUDOS Everyone!

in #steemit6 years ago


Image Source- Commons Wikimedia

It's REALLY Happening!

While I have only been on steemit for seven months (officially tomorrow marks the anniversary date), I have taken notice of some UNBELIEVABLE and TREMENDOUS things happening!

  • MORE thought-filled comments!
  • MORE interaction!
  • MORE people commenting on others' comments and replies!
  • MORE real dedication!
  • MORE, MORE, MORE of everything that steemit's platform has been CRAVING!

And I want to be the first, or one of the first, to recognize this phenomenon!

PATS on the backs to ALL of you!

When Did It All Start?

Putting a finger on the time is difficult. Figuring out when this precisely all came about can be tedious. But KNOWING why this is happening is written on the pages.

Pages? Yes, pages (and posts).

I noticed a correlation about two weeks ago. Comments started coming in longer and with substance. Replies were on the rise. People were actually commenting on another's comment in someone else's post.

Why? I like to think it's due to @fulltimegeek and all the other dolphins and whales who have been delegating SP over the platform. When FTG announced his Stewards Of Gondor back in November 2017, people were amazed. Members were humbled. SOG recipients had a load of work to do and were finding new ways to spread the SOG rewards.

sog fulltimegeek.png

Challenge accepted and we did! We guided, we UPvoted, we commented and we all rallied together to show newbies and veterans that we could take this responsibility and flourish; all the while sharing our wealth and dedication to the far reaches of the steemit world.

FTG's generosity took the steemit platform to a new level. We (the SOGs) were finding new talent. Quality posts and other (new) members who had a passion about steemit that we (the SOGs) already shared. We are like a force to reckoned with; in the most positive of ways.

@abh12345, one of FTG's Stewards Of Gondor, had taken the delegating to another level. He started his Curation League posts and recognitions and people started taking more notice.

Many SOGs (myself included) have started delegating their SP to other steemians.

AND so many more!

But more about the changing of comments mentality.

Comments ARE Growing With Each Passing Day & Post

I have taken notice how my fellow steemians are taking the time to put more thought into their comments and carry on conversations.

Just over the weekend, I noticed @samiwhyte has not only been making his own comments on one of my post about my power outage situation but is also commenting on other people's comments in the same post.

I see all these additional comments and their length as a friendly competition among steemians. We have all been here for some time (whether two months or a year) and we see the progression of steemit; as well as its capability to succeed.

We all want to do our best on steemit. We all want that undeniable success. After all, we do put our hearts and souls into each post we make. And to be rewarded with intelligent interaction is a HUGE fringe benefit to the platform, our self-confidence that we are on the right track and gives us the motivation to write that next post.

As we settle in to the steemit realm, make interaction a priority and learn from our previous lack of commenting, I can foresee so many members growing and becoming prosperous along the way.

Working With Initiatives & More

About a month ago I came across a post by @davemccoy called the newbieresteemday initiative and I was intrigued. I read the post three times before giving a complete (and lengthy) comment. I started talking with him and we began a new weekly post called "Dear Dawne" where new steemians can ask questions and I will do my best to answer them. Giving guidance and mentoring is what the weekly post is about.

Here is the most recent post from last week.

Since starting to work with @davemccoy on this venture other SOGs have joined; including @abh12345 and @coolguy123. See how this SOG chain reaction has occurred? The three of us (if there are more SOGs involved, I apologize for not mentioning you here) have either dedicated our time, SP or whatever else we can offer to this wonderful initiative in helping newbies learn the ropes, get experience and further their own steemit pages.

I'd like to think most of this would not have been made possible without the kindness of @fulltimegeek and others like him. So thank you FTG and all those who have delegated and made steemit dreams come true for so many!

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Thank you @goldendawne for recollecting the journey as a #stewardsofgondor.

As always, I would like to remember @fulltimegeek for creating this group of #stewardsofgondor including me as part of his SP delegation. I think no one would have thought that this group will be so popular (may be @fulltimegeek might had some idea) and try contributing in their own style.

Happy to be named alongside @wwf, @abh12345 and @taskmaster4450.

We have to remember @abh12345 for his reports and curation leagues, because those injected us to have a sense of achieving this MORE movement whether it's MORE comments or MORE post rewards or MORE delegations or MORE interactions.

