Work Will Win When Wishy Washy Wishing Wont

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

There is no such thing as a free lunch and that’s not necessarily a bad thing…

Let’s face it, contributing to steemit takes work… because that’s a fundamental element of any functional system.

When things are obtained for free or for very little effort they have a greater tendency to be undervalued.
If free hand-outs become the norm they tend to create as sense of entitlement in the receiving parties mind.
When this entitled expectation is not met, then it can lead to bitterness and resentment.

Sometime we approach steemit with the wrong expectations, I list a few of them below:

--endless random clicking of the upvote button will make me a millionaire
--voting on the posts with the highest numbers underneath them will somehow give me the lion’s share of that value (even if hundreds have clicked before me with the same expectation)
--posting endless drivel will make me thousands
--a shotgun is far better than a sniper rifle
--if I put up hundreds or thousands of posts, one of them has to go viral, right?
--spewing thousands of one-liner comments will get me noticed and make me rich
--I deserve it all… for google and pasting memes
--copy-pasting other people’s work without citation makes me a hero
--spam is the divine purpose of the internet and sacrifices must be left at the altar as often as possible

These are just a few. The list is endless, please add you favorites in the comments section below…

Most new user entertain some variant of these notions. How do I know this…?

I was a new user too…

I have entertained a couple of these strategies in the past and occasionally slip back into bad habits. Sometimes the analyst in me does these things just as an experiment to see how certain aspects of the platform are evolving over time.

The title of this post is an old proverb, which has recently been popularized again by Thomas S. Monson.

The moment we consistently and conscientiously engage with the steemit platform and community we quickly see that work is the best strategy.

…even when it’s not consistently rewarded or noticed in the beginning.

Below are a few work strategies that I find win:

--actually spend time reading other people’s posts and comments
--learn from others and apply what you learn
--vote sparingly, but for everything you think adds to your steemit experience
--avoid voting for already high earning posts (it just widens gaps) unless you just can’t resist, because it’s so truly awesome
--post sparingly, give your ideas time to mature and think of multiple different ways to present them
--give others a turn
--help others and do your part
--one day, when you can, be generous
--give back
--get to know others and contribute to their successes
--build community
--think twice before you comment and make your contribution meaningful
--be smart
--find your voice
--find you audience
--build your audience
--building reputation takes time
--be forgiving, we are still in the early days, with lots of growing pains
--get over disappointments

These are just a few. Please add your favorite work strategies in the comments below.

All this sound like a lot of hard work, and so it is… but hard work is what’s consistently rewarded in the end.


I had to upvote this because you're laying out some reasonable guidelines to looking at Steemit contributions.

I'm all for the Steemian who personally wants to just lurk and vote, if that's how they conduct themselves on social media. I didn't even have an account on Reddit so I couldn't vote, I'd just read articles and moved on.

But for the Steemian who wants to contribute content, this is great advice and very important to consider

I was a major lurker too.... steemit grew me a voice!!

Yesterday was the first time in weeks I'd been on fb, and it was to change password with 1password, and to reply to the friend who asked if I was alive. I told him I'm alive and doing great over at Steemit haha.

Side note: it took me 3 full minutes to remember how to use their interface and find the password change area


Seconded....I remember spending tens of hours on Askreddit subreddit without making a single comment. And Facebook is too full of buddies....

Oh man and once I got the Bitcoin bug, I got to witness the crazy rivalries between r/ btc and r/Bitcoin which reinforced my decision not to create and account and participate. I did learn a lot though

got to love the inter-community politics in crypto

I love this! I feel like the spam on Steemit is rapidly growing, I feel like more original articles that aren't taken from google are getting less attention! I'm glad this was seen.

I wrote one recently! If you want to check it out :)

the next update will help kill spam and as soon as the noobs settle in it will reduce, we see this with every large influx of new users.

Tanks for this great threat.
This is realy useful for me and other newbies.
I think your passion is a realy good starter. So i hope peaple take theyr time to read and learn from you as a steemit teacher.

I havent seen so great list of wath to do so far here insite, so i actuly would bokmark this site. And share it on facebook an with friends.
We need more kinds of this peaple like you, to suksess in steemit comunity. I like your advice, and hope for more post like this in future.

I think you could do it great here in this comunity.
Cheers mate (y)

You are very generous in your comments

Thank you for working strategy and the analysis of their failures. Added your article to your bookmarks.
You wrote everything correctly. Without a thorough analysis and daily work we will not succeed.

you get out what you put in, admittedly it takes time to balance the ratios.

Tanks :)

Very useful for beginners !

Thanks for alot of quesrtions answered :)

Great, glad I could help. my point exactly. but you did it better. congrats,. I hope people listen...

@gavvet of work is great.
Please do its best from now on.

your strategies are just great! We need a Win Win situation and a balance on our community. Thank you !

slowing down the sign ups is going yo go a long way to balancing the community

Believe me, I tried to read other people's posts to consume content and comment afterwards.

The problem is that the only social media website I ever liked was Quora. I was active there. Fairly appreciated. That is a platform where intelligent answers with great life experiences are shared.

When it comes to Steemit, it is very difficult to find that kind of content. I have to read 10 same kind of unintelligent posts to land on a good one. That drains my energy.

It feels like I do not belong to this place. I agree with the first part of your post. It has been more than two weeks and I started with same expectations.

I expected that since my writing was appreciated on Quora I may find little success. I never expected $1K, but I thought having $20 to $50 for a post was not unrealistic when compared to the quality of other content.

I also understand the marketing aspect here. Produce content what people want to read. Tried that too. I don't know. I don't want to lose it so early. Will try harder. I just hope that I don't break down and lose faith.

I partly agree with the points made by you in the second part of your post.

Liked your post. So couldn't resist to upvote and comment.

A lot of people will tell Thank you. me too.

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