Steemit advice - Read the whole post, not just the title !

in #steemit7 years ago

Writing posts on steemit I've noticed that a lot of people read just the title without paying attention to the content.


They may think that the author will not notice that and he will upvote or pay attention to their empty comments.

When someone writes a post he waits for a feedback on at least half of his content or on everything.

I know that reading a lot is anoying sometimes but if you want to comment please set aside some time for reading the post to undestand the exact point of view.

The author tries to write good posts because he respects his readers so try to respect him in return.

Follow @Clixmoney for more tips.


I do not totally agree with all of you. I'm here since about 2 weeks and for me it was not easy to get started. I commented several times with short comments like 'thanks. Interesting post'. Not with the intention to spam your post, but only because i seriously meant it. I dont always want to write a novel about your post!
What is wrong is not me but the system. Take my comment or leave it! Ban the bots, power to the people!
Just my opinion. J

I am talking about people that spam all the posts with the same comments, all the posts in steemit not just mine, if you mean it it's good, even answering thanks sometimes it's clear that the commenter meant that.

I have the same problem. A large number of people just pass by story's I am assuming that they must be looking for a "name" someone who has tons of followers or as you are saying they are only looking at the title and moving on without at least absorbing some of the ideas being put out there. Lots of guts and time are sometimes spent to put your ideas out and waiting to see if you are alone, or others agree. I have had plenty of writings where it seems people walked by as I lay bleeding on the sidewalk. Not knowing I may not be a bum, I might be likable and have something important that you are walking by.
You are saying something I have felt about others and myself. Thank you

You are welcome, it came from the bottom of my heart !

awwwe I could tell! I felt so bad for you standing there on your own rock and pleading with people to just plain look at our words. Then I saw a few stubborn comments which I muted as well as you. Using double talk to just have an arrangement. Well, I am now committed to become a fan of your writings and (I won't use the term follower) but truly someone who likes you and cares. So you will be seeing my upvotes and comments more. I care about people that will stand up for themselves. I am glad we met! ^_^

thanks I am glad also ☺

Agreed! I put a lot of time and effort into some of my posts and I like it when people read the entire story. I've found that one can get decent payouts if he /she chooses to post meaningful responses to the author's post instead of just responding for the sake of responding.

Quality is king here, not quantity (of posts, replies, etc) In my humble opinion....

comments like "very interesting" and "great post :)" really annoy me, do they expect success from doing this?

I think they are just using to spam in facebook and youtube like that and they think that steemit is the same but hell no ! It's better to unmute such people !

So you noticed that people don't read your articles and decided to write an article about it?

No I am talking about all steemit users, I am not the only author on steemit !

I don't understand your reply, if people don't read your articles why do you expect them to read an article about people not reading articles?

They read my articles calm down, I have more than 800 followers you have 28, do you want to argue with me lol :)

You don't understand what I say.
I didn't talk about those who read, did you write this article for people that read articles? Then it is pointless since they read articles.

So then you wrote it for those who don't read articles but then why would they read this one?

Offtop, you are muted !

You couldn't even find a reason for that, now who needs to calm down I wonder.

I see sometimes here even more badly written articles than comments. Our job is to be better than this. But i am happy every comment on post, even if its not the best answer.

what do you mean here ? in steemit or on my page ?

In steemit. Your posts are good and thoughtful.

But it is understandable. Why would someone put 10 hours into article if people wont read it because you have too little followers or influence.

I think you have just to post often and wait till you will have more influence, but if you have some followers you have to take care about them, answer all their comments, give them more useful information, surprise them with contests and giveaway and everything will be ok ☺

Thanks for surprising me with nice answer. Will realize it more often.

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