Best Steemit Strategy: "Persistence Hunting" or "One Lucky Shot"

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

So, you just learned about this new great place on the internet (or should I say, "on the blockchain") where you can get paid for writing valuable content. The place is called Steemit and some of the people contributing here are making far more than just a living.

How can you be like them? How can you actually create some predictable revenue from this place? How can you convert your writing skills into money, easier and faster than on the "traditional" social media platforms?

Alas, there is no easy answer to these questions.

But there is some hope.

In this article I'll try to sketch two of the most common strategies I spotted since I joined Steemit, more than a year ago.

But first things first. Let's see what are the prerequisites of actually being able to perform here.

  • first, you should take some time to learn how the platform works. There is a very steep learning curve, and, before bitching about it, be grateful: it's this difficulty that keeps regular spammers and freeloaders away.

  • second, you should set up a reasonable time window for measuring your efforts. Any decent traditional content platform expectation starts with a "few months". Same goes for Steemit.

  • third, you should be consistent. But ready to change if something goes wrong. I know. It's not easy.

I'm going to use an analogy with hunting. I don't know how familiar are you with these concepts, but hopefully you'll understand as we go along.

The Scorer Strategy: "One Lucky Shot" - a.k.a. "Whale Hunting"

Have you ever seen how felines are hunting? They are on the watch for hours, waiting for the perfect moment, slowly getting closer, until the prey is within the reach of one fantastic leap (or a short, but explosive race, no longer than a few seconds). I'm sure you've seen that, if not in the wild, at least with your cat, while watching birds or mice.

Alas, the felines are not always successful. Their strategy, which I will call "the lucky shot" is failing more often than not. If there's the slightest fault in calculating the jump, or the distance, the prey will simply escape. And that's because felines, although incredibly fast, are not resilient at all. Even cheetah, the fastest feline in the world, can't sustain maximum speed for more than a few minutes. And then is game over, the watch must start again.

On Steemit this strategy might be translated like this: spending long hours identifying the most valuable stakeholders, (also known as "whales"), understanding their likes and dislikes, learning their schedule and habits and then, once you get to know them a little better, go for the kill: publish a post, or a series of posts and expect to get a huge upvote, probably in the hundreds of dollars.

This strategy has the same chances as the felines's "one lucky shot" strategy described above. I mean, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. "Whale hunting" is a risky game. It has a lot of uncertainty priced in and it's very unpredictable. Yes, the payout is huge - most of the times - but there's no guarantee you will get that payout.

So, the chances I give to this strategy are "unlikely to moderate".

The Hustler Strategy: "Persistence Hunting" - a.k.a. "There's No Shortcut, Just Write"

By now you have realized that my preferred strategy is not "the one lucky shot" and, indeed, you're right. My preferred strategy has a lot in common with "persistence hunting".

I'm almost 100% certain you never heard about "persistence hunting" before, so I'll try to briefly describe it: when humans were barely walking on two feet, something extraordinary happened to them: at some point, they started to sweat. They started to regulate their body temperature by eliminating liquids (and a lot of minerals, but that's another story). Humans are the only mammals that sweat, if you didn't know that. Humans, because of their increased number of sweat glands, are the best at thermoregulation across the entire mammal spectrum. And the implications of this difference were huge: humans were able to delay overheating for hours or days, whereas any other mammal couldn't.

As such, humans were able to perform a fantastic feast: pursuit a much faster prey, like an antelope, for hours or days, at a slower, but consistent pace, until that antelope will fall dead simply by overheating. These hunts were incredibly boring and exhausting. But they were almost always successful.

On Steemit, this strategy is translated by: there's no shortcut, or lucky shot, just write. Sometimes - most of the times - you'll only make pennies (if any). But as long as you keep writing, these pennies will add up. And also your follower numbers will increase. And your reputation will go up. And, at some point, you'll realize your writing got better.

And all this will create a virtuous cycle in which you'll slowly, but steadily advance.

Whatever Rocks Your Boat

While I'm a firm supporter of the "persistence hunting" strategy, I do think the right mingling skills and a bit of good karma will give you the "one lucky shot" you're waiting for. You may even become friends with a whale (or a group of whales) and then things will be easier.

