A Simple Question for Those who are Thinking About Quitting Steemit...

in #steemit6 years ago

OK, I'll be the first to admit that it takes a bit of work to keep a "chin up, nose to the grindstone" approach around here, giving that Steem and the broader crypto markets are awash in red ink.

Where is your ship sailing to?

I'll also be the first to admit that I am spending less time here than I used to, but that is not for reasons relating to cryptocurrency, but for reasons relating to the fact that our various other projects and home-based businesses have been tanking hard for the past 6-8 months.

Although the "official word" through news channels is that "the economy" is doing well, I can't help but "read between the lines" and have a sneaking suspicion that we're going to see a cool-down that extends far beyond Bitcoin & Co.

But that's not my point here, though.

My point is to ask a simple question: If you are thinking about leaving Steemit "because it's no longer worth it," is there some other place standing ready to pay you ANYTHING for blogging?

Or are you throwing in the towel so you can head back to Facebook and Instagram where you'll be paid absolutely nothing, while those sites profit from serving advertising on your content?

Do you think the sun is setting on this community?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some rabid Steemit cheerleader... but according to my economics, getting paid $1.00 for a social media post is still more than getting paid nothing for a social media post.

Now, if you're quitting because you simply don't have time because (like me) it is taking you more time to make the same income from your "real" job, then I totally grok that.

But otherwise, is it because of frustration, rather than economics that you want to throw in the towel? It's just a question...

Hope everyone is having a great day!

How about YOU? Are you spending less time here than before? Are you considering quitting Steemit altogether? If so, is it for economic reasons, or something else? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181208 17:20 PDT


Do not leave steemit, I'm from Venezuela, single mother and this is my income, it is true that steemit is not very profitable but I will not abandon it and I dedicate the same hours a day, I am knowing Weku and Whaleshares but I will not leave steemit, although the change in bolivares a steem or a sbd does not reach me at all, in steemit I have friends at a distance, after the storm comes the calm so I know that everything will improve

Greetings from Venezuela!

I am not going to leave, I just have to work more time at my other (paying) work, so I have less time to spend here... which I am actually a little sad about.

It must be quite difficult for you in Venezuela, with Steem and other currencies down. There are so many in the Venezuelan community here, and they depend on this income to help them. All the best to you!

You should try different interfaces like
https://steemhunt.com - You can make about $35 a week if you do well enough.
https://dpoll.xyz - There is a curation bot for good polls
https://dlike.io - official @dlike upvotes for quality posts + Tokens
https://busy.org - Use "busy" as one of the tags and you can get a free upvote. More followers gives you larger upvote.

I'm old enough to remeber the crash of 1987 and 2001. If only I had held on I would be a gazillionaire. This is a rough patch but bailing at this point is fatal. Hang in there everyone.

Yup, I remember those, as well... and we are still here to tell about it. My only exposure in 2001 was some Dell stock, but I'd paid 9 cents for it, adjusted for splits... so there was no great "loss" there, although it was freakish to see so many crash and burn.

Fundamentals matter. In 2001-02, people were selling Yahoo, Amazon and eBay, as well as complete junk. Anyone who held onto those would be a gazillionaire now, indeed.

I'm not leaving.
I'm having to do less engagement...life and all that.

I do find the happy clappers annoying though, at the moment.

Nothing wrong with optimism, but when it borders into delusion, it does get worrying. (and bloody annoying!).

But you are a happy clapper yourself, always saying your lambo is going to the moon...

scaled map - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg

I think the "real" cheerleaders here are the people who are sticking to the fact that the Steem blockchain is fast and has loads of capacity, and there are lots of dApps being developed for it. At some point people will stop trying to "play the lottery" and look for the projects with solid fundamentals and Steem will hold up well in that context. I can't speak to Steemit the front end... for all I know, we'll all be posting through SteemPeak or something else, a year from now.

Hey, @denmarkguy.

I have been spending more or less the same amount of time I was, probably a little more the last two months just because August and September I was sidelined with life issues for one reason or another. I'd like to continue the streak into December, but this week wasn't good, next week I'm gone most of it and then maybe there's a decent week before Christmas hits.

So, anyway, not planning to drop my time here, but I'm afraid December is going to get me, anyway.

Since I earned in rewards more in the last two months than I did in the previous nine, I think I will hang around some more. :)

Hi @glenalbrethsen, sounds to me like you may have hit "critical mass" with Steemit, if things are going that well for you... and congratulations on that! I'd be spending more time here, as well, if I actually had the time to give to it... but we're walking the proverbial financial tightrope these days, so I have to give my attention where I get the most bang for the buck... so unless I suddenly start having $50 posts, Steemit is sadly not the answer!

I really spend less time here writing but I have some friends whose posts I always read. I remember how about a year ago your article about how it is to be a selfemployment supported me in my decision to start a new life:)

Well, I always enjoy reading about all your different animals you take care of... it's a beautiful thing to do, and I am happy to support that.

I am hoping things are going well for you; self-employment has its ups and downs. This year, we have just had particularly many difficulties and have to look at alternatives.

is there some other place standing ready to pay you ANYTHING for blogging?

scorum.com. It already pays me way better than Steemit, and the token is worth less than half.

And it's definitely more laborious to write about something I'm not passionate about at all, but I also don't care to write for free.

