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RE: A Simple Question for Those who are Thinking About Quitting Steemit...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I guess I am also one of those who probably is not posting here so much as I did before. Well, not that I was posting so often either. But certainly, same as you, I had to take care of other bizniz after some recent experiences in my life brought to me from a very close and very dear family member. That event indeed has kept me a bit away of steemit. As often and active as I've used to be here before.

Anyway, I think that as everything in life Patience is the keyword here. It is said that everything that goes up has to go down. And I would add that everything that goes down will also have to rebound, rise and refloat at some point.

So, better is maintain our chin up while calmly sipping a refreshing cup of tea or coffee and then witness how high the next refloating can go. :)


Cheers & Steem On!!


Yes, I would have to agree that patience is key here. I think a lot of people who rode the elevator UP got to thinking that "reality" is that things go from "nowhere" to "riches" in a matter of a few months. Not generally true, at least not in any reality I tend to occupy.

Wile we wait for things to refloat, I plan to keep building as much of my little stake here, as I can... because, why not? A couple of dollars is a couple of dollars.

Yes! that's right my dear friend. A couple of dollars is actually a couple of dollars everywhere. };)


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