How I'm becoming a Steemit Evangelist at a time Steemit is becoming viral [Original Content | Reading time: 10m]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

As you know, the direct recommendation is the best way to sell an idea and this article is how I've been preaching away the word of Steemit.

In the last days, I've gone deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole called Steemit, it's becoming such a thing in my life that almost without notice I've been talking to people around me about this new and amazing social project.

To be honest, I'm quite surprised and amazed how well people tend to receive the Steemit concept. I've been in the Bitcoin scene since February 2014 and since then I've talked to so many people about bitcoin and maybe 95% of them didn't understand what Bitcoin could do in the future or even sparkle the curiosity about a new disruptive technology.

Well, with Steemit... that's a different story! I say this because in just a few words about Steemit I'm able to grab people's attention and notice that "sparkle of curiosity" regarding Steemit becoming a bright lighthouse! I'm truly amazed regarding the feedback I've been having, and if with Bitcoin I felt that only 5% would grasp it, with Steemit it's the exact opposite and I feel that almost everyone shows genuine curiosity leading to a quicker understanding of the basic concepts of content versus reward.

I guess that when people are looking at a post and they see the total amount earned with the dollar sign "$", it's normal and usual. They don't stop to ask, for example, if it was displayed "124.42 SD" they would stop and ask "what's this SD, this is not money...". Usually, this kind of situation tends to create confusion and branches out to technical questions pushing away newcomers or leaving them thinking it's not actually real and it's all play money.

Conclusion, Steemit hit the bullseye by choosing to display the amount earned in "$" instead of STEEM, Steem Dollars, or BTC, or any altcoin! It simplifies and for example when I start showing a post to a friend, I say "look, this post has earned so far 1000$" and the magic happens, people know that 1000$ is worth 1000$ and there's no confusion there leading the talk to other Steemit details.

In the last four days, I've talked personally with more than ten friends about Steemit and some already have joined the platform, Hurray! And others are motivated to join real soon saying "I'll join it soon!" and I only say to them "Call me if you need any help with it, or if you have any more questions! (smile = trust = support )"

Meanwhile, with all this preaching, I've picked up some good pitch lines to grab my friends attention and also some basic and minimalistic explanation on how things are within Steemit:

"... So, we have the button "Like" on facebook right? In Steemit, it's almost the same but the like button it's called "UpVote" and when you give an UpVote you're claiming that the content you upvoted has some value in some way. On the other side, the publisher (content creator) will be rewarded according to the number of votes and status of the voters, cool right? Well, everyone knows that Facebook does not reward they users in any way, in fact, they just take your data and profit from it, and if have to pay to have more expose and more likes. In Steemit you get paid. Pretty cool right?"

"The basic concept is simple, in Steemit it's all about the "content", everyone can write about anything but it's not guaranteed that every post you make will bring you profits. If you publish interesting stuff or quality material it's highly probable that your post may start getting attention, in time the community will pick and reward good content. As always, some may like what you post on your blog, others may not, but everyone is free to share their stories, advice or junk without any nonsense!"

Usually, when I'm "preaching the word", It helps a lot to have a computer or a smartphone nearby because you can show the Steemit platform in real time. Just before I type the address I also say something like this "Ok then... what you're about to see, imagine that it's like facebook when it first appears on the university campus, the very early stages. Steemit now is like that first version of facebook that was not very pretty and lacked some functionality, in time will grow and be more user-friendly ok? so let's dive into it!

About the "user Status in Steemit" I explain that it's not just the upvote that counts, but who gives the upvote. There's the Status Factor, and there are users that have more Status in the platform and their upvote is worth more than a new user without any Status. So one upvote can be worth 0.01$ or it can be worth 30$. The users with high status usually try to pick and upvote contents that are juicy, that are interesting, or have what it need to be a hit post. If they pick a post that in time has a lot of upvotes, that same upvote will be profitable in the long run.

One moment I like to watch, is when they start looking at the Steemit landing page and they start looking at the top payouts, they start opening their eyes making remarks about the rewards per post, they make comments, questions, they become so intrigued, it's priceless to witness that "wow moment" and probably it's that moment the fuels me to keep it going!