@wwf and @taskmaster4450 are not just those having Stewards of Stewards, but they have also shown that they can write 100's of meaningful huge comments to inspire the author and other readers of those blogs.

I have no doubt that this delegation movement will be continued by other SOG's as and when they have something to delegate and other activities such as providing feedback and rewarding the posts is now a continuous process and it only gets better because of the competition.

It's like each of the SOG's inspiring with something and Steemians are getting benefited.

Once again, a warm welcome to @samiwhyte to SOG's.

Thank you my friend. I work hard to bring meaning in my posts and comments and I am grateful that people are recognizing the work that goes into them. May every single member of the SOG influence others to rise above the average and excel beyond what they think they are capable of doing and achieve the unbelievable!

By each of us doing the work that we are doing, we inspire and influence others to do the same. There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence. We can change the world peacefully and we are doing it within this group. We are leading by example and there is a reason why the SOG are so famous! Because it is working! People are taking notice and we are indeed changing the world. One small post at a time! You, @goldendawne, @abh12345, @taskmaster4450 and @fulltimegeek are all a part of that success!

I am really humbled by your words @wwf. Thank you.

As @goldendawne said you spend more time than others on Steemit to make it a better place for all of us.

There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence.

This is something which is an highlight point of this group, we are all trying to gain the knowledge from other members of SOG, I haven't seen any difference of opinion from any members and I hope this will be continued forever.

Thanks again for counting me as part of the success of team of SOG.

Good day.

We have to remember @abh12345 for his reports and curation leagues, because those injected us to have a sense of achieving this MORE movement whether it's MORE comments or MORE post rewards or MORE delegations or MORE interactions.

I think this was his subconscious way of letting us all know, whether a SOG or not, that there is relevance to commenting, interacting and being a part of a/the community.

Everyone wants recognition, even if it's because you didn't self-vote for seven days, or if you had over X-number of UPvotes to others. All those little things add up.

As for @wwf and @taskmaster4450 - those two are AMAZING! They not only write one or two well planned out posts a week, they take the time to do all they do! I think they have more than 24 hours in a day, truth be told... lol

I actually have a 'time turner'! You may be familiar with that device. It is what Hermione Granger used in Harry Potter books and films to go back into time in order to take those extra classes and to save Buckbeak from the gallows as well. lol

My goal is 2 posts a day. Sometimes I get more, sometimes less. But I do spend a good 8 hours or more a day right now. Come spring, it will be much less sadly. Thank you for the mention and putting me in the same sentence as @taskmaster4450. I am honoured but merely doing my best to hold the space of what healthy relationships look like. Peace to you all.

Thanks @coolguy123, it's really a privilege to be among this team, it's filled with great and amazing steemians.

You are most welcome my friend. Each of us are trying our best to contribute with something and as @wwf said, people are noticing the work of this group. way to go.

Several people now know about us more, more people are benefiting too, I just love this group.

I would like to think to that it was spearheaded by the efforts of SOG as more and more people are seeing how effective it is to engage people.

Asher's reports was the first thing I saw that gave me a target to reach and I am happy to be part of the Top 20 now for bragging rights but for being able to see improvement in myself.

Everyone of us struggled at the start but a lot of people see that communities are a vital part of Steem and Engagement is the means to make it successful.

GROW STEEMIT GROW!!! It always starts at the top right? Trickle down theory. We all have a chance to do some unprecedented here on steemit what an amazing opportunity! Thank you @fulltimegeek and Thank you @goldendawne

You're welcome!!! This has been the most exciting time in my life (well, since my children of course!)

You are an inspiration. I like your positive attitude. Thank you for helping others. When we get nervous we should sit back, take a deep breath and know that everything will work itself out. Joy
I just said a very special prayer for you! :)

Drawing a pre-coffee blank as I try to write a comment about this... Lol
I cant leave a so-so comment on a post about great comments!

First point, @fulltimegeek and his SOG... I am only beginning to learn about the threads of kindness and support you have all woven through this platform. I am a grateful recipient of some of it, I am inspired by all of it.

Thank you all for your dedication and hours invested in Steemit and in us new folks. I think I can speak for many, the welcoming we have received here has made the difference, a light on a path in the dark unknown.

@goldendawne you were my guardian angel... Providing me a hand up, not a hand out. I am now standing solidly on my own two feet with enough SP to feel like I count, my earnings reinvested in my account. Feels great!