But I'm just saying this "lucky shot" is a bit more unpredictable - as the word "luck" in it implies, obviously.

So, my pick is "persistence hunting".

But, hey, whatever rocks your boat.

Steem on!

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Thank you!

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I think the chance of getting noticed by a whale are next to nothing so it's not something I would spend any time pursuing.

I'm definitely a persistence hunter and the hardest thing I find about that is the transparency of Steemit. That means it's easy for me to see what others are doing and then I get down when I'm see I'm not doing as well, especially looking at people who started around the same time.

It's also hard when you see them using tactics that you're no using e.g. delegation, memes, short steepshot posts etc.

I'm keeping on keeping on but I've hit a bit of a tough patch this week. Too much comparison to others. But I don't seem to be able to stop myself! 😊

One thing that helps in these troughs is having support like you give so I want to say a huge thank you to you. I really appreciate it! 😍

Comparing yourself to others is one of the most toxic habits you can have, IMHO. Not only on Steemit. We're each unique in our own ways.

Couldn't agree more. I didn't realise I had so much of that left in me until I joined Steemit. Now I get to practice letting here here as well. 😊

It's funny how much we learn about how we're REALLY doing with all those things we thought we'd transcended once we start blogging on this platform, isn't it? Yes, comparison is a lethal habit for self-esteem and satisfaction in life. At the same time, we do need some sort of measure and feedback so that we know when we should make some changes. It takes a lot of skill to learn from others so we can improve without comparing ourselves to them unfavorably.

Couldn't agree more! 😍

I fully agree: it is important to do your own thing, write and post about your own things and the things you are really interested in, only than you will be able to keep up and stay motivated.
Writing / posting about subjects you dislike is nearly impossible.
Just like trying to learn something you are totally not interested in as many teenagers have to do in high school, is killing their motivation to learn at all...

!! :D This makes me happy.

All the time I've been here, my only instance of comparing myself to others is setting them as goal. But I've never gotten discouraged by the fact that someone is going faster than me or that they're bigger than me. It just means I have something to learn from them.

i fall into that too sometimes @gillianpearce, and as dragosroua says, it's one of the most toxic habits. sometimes if i get in a mood like that i have to actually just stop myself and take a moment to feel grateful for what is already happening and realize each person is on their own path, including me... and i can only DO ME. <3

Glad I'm not the only one @mountainjewel. 😊 I love that phrase - I can only DO ME. Thanks for joining the conversation. 💙

Dayum, girl, 2900 comments and you've been here only one more month than me. I need to catch up, only 1200 so far.

I totally agree that "Persistence Hunting" is the best strategy to be successful on this great platform with a long-term approach...Be consistent in your writing and enjoy it..... never give up and just push, push, push until you succeed.

Pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D

Rep 60 is my next goal. Beware! I'm pushing.

Good for you!

The best strategy is to be yourself, write about what you like and what you think can add value to the Steemit.

You got to love what you are doing, people will feel you if they sense your passion.

Well, you can show passion for things you don't really like. Just saying... There are good actors out there.

Best post I've read from you so far I think brother 🙏🏼

Unique analogies, solid writing, and profound thoughts 👍🏼

Whatever fuels your rocket is definitely true in a sense, although going after the one lucky shot I believe is fundamentally different in one aspect. And that is that if you pursue that strategy your are in a sense attached to a certain outcome, and will more likely measure your performance depending on that wildly lucky hit.

Pursuing the hustlers strategy allows you to follow a path were the journey is self are more likely to serve as the metric, which I personally believe is key to doing anything in the long-term as you'll encounter less negative emotional reactions were randomness plays a big role. The path is then, as you say, virtuos in itself.

A bit of a rant perhaps but I think you'll understand my thoughts 😉

Very good work!

Excellent post well its not for everyone but great for those who are awesome content creators they have a good platform to showcase their talent

Your Steem Supply App is really cool.

I understand users also get curation points from resteeming posts that are going to get big in the first 30 mins.

Do you know how / where one can see that ?

The curation rewards aren't yet included in the app, the feature is in the pipeline.

I had a weird experience in that the first (well, the second) thing I wrote on here made $15 before I even really knew how to use the platform, so then I thought that everything I'd ever post on Steemit would make that kind of money. Turns out that's not the case... I'm just hoping that if I keep writing quality content regardless of the money and think of it as motivation to keep up my writing, that eventually I will find an audience that appreciates the time and effort I put in.