Steemit can't play the "Well what OTHER site pays you?!" get out of jail free card anymore.

I have seen Scorum mentioned a few times, and I've looked it over... and not gone there because sports is just not my bag.

I have written on HubPages for close to 12 years; it's a conventional ad-based content site that pays contributors a "revenue share." And I still get occasional royalties for 10-year old content... and there are certain things I like about that kind of passive income. But it's not much, in dollars and cents... and it's not exactly blogging or posting, it's writing articles. At least if you want to be seen.

Cool for you that you've found a viable alternative, though!

Nah, here for the long haul. Crypto is a long term gain and as much as it is short term!

I tend to think that if something is truly "worthwhile," it will stand the test of time. I'm pretty much hoping cryptos will pass the time test...

You got that right, steemitqa

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hell I'm probably spending more time on Steemit because everything else I'm doing is getting slaughtered!

I just wrote: "When I see people freaking out about Steemit I always wonder how everything else they are involved with is doing.

Right now all the other cryptos we have investments in have dropped a similar amount to Steem, our business has just had the worst month in five years, and our local economy is doing badly, so Steemit is about par for the couse really. One year ago we were making so much money it was astonishing. My point being, no point freaking out, things change, and this is all beyond our control anyway"

Quite right, no point in freaking out. Pretty much everything we're doing is suffering, including our brick-and-mortar shop being down double digits compared to this time last year. Locally, we are seeing a rash of business closings. The US stock market has pretty much erased all its 2018 gains. I'm watching interest rates ticking up for 6-8 months... never a good sign.

Seems people in the cryptosphere get a little myopic and forget that cryptos are just a tiny little corner of a much bigger world.

True - and even here in this distant corner of the world - this year 12 shops have closed down at our local shopping center, and all remain vacant, and our trade customers have had such massive drops in business they are ordering less than half what they were six months ago.

But none of this is being reported in the news - most suspicious economic thing I've ever seen! Every time I try to find any figures on anything - they don't seem to exist

Tourism that I was talking about in a recent post is up - but I'm trying to be positive - nothing else is up

We're in a tourist town here, and tourism remains fairly strong... but the demographic is changing; we are moving more from a hotel/shopper crowd to a day trip/adventurer crowd. They come to visit for a single day, ask lots of questions, take lots of pictures but don't really consume anything.

There's definitely some economic "voo-doo" going on at the moment; local "observed" sentiment in no way matches the reported version of what's going on.

I guess I am also one of those who probably is not posting here so much as I did before. Well, not that I was posting so often either. But certainly, same as you, I had to take care of other bizniz after some recent experiences in my life brought to me from a very close and very dear family member. That event indeed has kept me a bit away of steemit. As often and active as I've used to be here before.

Anyway, I think that as everything in life Patience is the keyword here. It is said that everything that goes up has to go down. And I would add that everything that goes down will also have to rebound, rise and refloat at some point.

So, better is maintain our chin up while calmly sipping a refreshing cup of tea or coffee and then witness how high the next refloating can go. :)


Cheers & Steem On!!

Yes, I would have to agree that patience is key here. I think a lot of people who rode the elevator UP got to thinking that "reality" is that things go from "nowhere" to "riches" in a matter of a few months. Not generally true, at least not in any reality I tend to occupy.

Wile we wait for things to refloat, I plan to keep building as much of my little stake here, as I can... because, why not? A couple of dollars is a couple of dollars.

Yes! that's right my dear friend. A couple of dollars is actually a couple of dollars everywhere. };)


Howdy sir denmnarkguy! I'm probably going to cut my time down but not because of prices or steemit problems. I'm hoping all crypto prices will improve and that it'll be worth hanging around. I'm sorry to hear that your other businesses are having a hard time.

Howdy @janton! It seems to me the whole economy here is a bit dodgy at the moment... a lot of local businesses across the spectrum of trades are closing their doors; people are consuming more "virtual" goods and fewer "physical" goods and that's taking its toll.

The only one of our ventures that is doing reasonably well is the jewelry supplies business, and I expect it is holding up because people support it in efforts to make money, not because they are consuming anything, as an end user.

wow sir denmarkguy that is alarming. And this economy is booming in some states but it must not be in your neighborhood. What happens if it doesn't turn around, if this is a longterm trend?

@janton, I expect we (meaning the global "we") will simply learn to settle into a life of somewhat lowered expectations of what we get to have and do. It'll be more based on actual needs than fantasy dreams and wishes. You stick to "essentials" and give up "nice-ities."

howdy today sir denmarkguy! Well sir, I don't like the sounds of settling for just the basics but many parts of the world they don't even have that of course, so I would settle for that if I had to but I'd probably never give up on dreams of achieving individual financial sovereignty.

Needs, of course, are subjective. When I say the basics, I mean that I like to have a working reliable car... but I'm quite content with it being a $20K Kia, not a $90K Mercedes. I'd like a house with heating and indoor plumbing, and enough room for us and an occasional guest. I don't need a "McMansion." I don't need annual vacations to Bora Bora or Australia; nor do I need a 70-inch flat screen TV in every room; I'll take one smaller one in one room. And so on, and so forth.

For me, financial sovereignty is something that happens because we live within our means and don't succumb to the eternal messages of overconsumption, purveyed by the media.

yes sir I agree. Well said. In fact you're a great writer! lol.

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