EcoKnowmeek Activity: ONE MONTH ON STEEMIT, Ecoknowme Reflects on Experience so far, Lessons to other Minnows and Plans for the FUTURE!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

WOW!  ONE Month on Steemit!  That was fun!  and it went so fast I almost forgot today was going to be the day I updated you all with what I have been upto on and off the Platform.

June 2017 the EcoKnowme's humble origins.

"you've gotta get on Steemit" @eco-alex prodded, having spent a few days himself doing research and getting an account for himself.  Curious, I signed up and started my monkey-with-a-type-writer blogging strategy and tried my level best to start POSTING CONTENT, maybe someone might read it!  I have plenty to share, lots I'd like to try doing on here with so many unique technologies silently available to us all, (unlike other platforms that keep all the cards close, and to themselves) here we can really make change happen with our words, sharing and ideas.

So  What happened?

As of this moment:

 I have a Reputation Score of 47, whatever that does.... Bueller?

 212 followers mostly earned through interesting posts, luring friends from other sites or organically.  Though I did submit to the 'follow for follow' logic at first.  It was my first week at school, forgive me.  Now I see how many great people are out there and I am Delighted to connect with you all!  Keep shmoozing, you'll find your tribe, or they'll find you if you sing loud and long enough....

I have 'posted' almost 600 times, most of those being comments and various articles I put out for the World to check out. 

I have authored posts to Specific Individuals on here due to the slightest prompting from them:

For @wyzz2020  DREAM GREENHOUSE  What's your style? Long term Solutions for Homesteaders, Permaculturists and Plant Lovers.

@wyzz2020 was THE ONLY PERSON who answered my call to choose the next topic to write about.  She chose Greenshouses.   Glad she did since I had a lot of fun compiling information I had been researching over the years and finding a way to present my ideas in a pretty, relatively easy to read post.  Others mighta liked it too, but I was just glad to know something would be appreciated by ONE person on here.

For @farmstead Depression vs Plant Medicines.

She said she would find it interesting to read (IF I wrote it) and encouraged me to spell out my thoughts and specified that there needed to be pictures since the videos aren't her thing.  I wanted to give everyone plenty to explore and not take my word on it, plus I had fun sharing something that I learned earlier this year and wished others could know about it too!

For @pennsif *Just today: Sooo.... Your BEES want to do MUSHROOMS? Advice for Bee Keepers from the EcoKnowme

@pennsif had written an article about his bees and was hoping for some advice.  I don't personally have bees but I know people that do and learned some interesting things that I thought might help him and others wanting to take care of their hives.  I had written about bees before HERE  and HERE , but I thought maybe if I took a bit of time, it would be more palatable to the masses.  Plus one of them was my attempt to get famous Permaculturist and Homesteader extraordinaire BEN FALK  onto the Steemit Platform.  He makes great content and I bet lots of people would love to see his stuff on here, oh well, I tried.

I also tried to get other notable movers and shakers on here:

CURTIS STONE, The Urban Farmer : Do You Know The Urban Farmer?  How Curtis Stone Makes $ERIOU$ Profit Farming in the City!

JEAN MARTIN FORTIER, The Market Gardener:  SIX FIGURE FARMING How Jean Martin Fortier makes farming PROFITABLE.

CULLEN SMITH From Lifting the Veil        Can we get this guy on Steemit?


So this place is f*&#(in weird sometimes.   I love the freedom and the equality of each being given the same tools to write and try our level best to reach people, get an upvote, maybe some crypto and a resteem if you are lucky... BUT  I also find it odd to see how AUTO-Bot people can be on here.  Many times I feel frustrated with the Weakness of the Strengths of Steemit.  On the one hand, you can make money for your content.  On the other, your content is a commodity in the MEME economy where attention spans are strained, critical thought optional and engagement an activity that is often done as a response to our Pavlovian triggers we condition ourselves with on here, DAILY.  New post..... cool pic, less than 20 mins old.... up vote.... comment... "nice post!  Never thought of that!"    Follow 4 Shallow!   ok, next post.....

Don't get me wrong, I was a monkey with a hammer when I first got on here... no idea how it worked, just new there were riches to be had and this was THE FUTURE!!!  So I posted crap like this, for some reason:

De-stress and have a LAUGH, Dancing Gorrila in a Tub

Maybe someone got a laugh, but I don't think that was my best post... I could have used that time better, but it was quick easy and seemed like a good idea at the time..... Don't judge, we all have life typos.

