Creating Niche vs. Diverse Topics for Your Steemit Page - Which One Is Better?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

I have been a little unconventional in my approach to content creation here on Steemit and I often have people ask me why I haven’t focused on a particular niche. Anyone who has followed me for a while can see that I post on a big variety of topics from music covers, to lifestyle topics, to personal finance, to (sometimes) cryptocurrency, and have even recently launched a segment with @maryjaney called the Steem Sister Show!

Why did I decide to go this route instead of picking a particular topic and running with it? Well, first of all – I want to say that there is no “right or wrong” approach here. Both ways are totally valid and have their own pro’s and con’s. I am just sharing my experience and what I have found works for me. I have actually experimented with both styles and share my thoughts both in the Dtube vlog and in the text below!

Is Steemit different than other Content Creation Platforms?

The traditional school of thought is that you need to post within a niche, because people are following you because they are interested in that topic. If you veer off from your main topic – you’ll start losing followers. I think this is a really valid point – except I want to offer a counter perspective. Here on Steemit, we are not only a content creating engine, we are a community. People seem to follow you, for YOU.

Think about all the people you have decided to follow. Is it all just because you like the topics they post about? It is probably a mix of following people because of their content, and following people because you have connected with them and you want to stay in touch with what they are up to.

For this reason, I think niche’d out topics are super important for other platforms, but there seems to be a bit more wiggle room here in this community.

Pros of Posting on a Niche Topic

If you are posting on a niche topic – there is a good likelihood that you will attract more followers that like that type of content. This could potentially lead to a more engaged followership because they are likely to enjoy every post you put out – not just every few posts. For example, those who follow me because they like my music covers have to wait to see one of those every second or third post because I am also vlogging on the same channel.

You can also get more efficient with your content creation when you focus on a particular niche. Let’s say you are making cooking videos. If that is all you do, you can get really comfortable with where to setup your equipment, what works best, how to take good photos of the dish, how to format that type of post etc. When you are jumping around to different topics – it takes a bit more brain power to envision and setup each post.

Pros of Posting on Diverse Topics

One of the biggest things people say is that they struggle with ideas for content. If you are posting on a variety of topics - you likely won’t run into this problem! This method also allows you to tap into more of your passions and areas of knowledge.

Probably the biggest benefit I have seen from this approach is that it was a MAJOR factor in the growth I have seen in the last few months. I went from posting in a niche topic (music) to doing that plus vlogging on a variety of topics at the beginning of the year. By vlogging on different topics – it has exposed me to different people and communities here on the platform. I’ve met tons of people that I would have never met if I was still just posting music.

A good way to find middle ground is to segment your material into different series. This way, you can section out your content while still keeping it under the same channel. If you find that your audience doesn’t seem to like the variety of topics – you could consider opening separate channels for the various topics you are interested in posting about.

Follow the Energy

What is right for one person may not be right for another! If you are still not sure which direction you want to take – then ask yourself where you feel energy and excitement about posting. If there is a certain topic that you are really knowledgeable on or passionate about – ask yourself if you could talk about it everyday for a year. Are you overflowing with content ideas? Then maybe going with that niche topic would be a good option for you!

If you are like me though, and have a TON of hobbies, interests and passions – then maybe trying out a broader range of content may be a good starting point. Who knows, maybe you’ll find that you really LOVE posting on one of those topics and will end up niche’ing down a bit.

You aren’t stuck!

News flash guys… I have switched up the type of content I have done multiple times and the world didn’t end! If you start down one path and start to feel uninspired after a while – don’t just keep muscling through, stop to re-evaluate.

What are your thoughts? Let’s grow this conversation!

I really do think that either approach can work well here on the platform. I have shared my thoughts here, but I’d really love it if you shared your opinions on the subject as well. This is a topic that a lot of people grapple with, and I think it would be cool if they could get multiple opinions in the comments in addition to reading/watching my post.

Thanks so much for watching/listening and contributing to the conversation!

Xo, Lea


Equipment Used in this Vlog

In order to add an extra layer of transparancy and value to my vlog's, I will be adding a list of equipment used at the bottom of each one! If you ever have questions about the gear I use, or how I use it - please don't hesitate to ask.

▶️ DTube

Yup, this struggle is one of the main ones for those of us that have been in for the long haul. Much like you, I've switched things up many times. There are some prevailing themes, and I like to think my own personality comes through in various ways, but I've gone from posts to long form posts to videos and let's plays.

Growing a consistent community is the hardest part. I think it's really amazing that you've managed not only to keep the pace of your work up, but also the consistency in quality - especially with a full time job, you workaholic!

But seriously, this does require consideration. You can get away with quite a bit of variation... unless you do one thing and then start doing the exact opposite. Sometimes the response to that can be a bit rough. But I agree that if you hang in there, mostly your trend will be up over time.

Well said and thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I hope you’re doing well by the way! Sorry it has been so long since I popped over to your page. :-)

I really appreciate you adding your thoughts and perspective to the conversation. I definitely agree that there can be variation in what you do, as long as it stays consistent and authentic to who you are.

