Steemit, please read this for your sake - I, as messenger, am riddled with bullets - your choice, fire another bullet or survive.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

Warning: There are no pictures in this post. Grown-ups only

Steemit matters to me, as it matters to many!
I like the concept very much; more than very much.
I have worked in digital.
I know a little.

Any system which calls itself 'Social Media', should have a strong structure as to its social values. I abhor anyone who can say righteously that they value themselves to the tune of several thousand times more than another. There is an expression for such people which does not belong here.

Look yourself in the mirror and repeat after me ... "I am worth thousands of times more than another person."

I simply cannot do it in the mirror, to your face, or any other way. I would be so ashamed that words fail me.

If you are Leonardo di Caprio, you bring in more to a movie than I would. There is a quality equation here which I cannot counter. If you were to be before me in an organisation and you brought value which I did not at that time, then I respect that.

If you risked your money, I respect that.
If you risked your time then I respect that too; all early adoption and financial risk and any time sacrifice should justly be put into the equation.

In steemit, this is not the case.

This is not the case

If you can justify your leverage ... you need a re-evaluation.
You and me ... we are people who have value.

Soon the press will get hold of this and it will all be gone .. all your SP, all your votes ... everything which you have in your 'wallet'. If you have one ounce of soul in you, please SHOUT as loudly as you can that you love STEEMIT and that you want it to live and breathe and be what it promises!

Below is an answer to a seriously well put question about my disposition.
I am viewed as a pain in the backside because I WILL NOT allow this wonderful concept be screwed over by some arrogant twats!

In case anybody is wondering, I am not the person who just moans, I have a blueprint which acknowledges the early adopters, the dolphins, the whales, the risk-takers.
I have a dream - I hope that someone has read this because at times I am driven to tears by the intransigence.

Wow! What a wonderful and well composed riposte - it is not often that I hear such acumen.
I agree to a very great extent until it gets to the point where the reality is realised and the action is taken. Steemit and steem are symbiotic - 100%. Neither are the blockchain - that is entirely independent. If this steemit is to prevail, there has to be a distribution of ownership which is seen to be beneficial to the steemit community. At present I hope you would see that there has been very little genuine demonstrable benefit.
The selling down of SP is a fear which the whole steem community is afraid of.
I strongly suspect that there are background buyers of steem to support the price.
In the meantime the data is hardly compelling: 120,000 subscribers and about 4,000 active accounts in about 6 months.
Over 80% of the value is held by the top 67 names.
How is this great idea going to achieve sustainable value?
The value will be achieved through a burgeoning of the subscriber base to a level which a Capital Markets perspective will deem 'real'.
At present nobody could deem this 'real' because there are too many fake accounts and the system relies upon votes for posts which are barely read.
I am one of the few who actually reads - though I do have an auto voting account. (Just demonstrating my adherence to integrity).
If steem, as a cryptocurrency disappeared tomorrow, the world would not even blink, let alone shed a tear.
So, what are the parameters? The parameter which is most acutely pressing is time. Over the next few months there will be further reward for content social media platforms and their functionality will show steemit up for what it is - poor.
The functionality of steemit is not just poor, it is antediluvian!
Would you join it were there no rewards?
Not a cat's chance in hell! No messaging, no voip, no storing of posts - it is possibly the worst functionality of all sites in the world, disregarding rewards!
So, how is it going to succeed?
If it is going to succeed it has to succeed fast - 'busy' - almost a cousin or step-brother to steemit is coming soon, 'yours' is too - I bet there are many more quietly watching.
If the power elite believe that the retention of SP is to their advantage, they will qualify for one of the most outstanding Darwin Awards ever - RIP!
I fight this fight because I have come across writers whom I admire. I read the posts, unlike the vast majority.
They will find a new outlet.
Steem, upon its current course, is more than mortally wounded by its system of command. A great idea; bad protocol; simply diabolical expression of control by a bunch of absolute prats.