Second point...the comments are becoming a creature of their own! A recent post of mine has 88, almost double the number of votes.

I find myself making connections with others based more upon their comments than their posts.

I think our posts are almost like polished studio portraits, and our comments are raw, real, showing what we are really made of.

Together they work! Together we will make this entire adventure work. Proud to be here, proud to know @goldendawne. Proud to know that this is Real and I am part of it.

Hugs to All
...have a beautiful week!

WOW! NOW that's a comment even before coffee is full in your system!

the comments are becoming a creature of their own

SO TRUE! I love when people add their own views and thoughts to other's comments. It's the way the blockchain is supposed to be.

Providing me a hand up, not a hand out. I am now standing solidly on my own two feet with enough SP to feel like I count, my earnings reinvested in my account. Feels great!

This statement is a perfect example of how things are supposed to be! I am smiling after reading this! Hand outs only go so far. Hard work is a skill you never forget.

You wear your wings and halo very well my friend. <3

All the SOG are really doing a great job and they are always commited to helping the newbies grow.

I believe that the best place to have a better relationship in steemit community is through interaction and engagement in comment while give in time to appreciate the efforts of authors.

The insight of @davemccoy as regards the #newbieresteemday project is really a good one. Am happy to read here that @coolguy123, @abh12345 and @goldendawne is a committed supporter of this project. Kudos to you guys.

What I like most about the newbieresteem initiative is that it's a continuous thing. New incoming members can be welcomed and ones that have learned their way can move on; and help others coming in. It's perfect revolving door for members.

@ goldendawne, thanks for sharing more about this initiative. Somehow I was still out in the dark.

I am encouraged by projects like this that increase engagement. As we continue to engage one another, we will build a stronger community which will make our platform even more powerful for the future.

Excited about pressing forward with so many great Steemians!

The newbieresteem is a wonderful initiative and project. After talking with Dave for some time, I discovered the future of its (continued) success and love when veteran steemians get involved.

I have a new project I am trying to get up and rolling. It is called #notlikeme. The goal is to highlight the diversity of the Steemit community and celebrate what make others unique.

Feel free to write up a post about someone else using #notlikeme and the @notlikeme account with resteem your post. We are still in the infancy stage, but I hope that things can get rolling soon.

Very interesting! SO much came to my mind immediately with this tag.
Have you written up an introductory post yet?

Yes, you can find the intro post at the following link:
Introducing @notlikeme

This is great! I habe noticed the comments getting much better too.. infact i now spend just as much time if not more commenting back as i do making posts! Lol.. i never thought that would be the case because when i started (6 months ago) most of my comments were "nice post" or "good work" which were easy to reply to with "thanks" lol..
I wish i wouldve gotten some delegations early on, but earning my way slowly to 500sp to get a slider (without any help) taught me a lot about how to reward people on steemit.. i think the community is only getting stronger and more helpful to the newbies, which will only benefit everyone in the end.. 😊

now spend just as much time if not more commenting back as i do making posts

Same here. And some days commenting is more fun and the wealth of information I have picked up from these posts is utterly amazing!

Yes, the getting the slider bar is a BIG sense of accomplishment. And watching the SP grow and grow over time is a beautiful thing.

The community is growing stronger for sure and I believe it has to do with a number of small changes from everyone that have really added up into showing new users what to do and what not to do. Spammish comments are falling and most likely due to people not voting them or even flagging some of them showing this is not the way to act here on steemit. We have a strong family here and we help each other out if you put in the time and the effort.

Spammish comments are falling and most likely due to people not voting them or even flagging some of them showing this is not the way to act here on steemit.

Yes! And it's a nice relief to see that people are realizing the importance of this. Most of them are possibly here for a quick get rich thinking but soon understand it's much more than that.

And yes.. having a strong and supportive family (or community) is very important.

I think it is improving all the time. Ii still hear negatives and complaints about Steemit (which surprise me), but in my experience the overall state of the platform is positive and on an upward progression. It has been for some time now. And the quality of comments, and from that the quality of interaction is a core component of that success, imo.

Users are the lifeblood of Steemit, and the very thing that make it so different to other social media networks.

I think no matter where you go, on social media, you will always have both positive and negative. All we can do is make the platform a positive place for us and people like us.

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