I also REALLY ENJOYED WRITING THIS: Need Science People!

I tried to get in touch with the science community on here and ask about a topic I wanted help understanding and perhaps get a discussion going or at least find the people or resources that might be out there... somewhere.

I made some NICE MONEY on that post, for me.... BUT I HARDLY GOT ANY ANSWERS!  I think ONE person sent me a useful Wikipedia page, but other than that.... there was lots of INTEREST but little ENGAGEMENT with the CONTENT.  Oh well, I guess I should be happy with the money and the knowledge that the post is still out there for people to explore.

THEN just the other day I wrote this: Beyond Biotecture.  The Evolution of Earthships    (EcoKnowme)

Very little payment for the post, but what I was most happy about was that OVER 500 PEOPLE read it in less than 2 days!!!!   Who cares about crypto when your ideas themselves might ACTUALLY IMPROVE SOMEONE"S LIFE?

So for me, that was a HUGE achievement.  I had been wanting to put those ideas together and submit them to the World and the feedback and interest I have seen here and elsewhere, warms my heart.

So that was my success that failed and my Failure that succeeded.  Moral of the Story?  Do what you wanna do and just have fun.  If it sticks, great if not, oh well.  Tomorrow is another day.

I also made a CONTEST YOU CAN STILL JOIN  though, you have ONE WEEK left at the time of this posting:

The EcoKnowme Pays YOU 2 STEEM to write about Solutions.

ONE Week Left, TWO STEEM Still Up for Grabs, THREE Contestants (SO Far) Think YOU can Do Better?

So far I have THREE entries and one more person who is looking to join in, wait was that you???

Solutions to Global Challenges - EcoKnowme Challenge @welovenature 

Solutions to global challenges <(°.°<) Democracy, Economy, Energy, Industry, Food, Water, Environment ...  @mercuriel

What's wrong with this world? And how can we help it? @stortebeker

Still waiting to see what @reville may still come up with, though guessing by his feed, should be good!

What has most pleased me about this so far, is being able to connect with like minded people who share the same values and vision as I do.  I might be wrong, but these guys seem to approve of more good and less bad in the world, know about various ways to improve the world and I would assume, in most cases are actively involved in doing things in their own sphere of influence wherever they are in the world.

I'll share this recent comment I made on an article I just read... might give you an idea of where I am at today:

"Great idea and something I have been thinking of too, but you  articulated and executed the ideas first and better!  I will be  resteeming this, anyway, but I'm glad I found you through the Slack  group since i otherwise might have missed you/this!
I wrote about similar musings here:
I liked your post about Global world currency until I saw it was a resteem, but YOUR post on Crypto pickup lines:    had me laughing though I must admit the applications of blockchain to  the REAL world is what excites me the most,(like you, hence why I'm so  pleased to make your acquaintance), But I am a total Nube to this  world.... whilst I am still getting my head around the Cryptocurrency  side of things.  I also wrote a post speculating on how easily we could  start DOING things on here, instead of just TALKING about it:    and lastly, I too, am trying to elevate the game here on STEEMIT and  have been really pleased with the response from my latest outreach  venture:
Great idea @blockchainttmft !  Look forward to seeing what we all come up with on here, together.  Cheers  @ecoknowme.    ALSO if YOU would like to participate and share your ideas about how  Blockchain might be just the thing we need.... You COULD earn 2 Steem  for the post after the month finishes.  One fellow just posted his entry  today and has already earned over $40 just for writing something  uplifting I coaxed out of him.... he saw my post and ignored it the  first time.  Glad he changed his mind!

So if you scrolled through enough to get the gist.... I think I like it here.  I have over $50 in my wallet for some reasons nerdier nerds than I can explain to me... However being able to share some of that money from thin air WITH OTHERS, to Help SPREAD GOOD IDEAS, MAKE CONNECTIONS and ENCOURAGE OTHERS  has been reward enough in itself.

I found it particularly interesting to see the Midas touch that haunts this place....

I told @shelbi he should checkout Steemit.  S T E E M I T.  Steemit.  Then this happened:

OPEN MIC WEEK 39 - Ode to Gideon, Ode to my sweet little flamenco  over $200, not bad mate.  Plus the man can write too!

The last entry in my contest was what received the $40 (so far) Whether he wins or not, he is $40 Crypto-ier than before, plus he shared some GREAT ideas worth reading, thinking about and applying to our lives off the screen.

