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RE: A Simple Question for Those who are Thinking About Quitting Steemit...

in #steemit6 years ago

Howdy sir denmnarkguy! I'm probably going to cut my time down but not because of prices or steemit problems. I'm hoping all crypto prices will improve and that it'll be worth hanging around. I'm sorry to hear that your other businesses are having a hard time.


Howdy @janton! It seems to me the whole economy here is a bit dodgy at the moment... a lot of local businesses across the spectrum of trades are closing their doors; people are consuming more "virtual" goods and fewer "physical" goods and that's taking its toll.

The only one of our ventures that is doing reasonably well is the jewelry supplies business, and I expect it is holding up because people support it in efforts to make money, not because they are consuming anything, as an end user.

wow sir denmarkguy that is alarming. And this economy is booming in some states but it must not be in your neighborhood. What happens if it doesn't turn around, if this is a longterm trend?

@janton, I expect we (meaning the global "we") will simply learn to settle into a life of somewhat lowered expectations of what we get to have and do. It'll be more based on actual needs than fantasy dreams and wishes. You stick to "essentials" and give up "nice-ities."

howdy today sir denmarkguy! Well sir, I don't like the sounds of settling for just the basics but many parts of the world they don't even have that of course, so I would settle for that if I had to but I'd probably never give up on dreams of achieving individual financial sovereignty.

Needs, of course, are subjective. When I say the basics, I mean that I like to have a working reliable car... but I'm quite content with it being a $20K Kia, not a $90K Mercedes. I'd like a house with heating and indoor plumbing, and enough room for us and an occasional guest. I don't need a "McMansion." I don't need annual vacations to Bora Bora or Australia; nor do I need a 70-inch flat screen TV in every room; I'll take one smaller one in one room. And so on, and so forth.

For me, financial sovereignty is something that happens because we live within our means and don't succumb to the eternal messages of overconsumption, purveyed by the media.

yes sir I agree. Well said. In fact you're a great writer! lol.

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