Steem.CLICK, Steem.PINK, Steem.PRO FREE giveaway for most interesting ideas and posts

in #steemit8 years ago

Hi all, reposting this, since first post was made when steemit was "read only" mode

Really want to support Steem with something valuable for particular cause and/or idea. So here is the deal: Steam.PRO , Steem.PINK and Steem.CLICK domains will be awarded for free!

  • Steem.PRO might be awarded to author of most interesting/useful in professional, crypto-related, sense post/story.

It really doesn't have to be all the way about coding, algorithms etc., but i think it should be pretty useful in "pro" sense

  • Steem.PRO might also be awarded to author of some great idea to be implemented on this domain

  • Steem.PINK might be awarded to author of most interesting non-crypto related post, e.g. traveling, life stories, world news
  • Steem.PINK might also be awarded to author of some great idea to be implemented on this domain, for example smth. "girly" maybe?

  • Steem.CLICK might be awarded to author of most interesting "totally anything" related post.
  • Steem.PINK might also be awarded to author of some great idea to be implemented on this domain, personally i think this domain is there exactly for some cool ideas.

Who can participate?

This is Steemit, so everyone can participate!

How to participate?
  • Please leave link to YOUR post/story in replies.
    You have to be the author of the post
  • If you are posting an idea, then please start your reply with "IDEA:" (without quotes) word, just so me and other steemers can identify it quicker among other replies

How's winners determined?

I will take into great consideration the amount of votes your link (post, story) or idea will get. However, as an author of this giveaway, i reserve the right to award the idea/post/story that personally i consider as great and outstanding. There will not be any unwon domains, all domains will be awarded.

How long?

I think the contest should last 7 days (so till next Friday). Then i might need few days to pick the winners.

Lets steemit guys and girls ;)!!!

Steem domains
#steemit #steem #domains #ideas #pro #pink #free #rewards


IDEA: I would love this. is a post that I just made and you commented on. It jumpstart the idea. I kind of like as it will help the masses go pro with Steemit. That should drive the whole platform up.

Welcome! And like i already said - great consistent idea, hope you will get support to implement it

Some great ideas here. I also suggested something similar in my recent post:

Great post, tnx!

Finally!! Welcome! Yahooo!
Started to think my post's replies are bugged lol :)

Nice! My idea is pretty simple and already implemented, a wordpress plugin that lets you mix your posts in on your own wordpress site and link out to steamit when someone clicks them:

You can see the plugin working on my blog at . Hover over the links to each blog post and at least one of them links out to steemit.


Great job, think bloggers would love it!

IDEA: Would love for my idea it steemify's any webpage by replacing the images on the webpage with the steem logo .. I got ideas for platform games too

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