I just joined and this is the first post I see. What should I make of this? Are you saying this site is dying or needs new blood?

Dear Dear @swolesome, the first thing you see is a blood-curdled plea for integrity from a man who really cares and you see a negative slant which is so understandable - I am the old git who sees what might be - the fabulous possibility of this platform and the beauty of the concept - please hear out the bigger picture of a community of creativity and capacity to be a positive force in this world.
If there was ever an advocate for Steemit it is me but I cannot support a Feudal system of such disdain for the younger/newer members .
Please be patient and I am sure that you will be amazed at the possibilities and wonder you will experience.
Please let me help you in your first steps, should you feel it appropriate. It would be my honour!

Ok cool. Where abouts are you? I am in Ecuador so same time as New York, 5 hours behind London, or any which other way! There is a Direct message service on a site called - there is a lot to get your head around but it is really cool to find your kindred spirits. As you can imagine, I am a little fried no and want to give you my best attention so could we regroup tomorrow?
Welcome to a great vision of possibilities!

Florida, so same timezone. You go ahead and go to sleep I'll go ahead and sign up for the chat.

I have not seen you on - I am just following up on my commitment to assist you should you want any guidance!
There is a fair bit to get your head around.
Please be in touch should you want any help!

I signed up for it but it uses my actual name for chat. Lemery Logan.

Strange! I use my steemit name - which is my real name, though abbreviated!
I shall see if I can find you!
Logan is clearly celtic - I am partly Scottish - Lemery sounds more Irish ...
Hope we find each other pronto!

I WILL NOT allow this wonderful concept be screwed over by some arrogant twats!

I second that!

I do feel your concerns as I have noticed the user base has not exploded as I had imagined when I joined. And I joined because I found this to be a terrific idea, and still do today. But I am amazed that we do not discuss the shortcomings (as you have intended to do this post) more often.

You are right in most of your observations from my point of view, and wish the community focus on these issues, and not brush it aside as a losers rant. These topics have been brought up by countless people earlier too, but we seem to be stuck in a "circle jerk", and I can see some users distinctly avoiding to be vocal or even firm as they were earlier, so that their payout is not affected negatively. This troubles me the most.

@norbu , I cannot tell you how much it means to have a true person of integrity respond as you have - I am not a knocker - I am a friend and supporter of steemit and I want to see a proud and magnificent future for it but the system is impeding such a possibility. Either we leave the 67 to their own devices and rebuild or they conform - Dan and Ned did not design the current detritus!

As someone who has been in the social media game for years I think you are being a little harsh. The platform is still in its infancy. Did Medium grow to millions of users in six months? At first that platform was lame. I am not worried about the future of Steem. The great thing is that the team can make changes on the fly as they have. The future is bright and I believe this experiment has legs. Yours and Synereo have showed us nothing.

The distribution of SP that you see today, as well as the site/platform (that is missing a lot of key features) is not the final destination. If you judge by what you see today, it is not a pretty picture.

Dear Tim, I have a huge amount of respect for you as I hope needs no explanation. I am being the good guy who knows the play through. Criticise me if you want but the way in which this is playing out is a death wish - there is no control between founders, through whales/dolphins to the people who will build value here - you know I could kill it tomorrow! I want it to survive - what are you defending?

I appreciate that :) As I'm sure you know, I appreciate the care that you have for the platform/community.

What specific changes do you propose that Steemit make?

I do have specific ideas - it would be somewhat silly to list them here!

I have no desire to suppress anyone's value - I have every desire to see everyone's value fully expressed - the platform has exactly that promise!

There is not long before the alternatives will become far more attractive and steem as a currency will die, Darwin Awards will be circling!

Averting such a fate is being obstructed and the arrogance will ensure the fate - it is small wonder that the internal fights are becoming public.

The inmates are running the asylum and the inmates could not run a bath, let alone a company!

I don't see any alternative to reach the point where Steem is now. It carries negatives for sure, but I cannot come up with a solution that generates the same positives without the negatives.