We joined as a group, we were 14, and we joined bigger communities with more than 80 people. Out of all the 14, only 2 are left, me and my friend. The rest most of the time got some "big" votes on their intro posts from whales fishing for followers and then just said "this isn't worth it" when their next posts got cents and a few views at the end of the day. It's terribly demoralizing and it broke their spirits.

I've tried to bring some of them back but it's only now that they see how I'm doing that they want to come back in. Now they'll have to go through a month or two of induction and getting their accounts back into the game, where if they had stayed they'd be in a similar level as me.

The most important advantage of Steemit as a content monetization platform is that it eliminates 95% of the friction you get in other platforms, or, in layman terms, it makes the road to money shorter.

But that doesn't mean the road is easier, the same thing about building and maintaining an audience, being persistent, careful, etc, applies here as well.

So, steem on :)

It's a good thing that doing things the easy way has never been my style :)
Thanks for the tips!

Dude. You're just so freaking wise. Srsly.

The old wise man in a mountain cave, except that he's only accessible right after he posts! :D

HAHA very true.

Such an interesting post....loved your analogies, they are simply awesome...
There is one point I would like to add about "Whale Hunting":
If you are looking to hunt a whale, just remember what is at stake. For because of miscalculations on your part you may not only lose your prey but also can get injured during the process....
Sometimes whales can be ruthless...
So Whale Hunting is a dangerous sport, it is highly rewarding but with high stakes.
e.g. If @dragosroua is a whale and I am trying to hunt him down with a comment, there is a chance that he may not like my comment and get annoyed, if my comment is not good enough. So instead of having a huge vote from @dragosroua, I would be in his shit list.:D

That would be terrible u_u I don't want to be in a whale's angry splashes. I've seen what happens in all of Bernie Sander and Haejin's threads and it's terrible for the people who just want to pull to the other side. They get flagged to rep 0 and they lose a lot of privileges.

But at the same time, it's a bit questionable to just agree with whales because you don't want to get flagged. I try to give up the least of my freedoms as possible on my road to success.

In the end the truth triumphs....
I would say set up a few principles for yourself and then stick to them like one man..

Well, there's no way that "truth" would not triumph. It is, it cannot stop being. But don't start me on existential philosophy. Let's just say that sometimes evil people win because they have more power and smarts.

My principle is doing what I like, so I'll go around sticking to it! Thanks for the advice.

Hahaha.You are right...
But If I make choice to stick with truth then maybe I don't care about winning or losing....Sticking to the truth is enough for me.

<3 Now that's the way to go!! Stick to the choice that pleases you the most and if you lose, well, you fought for what you believed and had a good death on the battlegrounds. :)

The term I'd heard was 'cursorial hunter'....
and yeah, fascinating....I'd heard of it quite a few years ago.

Dunno about humans being the only mammals that sweat...ever been around horses?

In humans, sweating is primarily a means of thermoregulation, which is achieved by the water-rich secretion of the eccrine glands.

From here. I think I worded it badly, because what I had in mind was this:

Humans are simply more proficient at it than animals are, owing to the fact that we possess a greater number of functional sweat glands.

From this answer on Quora.

I dunno of another mammal besides horses however...most other critters either wallow (like a pig, which does not sweat) or pant like a dog or a cat to thermoregulate. Odd that horses and humans have partnered of so long?

fun fact. dogs can NOT stand the heat..
cats can.

but all that's beside the point.
you're exactly right about steemit...BUT.

I've seen some accounts which consistently get a hundred or hundred(s) of dollars for every post. I dunno if it has to do with whales. I suspect not. What i think is happening is that it's a well established writer who has been writing stuff for a long while who has attracted the attention of redfish and dolphins. ten or twenty $10 or $20 votes add up...

which ever the case.
Youre exactly right about persistence..
The only way to get rich quick on Steemit is to already BE rich and get richer by self voting.
if you have a few hundred thousand dollars invested...a self vote is pretty good ROI.

for the rest of takes time..
A LOT of time.

I started writing a long comment but it got way long so I guess I need to write a post - intriguing article @dragosroua :)

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