in #steemit7 years ago

How do you gain influence on the Steemit platform?

This is a really good question if you are really concerned and interested in making it BIG here on Steemit. (follow this series for other great tips from @weetreebonsai , @papa-pepper and more!)

When you vote on posts here on Steemit you are giving authors a little tip, or in some cases a BIG tip. Yes, those who have been here for a while and have built up some influence can really make a difference in someones life here on Steemit. Perhaps you've noticed a post go from $0 to $50 in a hurry before? Well, that is likely because that post got the attention of one of the Whales (person who's been here a long time and has big influence). Their vote counts for a lot!

How Do You Gain That Kind of Influence?

Ok, I've only been here 182 days so I have a lot to learn, but the one tip I have for you in this post is this...

Power Up 100% !!

Notice at the bottom of your post when you are in edit mode is this option to change how you are "paid" for the votes you receive. By choosing the Power Up 100% you are building up your Steem Power.

Build Up Your Steem Power

This number helps to build your influence when you vote.
👉 The more Steem Power you have the more your vote is worth.
👉 The more your vote is worth the more people notice you when you vote on their post.
👉 The more people notice you the more they follow you.
👉 The more followers you have the more eyes you have on your posts.
👉 The more eyes you have on your posts, potentially the more votes on your posts.
👉 The more votes you get, potentially the more you stand to make in return when you post....

are you catching my drift here?

It's a win win situation. You build influence. You build followers. You become a bigger stronger steemian. Yes, this path can be yours if you Power Up 100% early on to build as much Steem Power as possible as fast as possible.

Now... big disclaimer here: YOUR MILEAGE WILL VARY! Of course there are so many variables. You are not guaranteed anything here. Your posts still have to be good. You have to follow all the other advice here too, but this one tip could help you secure a slightly higher position here in the world of Steemit.

For example: I worked diligently in the beginning to build my Steem Power up to $1500 by using the Power Up 100% option (not all the time but a lot). Now I can give a whole $0.20 to someone when I vote (roughly). I know that doesn't sound like much, but there was a time when I couldn't even give a whole penny. I feel pretty good about voting and helping people now. In return I think people appreciate that and notice. In 182 days I have gained 911 followers. Thank you to all who are in that number! This was not done by begging, it's slow progress by following the wise tips of others in the Steemit community.

@weetreebonsai has done a great job with this series so far to help YouTubers make the step into the land of Steemit. It's kinda weird and maybe even a little scary at first. It's so different from YouTube. Thank you @weetreebonsai for sharing your gift of encouragement with us YouTubers to give us that kick in the pants we need to make Steemit our second home! I give you the credit for bringing me over here to this platform and am very grateful for you.

If you are reading this and have not yet checked out the first 4 posts in this series please follow these links. Give @weetreebonsai a high five in the comments along with your follow and vote!

Day 5 and 6 (this post) was created by me:

Day 7 (and possibly more) will be hosted by one of the great influencers in the homesteading category here on Steemit - @papa-pepper ! You will want to check that out!

This series has a lot of great information presented by a few Steemit users that have learned a few things. Follow along, vote and become a GREAT STEEMIAN!

So welcome to steemit, read, respond and be real.

Thank you for sharing this time with me!


When I started posting I was not sure which one to use. All of my posts so far have been of the 50/50 kind. Maybe the next few I will try 100% and see what happens. Thanks!

The Power up is a new one on me, Thank You for sharing that tip @daddykirbs and Thank You for doing this collaboration!
The learning curve here can be frustrating but together we all can be a help to each other.
I am looking forward to this series growing to include more folks from this community and am looking forward to what @papa-pepper brings to the table (the man is rocking it here)!
Shared across the board...

Good article, I am still digging through it. I will resteem it now, because I think it will be helpful for my followers. Good job and thank you again for good tips. I love it. Peace :)

I'm glad you found it helpful 😁

Great post on unveiling the secrets of powering up. I've been here since September and hadn't even realised this! Going to dig into the other posts of the series. :D

Good advice! Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks a lot for this series! And yes, as a YouTuber, Steemit has been such a surprise :). I do feel it is a bit of a downside that Steemit doesn't allow me to appreciate older content with my upvotes directly. Or that my content either makes it, or not in just a few hours time, and then the chance has passed. Very different from YT, right. In my first day(s?) here, I actually upvoted posts which were months old :). I really like how you guys suggest that, if you enjoy an older post from a content creator, find a newer post and upvote that. If the platform is cool and content creators make cool stuff, we'll find ways to appreciate them right? Thanks again for a great post, reading through the series now, a lot of great info!! :)

Im pretty sure the 100% power up is only the best option if SBD is worth less than a dollar. Otherwise do 50/50 and then use market to change steem dollars to STEEM and then power up the STEEM to Steem Power. Im no expert but I think you get more bang for your buck that way 😉

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