Well, I have done many more things than listed here and I know many won't read this anyway, plus I am beginning to wonder if this makes sense, being so late at night for me here.

But before I disappear into the dark night to return for another month (or more!) here on steemit, just know that my intention on being here is pretty simple.   Get myself established on here so I can help others materialize projects, share ideas and make the world we know is possible.

Others I wrote:

$350 000 on 1.5 acres   Organic, No till farming     $eriously?

EcoKnowme 100 day Steemit Challenge

ok  there are more, but I'd rather send this now than spend the night hyperlinking stuff I have purposely hidden with RESTEEMS of OTHER People's Posts, since I like finding stuff, it ain't easy here and I love it when you discover the good folks/content.  Blame Steemit, not me.  we'll get there.... just a few glaring kinks to work out.

See you around all and if you have any Questions, would like a personalized post or otherwise just wanna say hello, I'll be here for the ride:



Nice post and I'm glad to see you're getting on so well on Steemit. Seems like you've got the hang of it in no time. It's a friendly community, once you start to connect with good people. A lot of it comes down supporting people who are putting effort into doing good work. It also comes down to respecting other members and their projects and visions. The thing with this ecotrain is it's a project that alex has invested a lot of time, energy and goodwill into creating. Now, it's a new kind of publication, like steemit is new kind of platform, so the rules are still not 100% set in stone - but basically, if you're going to use the ecotrain tag and you're not officially part of the ecotrain crew, then the thing to to would be first to ask @eco-alex for his editorial approval, and if the material is suitable. Likewise, if he says it's not suitable (like he did earlier in his comment), you can go to 'edit' and change the ecotrain tag to something else. Nothing is lost. We're all new to this, and all want to get ahead in the game, but if steemit is going to work in the long run, as a force for positive change in the world, then boundaries will need to be respected. Cheers

So sorry for the error of my ways. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and I have made the correction, Thank you for taking the time to comment and sort me out. you guys are doing many things and I hope you can continue to do more things and perhaps the doing them will be joy enough in themselves. But I do respect the direction and vision. I am just struggling to reconcile all the viewpoints I see on here from people who appreciate the freedom and lack of rules that enable a type of civil anarchy and those that would like more control and structure. Self control is what we have control over, the rest might be most easily persuaded with love. Imagine, what happens when someone uses 'ecotrain' who is not connected with, friends with and proximate too, the ecotrain crew. If I didn't have the patience and concern for your points here, I could have very easily flagged the comments that don't relate to the actual CONTENT of the post. My vision is different. Someday maybe we can all be collabing together, but interactions like this are a cold wet handshake compared to the response I have had with others on here. Just a thought. All this for a single word in the wrong box. Oh well, my mistake. A thousand pardons @stillgideon

Thanks for removing the tag and sorry for the heavy vibes and all. I was just about to delete my comment anyway, but then I saw you replied - but I can delete it if you like. Let's not get into flagging and all that.
I totally get what you're saying and what you're trying to do here on steemit. You're posting good stuff and doing good things in the real (non virtual) world by the looks of it. It is definitely a very interesting exercise in anarchy because really there aren't any fixed rules - also, unlike facebook, you can't block or report people (not that I ever did that to anyone) so it's up to people here to resolve our own issues - find ways to get along and not step on each others toes, etc...
It's tricky with the ecotrain project, because it's a kind of fairly closed group operating in an open area. There's nothing really to prevent anyone using the tag, but the way it works is based on some very clever maths and certain simple rules that alex has worked out. It's new and experimental at this stage and we're refining the way it operates as it goes along.. but I think if we keep it within the tracks, it will stand a good chance of success and it will be a good model for other similar trains. I think that's the idea.
Sorry again for the 'cold wet handshake'. I know what you mean. I feel a bit like Neil the hippie in 'the young ones' when he joins the police... here is the scene, if you don't know what I'm talking about. ..

the video was indispensable... don't get too much BBC these days. HILARIOUS! Some extras below to cool the air and laugh at myself. much love, @ecoknowme

Also, since I would like to keep this up as a teachable moment in civil anarchy, @stillgideon. would be able to do me a favour and see if someone else could like the comment below by @stortebeker? (really anyone will do) I would like to have control over my own page here, but you literally muscle me out because your steempower is strong enough to push this comment up, but my 0.01 keeps storte down there. I personally think flagging is a waste of time and if you are all happy to write things here, you should let it lock into the blockchain record. Stand by your convictions. Make an example out of me, out of this interaction. Let's show you can make mistakes or disagree and still work things out. Why neither of you thought to contact me privately, I'll never know. My birthday party herewill remain memorable, and if either of you would like to redirect some of the attention to long article I took the time to write, that would be great too. I couldn't tell if either of you Train thugs read any of it or were concerned with gang signs. (refer to Anchorman vid, to relieve seriousness)

I can't watch the videos at the moment because the internet is so limited where I am living, but I'm sure they are hilarious. (I'll watch them at the earliest opportunity. I'm working here under technologically challenging conditions, from a shed on a hill.. ) so I hope I don't come across as too serious for lack of watching something funny.