Thanks for your kind words by the way, I am definitely putting in a lot of hours these days! It’s all worth it though. :-)

Thanks again for the thoughtful response, and it was good to chat with you!

Hey, no problem! I know how things can get away from a person, especially on Steemit, lol. It's all I can do sometimes to make sure things get up regularly.

Good chatting with you too :D.

Personally I dont follow too many people. And from those that I follow, most of them are people that I soon becomes friends with or people that i already know.

Unlike Youtube or other mainstream content/social media. What i find about Steemit is as you said - people follow you for YOU. This could be spurred from the fact that on this platform, OP actually READS AND REPLIES your comment!!

I have always been the post-whatever-comes-to-mind kind of guy. Which goes against the mainstream school of thought to "niche niche NICHE!!!". But then again, NOTHING about steemit is mainstream. Which is why i love this place so much.

Looking forward for more of your awesome posts!!

Thanks so much for the thoughtful response @awesomeianist!! It sounds like we both take pretty similar approaches to our Steem content! People keep telling me I should niche down a little more, but I saw the opposite effect in terms of growth when I started expanding my content.

I think you hit it on the head when you said that nothing about Steemit is mainstream, including what “tips and tactics” seem to work well.


People keep telling me I should niche down a little more,

They're not the ones at rep 67 on Steemit are they? 😉

You make excellent posts!! AND you're super lovable 💛

Awww sending love right back to you!! ♥️

I'm a little of both. I think users should have one or two "niche" things they do, so users can know what to expect if they are following for a specific reason, and then have other amazing content to bolster the niche stuff. It's like a gas station. You go for the gas, but what they are really making money on is the soda and candy. So you have your gas and your carwash as the reliable content, and you have your soda, candy, donuts, hot dogs...whatever it is you feel like selling that day. I think everyone should have a little of both. I do my regular things each day and each week, but I don't like to limit myself to just those things.

I think you're right. People like you here because of YOU. That's what makes this place so great! It's not like youtube where your followers only like you for your cooking show. Here, you can do whatever you want!

I love the gas station analogy. Come to think of it, that's super apt!

What a BRILLIANT metaphor! You are just always full of great advice, aren’t you? :-)

I love that your perspective fine such a great middle ground. Being TOO broad could be confusing for people. I like your idea of finding a couple of main topics to post on. I guess in a way, I’ve mostly done that too.

Thanks for adding so much value to this conversation!

Thanks for the conversation in the first place! You always do a stellar job.

I just started out here on Steemit and have started with writing about my own interests and hobbies, hoping to create a following not just of people who enjoy the same diverse topics I do but also fellow Steemians with whom I connect.

Thanks so much for adding your thoughts to the conversation. Welcome to Steemit by the way! 😊

I’m glad to hear that you found some of the points in this post helpful, and I hope that reading through a few other people’s comments here will give you some insight as well. If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you so much. You are so kind. I have already found Steemit to be a helpful community of people. There is so much negativity on other social media platforms. This is a nice change!

Excellent post @coruscate. Both ideas work.

Personally, being diverse, in my case my hobbies, my experiences and what my intuition is telling me provides more room to write authentically than if I were to put myself in a niche box, that's limiting in my opinion.

What a great way to think about it! I really appreciate your thoughtful response and adding to the conversation here. Like you, I think I would start to feel pretty limited after while if I could only post on one topic. Glad to see I’m not alone here. :-)

Keep doing what you do @coruscate, following.

Good points. I'm more niche right now but this is a brand new platform with unlimited possibilities. We can make it whatever we want.

Great points my friend!! There is definitely value in both schools of thought, and because we are in the bleeding edge of something new here, it may take a different shape and form then more traditional content sharing platforms.

Hello!!! You gave where it was, that's why I follow you not only for the music, but also for your multifaceted contents that you always show in each post. It is true that many confront a single issue and do not leave because they believe they stopped having followers but hey it is also good to explore other directions. For example I am a musician I play the violin and I focused on doing cover to share my talent, but I also have the air of a writer I like to write analyze and probe with two very different post to what I was doing that was playing and interpetar themes with My violin, I did not get comments in my post, but I loved doing it and if one feels good because I stopped doing it.

A very good idea too much to see how we do to play together hahahaha would be that you open a channel in Discord would be spectacular to unite all those people who follow you in one place and have a room to get to know each other and provide tips for making better post . Animate and I hope you read me and you encourage yourself to make your own channel in Discord I assure you that you would be surprised of the amount of people that would join that space ... Very successful and never change because the truth as you go is excellent and It's always interesting to read you. Greetings friend

Here on Steemit, we are not only a content creating engine, we are a community. People seem to follow you, for YOU.

This is so apt for me. I was worrying about it last night as I post about different things and dont HAVE a niche except for: 'i love all sorts of stuff!'. I then thought fuck it.. this is me.. Im not going to pretend Im something Im not! And i love the various communities here. Thanks xx

Hi @coruscate, Your Vlog is really amazing. when I notice your post then i read it completely, After then I start to follow you and wanna with you on the same platform of steemit. there are many things to learn from your post. Thanks

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