Steemit Walk Of Shame: But Was It Really?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


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The Hardest Post I Have EVER Written

I had my whole steemit day of posts planned out today! I was anxious to sit down after I did the Qurator newsletter and start hammering out some great posts! My weekly Kitchen Happenings (I have been at it again), a contest and homesteaders community update post... yeah it was going to be a good day. But before I started those posts, I had one BIG task at hand. I was going to act on another aspect of being a Stewards Of Gondor.

I am a details kind of a person. I am always second guessing every move I make. Always my own worst critic and forever the person who measures twice and cuts once.

But today, even though I measured ten times and did the cut once... I think I totally eff'ed up!

How you ask?

Well, let me say this... my head is hanging in utter shame and humiliation right now. Yeah, that bad...

What Should Have Happened Vs. What Did Happened Vs. How It Ended

What SHOULD Have Happened

I have spent the last week to ten days sifting through steemians to find the right person I wanted to delegate my OWN SP to; since I had been so generously delegated 10k SP from @fulltimegeek.

So this morning, after reading, re-reading and QUADRUPLE reading how to use Vessel to delegate my SP, I headed in. I was a little nervous... both from being able to share some of my SP with another dedicated steemian as well as making such a HUGE decision.

Well, I followed the directions of how to delegate on Vessel... I completed the transaction. YAY me!

Nope.. not quite. Hang onto your seats....

What Did Happen

Queue the violins and sad music here

Yes the delegation of 200sp went through... but.. and here's the BIG but... it came from my FTG delegation! How in the wholly world did that happen?! What did I do!!!!!

My world just crashed to the ground!

I raced to Discord to gather my thoughts and to hopefully settle some nerves... I am SO distraught.

I messaged a few people... I chatted with a few people.

I have no clue what I did wrong... I have no idea how this happened. I feel about as low as low can be.

Two days ago I had tears of JOY.. today I have tears of shame... tears of embarrassment and tears of utter humiliation!

I sat and stared at my wallet for a few minutes... devastated... now what?

How It Ended

What? What Was That?

I cancelled the delegation in my moments of fear, anxiety and shame! Now what?

In come my Steemit Knights In Shining Armor...

  • Knight Number One said "make a post and explain what happened.." Simply a newbie thing. Yeah I can do that... Not TOO much humility there. But I'm a big girl... I can do that. Solid advice!

  • Knight Number Two said... "You did it right.. that's how the delegation numbers work..." WHAT? No way!

  • Knight Number Three said "You're ok... delegation can be confusing if you've never done it before." Yeah, you can say that again.

Lessons learned today...

  • I have about 1250SP personally and the 10K from FTG. I tried to delegated 200 and the number shows about 9800 in my wallet (from the delegation from FTG) whereas my SP stayed the same. The balance between steem coming in and going out. I can only delegate to a maximum of my 1250'ish TOTAL.

  • Since I cancelled the delegation, I am unable to touch that SP for 7 days now. But that's OK; I spoke with the person I am delegating to, explained my mishap and error and all is good.

  • Breath in and out... breath in and out... It's going to be OK

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I dont think there is any difference in the delegation.

Since it is a net effect, it matters little where it comes from. Both affect your VP so sending out 200 SP will deduct your VP by the applicable amount.

I think the numbers shows is just a net...whether it technically comes from @fulltimegeek's 10K or yours, it is still the same.

Look at @wwf's wallet...he received SP from @fulltimegeek yet his is showing delegation of 5400+ SP...I know he delegated out some it makes sense that it is a net.

I think you ended up doing it just scared yourself.

Yeah... I kinda scared myself! I saw the number and went into full panic mode! Better now though... @wwf and @scrooger talked me down from the ledge.

Yes I saw his wallet and realized my error was NOT trusting in myself. Lesson learned today.

@taskmaster4450 How are you? Miss you! xx

Bless all you helpful souls ...

