What's wrong with this world? And how can we help it?

in #solutions7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: What's wrong with this world? And how can we help it?

Since the Steem blockchain became a centralized, top-down dominated place, where control and censorship thrive, I have decided to move my content. Don't worry, though, all my posts and up and doing well on the decentralized Hive blockchain. Come and check it out!


I am delighted to see this positive response to your post here and the valuable ideas therein!!!!! Hope that the joy or writing it is able to match the well deserved recognition and cryto to go with it! Will have to see if I can add 2 STEEM to the pot. We shall see, still a week left!!!!

Thank you for your kind words! I know, I'm a bit surprised myself, but happy. In fact I re-wrote it a couple of times, so I'd say it matches, though I never would have thought. Hope we'll get more contestants in this last week!

yeah! i think there might be 2 or three on the way, but either way.... It's been a really fun experiment. we shall see....

Really love this @stortebeker
Really excited to check out some of the books you linked to also.
My permaculture mentor here in Denver just wrote a book that you might also like that kinda reminds me of all that you said here. It's called "Change Here Now" by Adam Brock. I just finished reading The Permaculture City and some of these concepts are also talked about in there.
Thanks for another good read (:

Thanks for the reading suggestion. I'll check them out. Are they both written by Adam Brock?

No the Permaculture City is by Toby Hemenway

Thanks for this awesome article ! I love it and am totally "mind accorded" with you.

I think if we made a fusion of all the articles writed for this challenge it will make a fabulous article exposing every solutions for many global problems !

Congratulations, @mercuriel for winning @ecoknowme's contest! Now that I read over your winning article again, I am noticing that YOU have already done that: written a fusion of all our articles, probably even before we thought of them. Great job!

Oh i just noticed that ! Thanks a lot for you appreciation :D

Every of these ideas are "in the air" (collective consciousness), and i think i've just picked it up and putted it in words, the ontest was a very good idea to share all all our ideas together and maybe inspire other people, I really liked to read you two ! :D

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