And it's not only young people! A few hours ago, I went out to eat with my parents and they had the complete and full introduction in Steemit! We've talked almost for two hours about Steemit, Social Platforms and we're the all may go in the near future... At the end, even they like the idea! They understood the concept and how it could give some extra financial support to people that are in need! (Big shoutout to my parents: Love Them!).

And what do you reply when asked "where does the money come from????"

I have a straight approach to this question, and it goes more or less like this: "I'm not going to get too deep with technical details and I'm going try to keep it simple ok? So, everyone can upvote and each upvote has its value. I don't know the exact numbers but let us say that every day the Steemit platform releases 1 million dollars per day to be distributed throw upvotes, during that day all the upvotes will drain that 1 million dollars and on the next day the same thing happens. So, every day there's a constant release of value. Then there's another variable, and it's like stocks were the price of a stock can go up or down, the same happens with Steemit were the Steam Dollar has a price and can be sold in any exchange."

But without any doubt, the hardest part is when I have to explain how to get their money from Steemit into their bank accounts. Since none of them have ever bought bitcoin, it requires me to explain the current state of cryptocurrency, where there's an exchange where you can sell this for that, then send it from here to there, and finally to the bank account. I usually end saying that cashing out money from Steemit and all the required conversions takes about an hour or less and what really delays the most, is actually the Bank Transfer, but since Portugal is in Europe's SEPA zone, it takes 24h to reach your account, so it's quick!

This conversation can happen in 5 minutes, or it can take 2 hours, every case is a case, and if you have understood what you're saying and you have your pitch lines at the end of your tongue, then this new thing will continue to go Viral has it become to be!

And tomorrow is another day, I'll come across more people and the cycle will repeat itself over and over.... and to be honest, I'm loving each moment of it!

From Portugal to the World with love! Cheers!

This post goes with inline with yesterday's post "Steemit Community Challenge - "How can you change someone's life for better when they are in need!" and if you like today's article, check it out also!

(message from the content creator (ME): if you reached this far in the text, congratulation to you! you rock because you're really using the platform and reading content! thanks and remember to upvote if you like my stuff!)

words and thoughts to feed the mind by BrunoPro // 22 July 2016
Time thinking about this: a few days
Time writing draft: 1 hour
Time reviewing to final version: 2 hours
Time to do graphics and text formatting: 3 hours
Total time spent in article: 6 hours
Feeling after publishing: Exhausted but again, that same fulfillment.

#steemit #steem #uplifting #inspirational #help #give #lifestyle #bitcoin #introduceyourself #life #money #portugal #viral


I like your approach. In my experience, practice develops the perfect elevator pitch, most importantly one that breaks down the complicated to the simple

Thanks! It also helps to have more than 2 years trying to explain Bitcoin to people... so speaking about steemit for me it's like being on vacation relaxing ;)

I'll show them this comment ehhehe

Steemit Quotes Of The Day –
Sometimes life is tough. 諦めない

I love both the post and comment... upvoted! :)

I have to say, you have made some great simple points. Especially when trying to explain where the money comes from. I've tried to come up with an explanation for my friends here at home, but I will borrow yours...if I may.

sometimes it's hard to set aside the knowledge one has, but I notice it that it's essential to keep all the details that may distract, and usually those aren't that important when trying to achieve the bigger goal.

Man I felt like I was reading my life there this explained everything I'm struggling with too, but I like how you explained it.. I said kind of the same thing too in a post I did yesterday called What sounds better.. a new car or a yacht?

But this was great brotha thanks for sharing !
Check mine out and let me know what you think :D

Absolutely! Being able to succinctly, confidently, and clearly express your idea is paramount. Luck is being prepared when the opportunity presents itself. Practice won't make you perfect... it'll keep you prepared.

Not easy to explain something new. Get the point right, updated info and try to simplify it. Good job @brunopro and appreciate all the comments.

Thanks @pinklee and yes, I'm trying to reply to all the comment because each one took a little time to read the article and share some opinion about it. The minimal I can do is to be thankful and reply back :)

Welcome to Steemit

Here is some interesting info that will help you create amazing content.