This may not be nice to say, but this story was actually comforting. I spent my first month on Steemit scared to death to do anything. Anything!! Even posting was traumatic. I remain scared sh*tless whenever I have to do anything new. And yes, sometimes I screw up and hate myself! Reading that these things happen to other people, too? As I said ... comforting. (It's been a pretty horrible week for me, too. I hope the stars straighten out soon!! [weary smile] )

Oh I am the same way! Believe me! It's the feeling if you click that button, the universe could end at any second!

We are all human and make mistakes... and yes, the week did bring some great news and good things- soI chalk this up to a life lesson.

Hope your weekend GLORIOUS!

:) Yup. Confusing eh! That steem power in brackets is a balance between steem delegated to you and steem delegated out. In my wallet, it showed 10,000+ delegated steem from @FullTimeGeek. But when I delegated 96% of my steem to other people, it reflected that shift in the delegated steem section, highlighted in brackets. I did not actually delegate @FullTimeGeek's steem but rather my own, which was reflected as a net gain for me in delegation. If I had 20,000 steem and delegated it all away, the NET balance would be (-10,000). It can be a bit confusing, but we don't actually delegate other peoples steem, only our own. I'm glad you wrote this post, to help clarify it for others. Hold your head high my friend. You did great and you did not breach any trust with @fulltimegeek! <3

You can see this if you use steemd to check your account. Under my voting weight, you can see my steem plus FTG delegated steem minus the steem that I delegated for a balance of 10,203. His number did not go down at all.

Thank you for how you explained it to me. Definitely took the fear away!

Such a simple thing... yet soooo confusing the first time you try it.

You realize that I wrote a post yesterday making it very clear that I was not a knight and you turned around and called me a knight! lol. I just found the timing very ironic! hahaha

Lol- I missed that post... and yes, VERY ironic!

I think I will read and comment on it.

every time I push a button, I'm afraid i'm gonna mess it up. I feel for ya. Some of this lingo is total gibberish to me. I can't get my mind around some of it. Oh well, onward through the fog. :)

Yes I was like that too... just this morning as a matter of fact- lol

It gets easier... really it does! I just am thrilled to know I didn't mess anything up.

I will take your word for it. :)

Heres some steemit shame solidarity for you:
I keep missing your posts in my feed. I have to search your name to find your posts and try to stay up to date.
I realized just now I wasn't even following you! What the heck! And I think this is probably the case with lots of people that I'd like to keep up to date with, I'm not seeing their posts cause I forget to click follow, which is crazy as I follow bunches of people every day. Probably too many people...
Anyway, new things are tricky. Try not to be ashamed of yourself for honest mistakes. <3<3

No, it may not be that at all. EVERY day I go through certain keyword searches and find, comment, etc on people I KNOW I AM following... and something is wrong with steemit I think, because I have to RE-follow the people. Glitch in the system somewhere maybe...

Huh! Well it's comforting too hear I'm not the only one, if not perplexing!

Hello new and improved @goldendawne
Carry on...

You can say that again!
I learned somethings today... trust yourself... we all make mistakes... it's gonna be OK

Yeah... Still shaking my head but at least now I'm smiling about it!

Don't feel bad. I'm so new I'm not even totally sure what you're talking about. Tomorrow you'll probably look back and laugh at the whole ordeal, so don't worry. Life happens.

I'm already laughing at myself- live and learn... make mistakes, pick yourself back up... dust off the shame and get it done! right?

My father used to say, “Success is getting up more than you fall down.”

Oh, I like that saying! And so true!

I think you did fine it all balances out 😎👍😎

This sounds like something I would do! It's so new to so many of us. And, I think the most beautiful outcome is you sharing this for the rest of us to learn. Thank-you for that! We are very blessed to have mentors showing us the way.

I have learned a lot since joining steemit and I'll admit this one was a BIG one. I have never delegated before so I was VERY careful. I just didn't understand 100% how the system worked. Luckily now I do.

Haha What a great picture you painted! I am glad it is working out!

I can laugh now... but about six hours ago not so much!!!

Nice, remember we are laughing with you!

so you say.... lol

Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, you need a new sense of humor, right?

Thats right! 🙃

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