I Received Bad News Today, But A Random Act of Kindness From A Fellow Steemian Changed Everything

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Don't you just LOVE when someone does something out of the blue for you, completely unexpected?

It absolutely makes my day - and today, my day was MADE.

This greeting card, crafted by the talented @littlenewthings, is the reason why a potentially crappy day ended up being a great one instead:


Pretty good representation of me in cartoon form xD

So here's a quick story from today:

I was supposed to meet up with @littlenewthings today for a wild foodie tour around Kuala Lumpur....

Unfortunately, instead of going on a foodie tour, I ended up going to the hospital this morning - yay.

Apparently I suffered some nerve damage after the fiasco in Thailand - my foot has been partially numb ever since I left the hospital - I figured it would heal, so I've been ignoring it.

This morning at 4AM I was awoken with searing pain shooting down my leg into my foot, my foot almost completely numb. Barely fits in my shoe since it swelled up a bit.


Went and saw a doctor, and he said based on everything I told him and the diagnosis I received in the hospital in Thailand (rhabdomyolosis) that I was most likely developing peripheral neuropathy - nerve damage which causes numbness, tingling, and nerve pain in your legs/feet and hands.

They prescribed me some meds (they wanted to hand out opioids to me and I had to quickly say no, before my inner addict decided it wanted to come out and play) - so he sent me out with pregabalin instead (similar to Neurontin/Gabapentin).

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-05 at 08.54.24.jpeg

I don't have travel insurance, and even though hospitals are cheaper than back home in the US, I still get smashed. Had to drop another $80 for seeing the doc and a 2 week supply of meds :/

Meds haven't helped a whole lot, but I spent most of the day in bed resting and working on website design projects.

Gonna try some turmeric tomorrow and keep off my feet for the most part - here's hoping this doesn't worsen any further!

@Littlenewthings was super cool about me not being able to make out foodie tour today - she even offered to come pick me up from the hospital and take me out for food. Such a sweetheart.

When I got home, she mentioned a side project that she's been working on quietly for a while - and it's pretty fucking cool.

She sent me a picture of the greeting card she had custom designed and crafted for me - it's SteemIt themed!!

How cool is this?!?! It absolutely made my day. I had the BIGGEST smile on my face after she sent it - it's probably the nicest thing anyone's done for me in a long while. So thoughtful and creative - I can't wait to see it in person!

Her project is called "Craftz of Luv" - custom designed cards for anyone and any occasion, and they're very affordable, too! She does it mainly to put a smile on someone's face - which just made me gain an incredible amount of respect for her, and also taught me a lesson in selflessness and kindness.

You can view some of her work and get in touch with her via her Facebook page:


We are going to reschedule our foodie tour, and I can't wait to go pig out with her - there will definitely be a SteemIt post for that!

SO - even though I had a pretty crappy day in regards to my health (I was pretty fucking bummed out after he told me), this random act of kindness from Jessicca made my day a million times better.

Moral of the story?

The little things can have the biggest impact on someone - and random acts of kindness can go a long, long way. The world we live in is full of good people that really do care about others - so even though we may become turned off to the world and humanity, good people do still exist.

Do something kind for someone you know today. Watch and see how far that can go - you can completely change someone's day and bring a smile to someone who may really need it. Be kind, treat others well, and karma will make sure that when you need it, someone will be there to make your day a little brighter.


Live on August 8, 2017 - sign up for our free daily email blast (starting up shortly)!



What a sweet act from you. @littlenewthings

Get well soon. @fatpandadesign

She is an absolute sweetheart! My day was completely made because of this.

Appreciate the kind words brother! Just going to take it easy and focus on work instead of exploring like I usually do - gotta give the foot some rest!

Hope you recover soon and we gotta meet up!

Definitely bro - soon! What part of KL are you in?

Let's try to make the next meetup in @cheras zone if @bitrocker2020 is cool with it and we can also meet another cheras steemian @elizacheng as well.
(c/o: @littlenewthings)

I'm down - how about you @travelingtaka ?

This would be epic - and we could make a big post about it!

Before that, you need to keep your feet up for a while.

I am so sorry to reply so late... was not aware of this mention... I am still trying to figure out on the notification in Steemit... I missed out quite a number of comments, replies and mentions... =_=

You are most welcome @fatpandadesign . I am glad to see you swollen foot today.
I hope we did not get you to walk too much today. Stay put and rest your feet and body as much as you can. You can try 1/2 teaspoon with the 3-1 teh tarik in case you find it a little hard to take in.
You might probably need to get like a loaf of bread and stay indoors for a while, which necessary though challenging for you.
upvoted and resteemed

Thank you again for everything - you're amazing! Hope we can do another foodie day soon! :D AND I really appreciate all of the goodies you brought me today - can't wait to start doing some more foodie posts

Thank you again for such a wonderful post and promoting the vision and mission to bring smiles to people :)

Of course my friend <3

I hope your foot gets well soon my friend. You really can't put a price on your well being. But they could make it a bit cheaper. lol Is is incredible how just one random act of kindness can make someone's day. It does not have to be money valuable, but when it comes from the heart it is priceless. :)

I appreciate it!

You're right, you can't put a price on it - but between the 2 hospitals in Thailand and the few doctors visits out here (there was one about 10 days agao in Penang, too) I've dropped close to $1500 - within a month. Plus all the money that was stolen...so I've taken a huge hit as of late :/

I'm in recovery mode right now: focusing on my health, my business and my financial wellbeing - so things will start getting better as long as I stay focused!

Random acts of kindness always make me smile, and they're always even better when they come from the heart and not necessarily the wallet. It means so much to me!

Yes, $1500 is not a small amount to spend for any kind of a reason. As long as you get better it is money well spent. In the end, all that matters. Things have to get better.

