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RE: I Received Bad News Today, But A Random Act of Kindness From A Fellow Steemian Changed Everything

in #steemit7 years ago

great post and inspiring to think how we can add some little bit of light to someone's day.

sorry to hear about the nerve problem, I personally think that almost all health problems are food related, so maybe you can look to work with a functional medicine trained doctor, when you are home again or where you are.

The only type of doctors who see the connection between food and pathology.

And it can be difficult to make the connection. And if it turns out to be the case, it can be difficult to make the changes that are necessary too.

But maybe you will want to look into it. Could offer hope. I have tumeric every single day, so obviously, I support that one too

if you want to know more, I am no expert, but I have read a lot, or search for functional or integrative medicine trained doctors

Pleased to have made your acquaintance.
big hugs and good luck


This is an interesting perspective - and could potentially be part of the cause. However, this is definitely trauma based, as this is all stemming right from my time spent in the hospital in Thailand - my foot was already tingling/partially numb when I left, but I assumed it would heal up since my leg was starting to heal up and I could walk on it decently.

My diet isn't the best, as traveling I turn into a massive foodie and try everything and anything - so that's something that I definitely need to improve upon, and plan on doing, as well as quitting smoking.

I just don't think this specific issue is stemming from my diet, since it only started directly after I was jumped.

However, that doesn't mean that I won't start eating better and taking care of myself - that's something that I'm starting to find out is really fucking important, my health and diet. It's something I've overlooked and brushed aside for years, and now that I'm experiencing an issue that has potential to worsen and remain for life, I'm taking this shit very seriously.

So, thank you for dropping a comment and some knowledge my way - I'm definitely going to try turmeric today and see if that helps - is that something that works right away to help reduce inflammation? My foot is inflamed/swollen and it could definitely use some relief.

It was a pleasure to meet you earlier as well, and I hope to stay in touch! I followed you btw :)

Hugs right back!

according to all the research it's one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory substances that exists. Tumeric that is.
I have used it (in it's powdered form) on open wounds, on myself and on my animals, and every morning I have quite a bit (maybe one gram or so) of that on my breakfast.

I don't know if it is doing that much for me, but I ain't stopping, while I can still afford it.

And we are taught that diet doesn't really matter that much.
And that some of the worst things are the good things, and so on.
Your life and habits up till now aren't your fault.

but when we learn something and don't put it into action...

I am as guilty or more than anyone in this. Takes me years some times to put something into action.

Progress not perfection, I think is what we need to keep in mind

Awesome, I'm going to put some turmeric in my tea later! Taking it easy on food today :)

I know diet is something very important and that society has conditioned us to believe it's not - it's something I'm currently working on.

I appreciate the knowledge friend!!

you are so welcome

big hugs, and sorry if I seemed like a pain in the arse, getting on your back like that.

All good my friend.

big hugs

Nah you're good, honestly! I appreciate when people are honest and say how they feel and think :)

Never be afraid to say what you mean - I'm very open minded and always willing to hear you out.

Hugs :D

thanks fatpanda

If you want a healthier diet, we can opt you on a lean and clean choice @fatpandadesign . heh heh heh.
Probably start with congee. heh heh heh... and all sort of soupy stuffs.

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