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RE: You Know What I've Been Noticing? MORE Interaction! MORE Thought-Filled COMMENTS! KUDOS Everyone!

in #steemit6 years ago

Drawing a pre-coffee blank as I try to write a comment about this... Lol
I cant leave a so-so comment on a post about great comments!

First point, @fulltimegeek and his SOG... I am only beginning to learn about the threads of kindness and support you have all woven through this platform. I am a grateful recipient of some of it, I am inspired by all of it.

Thank you all for your dedication and hours invested in Steemit and in us new folks. I think I can speak for many, the welcoming we have received here has made the difference, a light on a path in the dark unknown.

@goldendawne you were my guardian angel... Providing me a hand up, not a hand out. I am now standing solidly on my own two feet with enough SP to feel like I count, my earnings reinvested in my account. Feels great!

Second point...the comments are becoming a creature of their own! A recent post of mine has 88, almost double the number of votes.

I find myself making connections with others based more upon their comments than their posts.

I think our posts are almost like polished studio portraits, and our comments are raw, real, showing what we are really made of.

Together they work! Together we will make this entire adventure work. Proud to be here, proud to know @goldendawne. Proud to know that this is Real and I am part of it.

Hugs to All
...have a beautiful week!


WOW! NOW that's a comment even before coffee is full in your system!

the comments are becoming a creature of their own

SO TRUE! I love when people add their own views and thoughts to other's comments. It's the way the blockchain is supposed to be.

Providing me a hand up, not a hand out. I am now standing solidly on my own two feet with enough SP to feel like I count, my earnings reinvested in my account. Feels great!

This statement is a perfect example of how things are supposed to be! I am smiling after reading this! Hand outs only go so far. Hard work is a skill you never forget.

You wear your wings and halo very well my friend. <3

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