They are especially amazing when you are going through a rough time. It makes you more positive and smiling in a second.

I wish you a fast recovery and all the best in the future. Keep your head up :)

The positive things have been absolutely amazing, and I'm incredibly grateful for even the smallest of things now. Going through this crap has made me even more receptive to positive energy and shifted my mindset to one that really focuses on the good instead of the bad.

Thanks for your kind words - I really do appreciate it!

Cheers <3

You are more than welcome my friend. Support is what this platform should be all about. In good, and bad times. Thank you for a nice converstion. :)

Great story and thanks to @littlenewthings same as you for revealing it, it deserves for sure to be tagged as #positivity as well. 🙂

Bravo @littenewthings!!
Hope you feel better @fatpandadesign!!
Its really nice to see the steemit community caring for one another, the littlest things can impact a huge deal in someone's life. Thanks for sharing! You got a resteem from me on this one, and a vote of course.
Have a great day and continue to spread the positivity, it can be contagious!!

Thanks bro!

I was really happy too, she made a crappy day a lot better!

Appreciate the upvote and resteem amigo - I'll be sure to keep the positive attitude and mindset on lock and try to spread the happiness around!

That's the spirit homie! Lol

I hope you get well soon!
Yes even small random acts of kindness are the best we can give and receive, it does a lot of good and it don't necessary cost much. It bring so much joy to the giver and receiver:) Thanks you for sharing this and giving hope about humanity, I would like to see more posts like this.

Thank you! You're totally right - it doesn't have to cost much, or even anything if you're creative, and can bring more joy than buying something expensive would. Me personally, the little things bring me the most personal joy and inner feeling of peace and happiness - it's nice when someone thinks about you and does something that they spent time on for you.
Thanks for reading, I'll try to post more positive vibe stuff like this! :)

Loved the post. You get well, man.

Thanks dude! Much appreciated - hopefully it's just a temporary thing ;)

how cool. those little random acts are what make people really feel that life is worth it.
We all can change someone day just by even the way we look at them. I sitll don't know why not more people can do things like this which will mean or cost them absolutely nothing but will mean a lo to the other.
I hope your feet heal soon
Soy tu tio

Absolutely true - the little things can make the biggest impact on someone.
And honestly, a lot of people just don't have the emotional intelligence to read and detect others feelings and how they could improve on them - society seems to ignore the importance of emotional intelligence.
This act of kindness reminded me that I could do the same for others - so I'm going to place emphasis on doing so.
Thank you for the kind words - I'm hoping it heals soon, although it's still getting worse and now affecting my hands :[

oh man, that sucks.
But soon it will heal you will see. :D

great post and inspiring to think how we can add some little bit of light to someone's day.

sorry to hear about the nerve problem, I personally think that almost all health problems are food related, so maybe you can look to work with a functional medicine trained doctor, when you are home again or where you are.

The only type of doctors who see the connection between food and pathology.

And it can be difficult to make the connection. And if it turns out to be the case, it can be difficult to make the changes that are necessary too.

But maybe you will want to look into it. Could offer hope. I have tumeric every single day, so obviously, I support that one too

if you want to know more, I am no expert, but I have read a lot, or search for functional or integrative medicine trained doctors

Pleased to have made your acquaintance.
big hugs and good luck

This is an interesting perspective - and could potentially be part of the cause. However, this is definitely trauma based, as this is all stemming right from my time spent in the hospital in Thailand - my foot was already tingling/partially numb when I left, but I assumed it would heal up since my leg was starting to heal up and I could walk on it decently.

My diet isn't the best, as traveling I turn into a massive foodie and try everything and anything - so that's something that I definitely need to improve upon, and plan on doing, as well as quitting smoking.

I just don't think this specific issue is stemming from my diet, since it only started directly after I was jumped.

However, that doesn't mean that I won't start eating better and taking care of myself - that's something that I'm starting to find out is really fucking important, my health and diet. It's something I've overlooked and brushed aside for years, and now that I'm experiencing an issue that has potential to worsen and remain for life, I'm taking this shit very seriously.

So, thank you for dropping a comment and some knowledge my way - I'm definitely going to try turmeric today and see if that helps - is that something that works right away to help reduce inflammation? My foot is inflamed/swollen and it could definitely use some relief.

It was a pleasure to meet you earlier as well, and I hope to stay in touch! I followed you btw :)

Hugs right back!

according to all the research it's one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory substances that exists. Tumeric that is.
I have used it (in it's powdered form) on open wounds, on myself and on my animals, and every morning I have quite a bit (maybe one gram or so) of that on my breakfast.

I don't know if it is doing that much for me, but I ain't stopping, while I can still afford it.

And we are taught that diet doesn't really matter that much.
And that some of the worst things are the good things, and so on.
Your life and habits up till now aren't your fault.

but when we learn something and don't put it into action...

I am as guilty or more than anyone in this. Takes me years some times to put something into action.

Progress not perfection, I think is what we need to keep in mind

Awesome, I'm going to put some turmeric in my tea later! Taking it easy on food today :)

I know diet is something very important and that society has conditioned us to believe it's not - it's something I'm currently working on.

I appreciate the knowledge friend!!

you are so welcome

big hugs, and sorry if I seemed like a pain in the arse, getting on your back like that.

All good my friend.

big hugs

Nah you're good, honestly! I appreciate when people are honest and say how they feel and think :)

Never be afraid to say what you mean - I'm very open minded and always willing to hear you out.

Hugs :D

thanks fatpanda

If you want a healthier diet, we can opt you on a lean and clean choice @fatpandadesign . heh heh heh.
Probably start with congee. heh heh heh... and all sort of soupy stuffs.

Hi, your posts are nice and helpful. Do not forget vote yeah !!

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