As for fixing the existing system, I'm sure it will self-cleaning itself. This is too big to die easily.
(I've an analogy in my mind about the mafia only because I'm a fan of those kind of crime movies. But I don't want to write it for it could cause misunderstanding.)

Thank you @tibonova for your reply - most are too timid! Manipulating a system as they do and simultaneously criticising such systems is hypocrisy on a stupendous scale. I am an advocate of steemit and all that it stands for. Allowing people to usurp the hard work and diligence of others as they do is unconscionable conduct. They should be brought to account and stopped.

And no offense, and you know what you want to do, but I don't think you could reach your goal against your target with words. Just do, what you did, and support your preferred authors. The time what you spend with support and encouraging is worth much than the attacks, IMO.

you are missing the poinIt will be dead by then
It nearly is
Dont talk to me
Talk to them

This is too big to die easily.

It is so small as to be a wee ripple!
What I hear from you, and I hope that this is right, is that Steemit is too big to you to die.
If that is what you mean, and I hope it is, then you are both right and wrong.
That is why I say SHOUT
Defend your platform, Impose your will!
I used to work in digital; 4,000 accounts of which how many are real, how many are voting bots, how many are multiple accounts, even though you are "not allowed" more than one account! Just a pathetic little number - Google conducts 3.5 BILLION searches per day - good morning!
This whole construct is a really wonderful idea which has got really bad protocols and those protocols are in the hands of some really unpleasant people. Steemit is but a raindrop of the magnificent storm structure that I envision it could be.
I hope that the guys, Ned and Dan, who started this, realise the greatness of their vision and the shortcomings of its execution

even though you are "not allowed" more than one account

You are allowed, they just make it harder (the reason is the spam), and I already pointed it out in one of my article, that multiple accounts are necessary in the current design of Steemit, if we want more attention (by niche blogs).

I would make it easier (but not cheaper) for users to make more accounts. This is not Facebook where you need your ID to download your own data. I hope this anonymity makes it a little Twitter and Reddit like, where you can say something without being persecuted.

@tibonova , you have just made an error of such gigantic proportions ... what have you just said and done?
Imagine ... just for a moment ... that I am a journalist (which I am not but I have friends who are) and they read what you have just written
Death to steem because you have just admitted the invalidity of steemit!

You cannot remove a post from Steemit can you?


Death to steem because you have just admitted the invalidity of steemit!

What invalidity?

You cannot remove a post from Steemit can you?

You can remove a post from Steemit, but not from the Steem blockchain.

What I hear from you, and I hope that this is right, is that Steemit is too big to you to die.

It's not really Steemit.
Steemit may die in the next year, if it couldn't set its clear vision, milestones, goals, and it will be just hanging in the air instead of standing firmly.

It's the Steem blockchain and the whole idea. The idea will survive for sure, and our currently used chain has good chances, too. It's because this one is already bootstrapped.


so if steemit dies, so does steem and vice versa.

If Steemit's site won't work in the next minute, I could use eSteem on my mobile. Steemit just an app and I expect that there will be a lot of them.

The Steem blockchain also won't die until there are witnesses, who are the "servers" of the chain. The price could reach a point when it'll be easier to start a new chain than save the existent one, but the ones with the most stakes will do everything, to prevent that, it's logical. So there is only a little chance of disappearing, and not for forever. In that sad case if this chain would die, I would be on it to relaunch it with my whole self, and even I'm small, I'm not alone with that.

@tibonova , I think you might have a coach behind you! The blockchain is a reality - it is a constant - steem and steemit are entirely independent entities; however steem and steemit are mutually interdependent - so if steemit dies, so does steem and vice versa.
'busy' is due to hit beta very soon, also using steem. What if steem is dead before then?

So, the blockchain continues and steem/steemit is forgotten very soon because a few arrogant twats thought they could get away with it!
DarwinAwards 2017

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