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RE: You Know What I've Been Noticing? MORE Interaction! MORE Thought-Filled COMMENTS! KUDOS Everyone!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @goldendawne for recollecting the journey as a #stewardsofgondor.

As always, I would like to remember @fulltimegeek for creating this group of #stewardsofgondor including me as part of his SP delegation. I think no one would have thought that this group will be so popular (may be @fulltimegeek might had some idea) and try contributing in their own style.

Happy to be named alongside @wwf, @abh12345 and @taskmaster4450.

We have to remember @abh12345 for his reports and curation leagues, because those injected us to have a sense of achieving this MORE movement whether it's MORE comments or MORE post rewards or MORE delegations or MORE interactions.

@wwf and @taskmaster4450 are not just those having Stewards of Stewards, but they have also shown that they can write 100's of meaningful huge comments to inspire the author and other readers of those blogs.

I have no doubt that this delegation movement will be continued by other SOG's as and when they have something to delegate and other activities such as providing feedback and rewarding the posts is now a continuous process and it only gets better because of the competition.

It's like each of the SOG's inspiring with something and Steemians are getting benefited.

Once again, a warm welcome to @samiwhyte to SOG's.


Thank you my friend. I work hard to bring meaning in my posts and comments and I am grateful that people are recognizing the work that goes into them. May every single member of the SOG influence others to rise above the average and excel beyond what they think they are capable of doing and achieve the unbelievable!

By each of us doing the work that we are doing, we inspire and influence others to do the same. There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence. We can change the world peacefully and we are doing it within this group. We are leading by example and there is a reason why the SOG are so famous! Because it is working! People are taking notice and we are indeed changing the world. One small post at a time! You, @goldendawne, @abh12345, @taskmaster4450 and @fulltimegeek are all a part of that success!

I am really humbled by your words @wwf. Thank you.

As @goldendawne said you spend more time than others on Steemit to make it a better place for all of us.

There is no need for violence or to attack those who engage in violence.

This is something which is an highlight point of this group, we are all trying to gain the knowledge from other members of SOG, I haven't seen any difference of opinion from any members and I hope this will be continued forever.

Thanks again for counting me as part of the success of team of SOG.

Good day.

We have to remember @abh12345 for his reports and curation leagues, because those injected us to have a sense of achieving this MORE movement whether it's MORE comments or MORE post rewards or MORE delegations or MORE interactions.

I think this was his subconscious way of letting us all know, whether a SOG or not, that there is relevance to commenting, interacting and being a part of a/the community.

Everyone wants recognition, even if it's because you didn't self-vote for seven days, or if you had over X-number of UPvotes to others. All those little things add up.

As for @wwf and @taskmaster4450 - those two are AMAZING! They not only write one or two well planned out posts a week, they take the time to do all they do! I think they have more than 24 hours in a day, truth be told... lol

I actually have a 'time turner'! You may be familiar with that device. It is what Hermione Granger used in Harry Potter books and films to go back into time in order to take those extra classes and to save Buckbeak from the gallows as well. lol

My goal is 2 posts a day. Sometimes I get more, sometimes less. But I do spend a good 8 hours or more a day right now. Come spring, it will be much less sadly. Thank you for the mention and putting me in the same sentence as @taskmaster4450. I am honoured but merely doing my best to hold the space of what healthy relationships look like. Peace to you all.

Thanks @coolguy123, it's really a privilege to be among this team, it's filled with great and amazing steemians.

You are most welcome my friend. Each of us are trying our best to contribute with something and as @wwf said, people are noticing the work of this group. way to go.

Several people now know about us more, more people are benefiting too, I just love this group.

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