From 0 to 400 Followers in 3 weeks – My First impressions of Steemit, and where I think we should go

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Today marks 3 weeks since my introduction post here on steemit. By chance, I also happen to have reached 400 Followers this morning. Thus, I thought it would be a good occasion to share some of my experiences with the platform so far and where I see things going from here.

As I made clear in my introduction post, I have very high hopes for steem. The concept made a lot of sense to me back then and I was determined to start accumulating steem and investing the platform. However, I never expected to be sucked in as quickly, and get as hooked on producing content and engaging in conversations, as I have become over the last 3 weeks.

To quote directly from my introduction post

While the idea of building a blog has been attractive, I have often felt discouraged by a number of reasons. How much effort will I have to put in to build a website that is good enough? Will I end up investing a lot of time only for nobody to read my blog? It was here that I finally came across the steemit platform! I sincerely hope that the steemit platform can allow me to do what I love, and share my passion for everything related to space, science, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and education.

When I wrote those words, I did not dare to wish for my first post to get 1,060 views, 333 upvotes and hundreds of comments. I did not know a single person on steemit, did not know of any chatrooms or discussion forums, and did no external outreach. I’ve since gone on to obtain 50-70$ on posts consistently following my 330$ introduction. All of this is completely unheard of for any traditional social media or blogging platform. There would be no way to get such traffic without lifting a finger, but instead letting the platform and community do its own thing, and it would take months to achieve a similar level of monetizing and regular following.

Now, of course, this could only be achieved thanks to the generous and active support of many of you established steemians. I am very grateful for all corners of the steemit community that have seen my content and thought that it was worth following and upvoting. I myself hope that I am contributing to the community and also the quality and diversity of content found on steemit. And I hope to help promote that to the very end. As I have already invested more since joining, and will be looking to accumulate more steem in weeks and months ahead, I truly believe that promoting good content and fruitful conversations is the key to steem’s long term success.

Uten navn.png
Poorly made celebration image, because I felt I needed something!

The art of a fruitful conversation and the value of good relationships

If there is one thing that stands out to me about steemit then it’s the way in which it incentivises everyone to have as many good relationships as possible. Also with people they disagree with deeply on sensitive topics. Everyone wins from having fruitful and positive exchanges, and everyone loses from flag wars and ruining their image on the platform. So while other platforms naturally creates negative spirals, where people are sent into bubbles and flame wars, here the big winners are more likely to be those that manage to find good engagement also with people across the board.

I stress this because I really think it is a potential recipe for success. The question people who are invested in the platform ought to ask is: What pains are people experiencing on other social networks? How have these networks created environments where people spend a significant time of their day doing things they perceive as meaningless when they go to bed? Or as frustrating and annoying when they engage with people through the platform? And how can we co-create steemit as a platform where those pains and frustrations are not nearly as common?

Indeed how can we, as Tristan Harris suggests in his TED Talk, to “make technology that helps us spend our time well“?

Tristan Harris's 2014 TED Talk on ethical Technology Development

Having been here only 3 weeks, and witnessed only some of the potential, I obviously don’t know all the answers. But I sure am looking forward to discussing them with all of you. And co-create a platform of highest potential!

Fredrik / @Fredrikaa


@fredrikaa Congratulations! It is no surprise that you are rising so swiftly in this platform, since you have all the ingredients of an ideal Steemian: a unique insight into a fascinating field, an interesting background, great communication skills and a willingness to engage in meaningful discussions (instead of just self-promoting). Without a doubt, your achievements are well deserved! I hope you stay here for the long run.

I agree with you that the blogging experience in Steemit is much more rewarding that in other platforms. In the past I have been in that position of feeling like I am talking to the void, investing a lot of effort into creating quality content that never gets read by anyone and it is certainly no fun. However, I also find that here on Steemit the audience for your posts grows very organically, and somehow it is easier to find and engage with people who are interested in reading your articles.

Thanks a tonne @irime ! I am really humbled by your kind words, it really means a lot to me :)
I hope I can continue to live up to them, and continue to improve. Regardless of the growth, I am still really new to the platform, and every day is teaching me new things about blogging and good ways of engagement.

Hope to see you around for the long run as well! And that we can collectively grow stronger and better as steemit develops further :)


Congratulations! Wish I'd come even close to this... :D
But It's actually not very surprising I guess... You have a really admirable work space at ESA and you give very interesting and unique insights! Thank you for this!
Well... and maybe a bit lucky too... Your introduction post was resteemed 28 times according to steemdb. Wow! :D

By the way... interesting TED talk!

Thank you @mkt ! I just do my best to keep the posts interesting and consistent with my subject. While also doing all I can to build good relationships with other people on the platform. I really do believe we can go very far together just by being here and growing collectively.