How to Create Successful Steemit Content:
Why Steemwhales are upvoting Crap instead of Your Masterpiece - And why you should be Happy About it
How I Earned $100,000 With Steemit
Foolproof Formula for a Successful Post on Steemit: 7 Ingredients for Success
The Secret Formula to a Successful "IntroduceYourself" Post...And The #1 Mistake to Avoid
I Lost Over $124,768 On Steemit In My First Month(Why I'm Kicking Myself In The Balls For Not Powering Up)
How to Properly Format your Steemit Posts
These are just some of the posts that once understood, will give the reader a SIGNIFICANT advantage on steemit.

Everyone is rooting for you!
Good Luck!,

@elargroup , sorry but I don't feel that "thrill" writing about any of that :) I have other goals, other ideal to share, ideas how to use this platform in a social way....

This I can say... what I'm planning to do next week will be something like THIS but on steroids. I think I'll be able to fulfill kind of a dream I have and it has nothing to do with me, to be honest, I cried when I got this idea and continue to cry because I could see that "thing" becoming a reality.. and the tears that fell, tasted special, tasted like tears of happiness while grasping that it's possible to make a better world one step at a time...

But until this "thing", I'll be around with other things to share :)

wow! i like. XD good jod of @brunopro

Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.

Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !

PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)

Good post brunopro, I will start following you. Keep em coming.

Omg you make its with @berniesanders again, some more crazy upvotes!!!
you just trolls or?
Upd. I write post about @berniesanders See it if you want to learn a little more about him.

Thanks @Kushed, like any addiction, it will be hard to fight this one... even more when it open up the mind and make one dream about Utopia!

I'm confused about the following feature. Where can I see those that I follow?

good job the @brunopro like me! excellent! upvoted.

I agree, it clicks with people without much explanation. Looking to see some of my referral online here soon too. It's the ah-ha moment!

Yeah, I've noticed that too! I've explained Steemit to several co-workers in 1-2 minutes, and their reactions were, "WOW".

I say it's a Social Media combined with Digital Currency.

I also show them the website on my iPhone 6+ and show them the trending posts and money generated.

Then I say it's like Facebook, but now you get paid to post AND you get paid to comment. So, now there's an incentive to participate!

One of them tried to sign up, but apparently Steemit is by invitation only right now, because so many people are signing up! Now, that he's on the email waiting list, he's even more eager to join! 😄

I jump up into this area. " And what do you reply when asked "where does the money come from????"
For me, Steem is still on the process on where it should go on the long run. I think its merely decentralized when we are talking about SBD distribution and Steem coins conversion but its clearly making its way to regulate the volatility of the main Crypto, the Bitcoin. I agree on your concern about if only we can or you can put your earnings direct to your bank accounts. They should work on that thing for the future of steem to stabilize.

With the natural development of Bitcoin that's the main Flagship for crypto-currency at the moment, in time that missing link will become available by the growing need of that service. We have to let time do it thing, everything has it's momentum ;) Cheers!

Great content.this is the awareness i have being saying that we should post

The first rule about Steemit ...

We all know what really happens though... everybody breaks the rule!




and the eighth and final rule: If this is your first night at Steemit, you have to steem

Awesome post. Gives some good point to talk about when spreading the gospel of Steemit. Preach on brother man!

I'll do, loving the project and community! :D

Wif read my blog at @gabbans, you read how i i taik on the preaching the steem gospel everyday, so that, when it goes mainstream, ww all be smiling to the bank

Great read awesome....Just a heads up on this line ::::::"I went out to eat with my parents and they had the complete and full introduction in Steemid! <------

Thanks :) will correct it now Cheers!

np mate:)

no no, I appreciate you remark :)

np is short for No problem i meant your welcome:)....probably my Kiwi way of abbreviations isn't recognized yet:)..anyway glad i could help

Preach on!

Bless u my son

That you have twice that you wish for me :)

btw i have hit your follow button and for today i will be reading all of your blog, love your style, all the best

Great post @brunopro
Always love to counter the argument 'but isn't the money made out of thin air' with the concept of the federal reserve. They've been printing the world's money out of thin air for the last 60 years... People have no idea how our financial system works!

indeed, ignorance is a blessing for any country / state....

We've been printing money for ~150 years. It was commodity money then.
Since 73' (Nixon Shock), we've been printing fiat money.
The way the system works is so shockingly ridiculous that I never bother trying to explain it. I just direct people to this video:

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