Fact is, it's been a crazy week, with a lot of conflict on all sorts of levels - some resolved, some ongoing, some somewhere in between. Some try and draw you in one way or another - some leave you standing watching helplessly as they unfold around you. Well, maybe this is all beyond the scope of this post, this thread, whatever it is. Living where I do, the threat of war is never far away. This week it got one step closer with riots in Jerusalem and terror attacks in sacred places. By comparison, what's going on here is a storm in a teacup - but at the same time situations sometimes call for action, one way or another - and there are always lessons to be learned - either from making mistakes or from acting right, responding right.
Well, I don't know if we handled this right or not.

I read your article. I liked your style of writing and energy. It's easy to read and it flows. Maybe I didn't read all of it, because it's quite long, but I read about two thirds and scanned the rest - enough to get some idea of where you're coming from, the kind of things you're working on, and the sort of trip you're having on steemit.

The funny thing about this virtual reality (that's what this is) is that it's very different for everyone. Just like in the real world. Our reality is something that we create, almost like a reflection of something we radiate from ourselves... hard to put into words, but I think you know what I mean.

I think we both got onto steemit at about the same time, but it looks like our experiences here are already quite different, although at the same time connected, and in some ways similar. I came here, having heard about it here and there, also with nothing but the 25 next to my name.. whatever that was supposed to mean and no money or steem.. whatever that was supposed to be.. and started to experiment, look around, try and figure out what's going on here. Well, it's an interesting scene isn't it. I've been fascinated by the phenomenon of facebook for a long time - and this is the same, but even more so.. like with all the curtains ripped down, the covers thrown off. It's all up front, and with the added dimension of money.

Now, whether I just got lucky, or whether I tapped into some inner guide and connectedness that was there all along, I don't know. I still don't really know about all the ins and outs of it, like you seem to do. I don't ask anyone to follow me, I don't do special offers and competitions, or go looking for people with high scores to try and get some of their success to rub off on me, or trickle down in my direction. I don't play those games in the real world and I don't play them here. Not that there's anything wrong with it, don't get me wrong. It just doesn't interest me, so why would I bother. Well, I suppose having no money and a family to support and living in a shed might be some incentive to succeed, but I have to do things on my own terms in my own way. Everybody just got to find their own way. Like a great jazz man once said 'a genius is the one who is most like himself'... I was lucky that a couple of my posts (which had nothing to do with the gang of train thugs I joined) got some big upvotes, so that jumped my number up quite quickly and got me a bit of steem power.

I think this steemit can be something more than gangs of thugs trying to score. I believe it can. I hope it can. Same as in the real world.


Bring your 'nocs to the crossroads. Wise words indeed

I don't know what I just watched but that was hilarious

Wow, interesting post! I like to recap experiences, whether my own, or those I can somehow relate to, but with all the links this is almost like a magazine. Actually, it's something I've been thinking about doing as well. Just another way to curate interesting content.

yeah I think curation is under rated and much needed on here, that is, until the searching and organizing options get breezier. I'd read your curation!

Please do not post any Steemit related chat on the ecotrain tag. Also please be careful tagging in general as you have also tagged introduction and you may get flagged for that.

Finally please be careful to use none copyrighted images as there are people flagging just for that! If u taken images from google just choose tools, then select the option marked usage rights and finally choose labelled for reuse.

Thanks and happy steeming

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the mistake. I will correct it now.

Congrats, I'm really impressed what you were able to experience in just one month. I'm wishing you lots of interesting encounters and enjoy the ride. Steemit can be a life-changer :-)

@shortcut Thank you very much. I am always encouraged by the stories I hear on here, and one theme I never tire of is how positive an impact Steemit has had on the lives of so many users here. Practically everyone that stuck with it or didn't get too stuck on just the crypto side ALL say it was one of the best things they ever did. Hope to see what we all come up with in the future! cheers!

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