Glad you liked the TED Talk :) I really enjoyed it too, as well as many of his appearances on podcasts and interviews. If you're really interested in the topic then you can check out this podcast too.

Again, thank you for the comment!

20 mins in... very interesting! Thanks!

Happy that you like it!
I found it really fascinating as well. A very important topic for our time, and relevant to the development of steem.

With Tristan Harris. :)

Oh that sure is new! Thanks a lot :)

Thank you! I'll check it out! :)

You've already made quite an impact on the platform. I for one am very glad you joined steemspeak as quickly as you did. I enjoy listening to what you have to say, and I look forward to reading more of your content. :)

Thank you for saying that @mrslauren! Not sure about impact just yet, but I feel like I have gained a strong foothold, which is all I could have wished for as a start :)

Humbled to hear that you are enjoying my contributions to the conversations, and very happy to have joined the group and gotten to know you as well! I'm sure we'll have many great exchanges here on the platform going forward, and I look forward to sharing the journey with you! :)


Well done! I was just having this conversation with @hannahlicious -ie why are people so uplifting - and it is as you say, why upset people, as you will only harm yourself

Well done for your 400 followers! You deserve it!

Thank you! :) Great getting to know you!

That's a really pretty result :)

Indeed it is. A bit blown away by it to be honest :)
A big thanks to all of you who are making it possible!

Wow! Congratulations on your incredible success! We started on steemit roughly at the same time.. and I thought I was doing so well having gotten to 120 followers :)
This just goes to show how incredibly important good, high quality and original content is for success on steemit. That and relationship building of course! I completely agree with your observations on the negative spirals you get in other social media platforms. People are more motivated and invested in building positive relationships here and that is very encouraging!

Thank you @fiftysixnorth!
You don't seem to be doing badly at all! Yes, it takes time to find the right niche and right format in which to post for a given audience. For most, it will require a few trial and errors and small iterations. Some, however, may hit the right spot early. Which I guess I must have done.

But the journey has just begun! And steemit is still very, very young. So I strongly believe that building new relationships, and strengthening the ones already forged, will have huge long-term benefits for all. Glad to have you here :)


I absolutely agree! You do have to hit the right niche, but there is more to it I think, and in your case you bring something to steemit that is absolutely unique and that has a great deal of value to people. It is going to be a very interesting journey! :)

Congratulation on your 400+ followers, I have just reached 300+ yesterday, you post in space stuff are always interesting~

Thank you @biuiam !
And congratulations on your own growth! Let's continue to build an awesome community around science and other STEM-subjects on steem together :)

Yes!! Steem On together for science and SteemSTEM!!

I did not know when I first commented on your introduction post, that I will be there almost a week trying to bring sanity into some very flat minds , but always keeping the discussion to a certain level, at least from my side :)

Steemit has a long way to go and it evolves with a every HF. It will never be perfect as perfect system does not exist, will be evolving.

Planned to meet you in Paris, but did not made it, as we had a very tight schedule and got only on Sunday a little out when it started raining(but when does it not rain in Paris)

Keep it up

Sorry for dragging you into that dead-end! :P
I believe more and more in the platform the more time I spend speaking with experienced users on different chat-channels. And the more I understand where the fundamental technology can go.

Would have been awesome to meet-up in Paris. Let's try again next time!

@Fredrikaa I didn't have the same success with my intro post as I wasn't aware that there was so much potential with the #introduceyourself tag. However, after watching many videos of the success of other Steemians, I started to become hooked myself and set myself the goal of getting 20 new followers a day which has been successful up until now.

On a side note I am running a contructive comment campaign whereby I upvote constructive comments with 5-10 cents (sometimes more- I have 2700 Steem Power) which as worked well so far. Really curious to get your feedback on this @Fredrikaa.

Needless to say you have a new follower and my upvote on this post!

I am still trying to work out the best way to delegate my steem power.
So far I am mainly looking into:

  • Are they contributing positively to making the comment section more interesting and engaging other readers.
  • Are they Powering Up their accounts. In other words: Will the assistance I give to their growth pay back for me in the long-term, as my followers get more power to vote me up with. (That may sound a bit calculated, but I strongly believe in positive communities and fruitful relationships growing each-other over time).

And then if I do believe both of those points, then I usually vote up as much as I can (maybe I would profit more by upvoting less, and spending more power elsewhere, but I think it is a good way to grow over time).

Anyways I would be happy to have many conversations with you. And hope we can form a good bond here to the benefit of both :)

Great points right there. I've spent A LOT of time thinking about exactly these points and will shortly be posting all my ideas for how to maximize steem power.
Thanks for your comment and let me know if you come up with new ideas or how your current steempower-maximising tactics are working.

congrats... you are killing it...

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