What sounds better.. a new car or a yacht?

in #investment8 years ago (edited)

I have seen people talking about selling their STEEM and buying a new car.. 

Why would you want to do this?

Currently there are only 29k users on Steemit.. Now understand that STEEM is a whole new type of crypto currency, because it is based on a completely new type of social network!

When I tell friends and family that people are getting paid for posting and liking stuff they think I'm crazy.. And that's because they've never heard about anything like it before! So after I explain that Steemit is not just giving away money, but that it's more like stock that people can use to earn MORE stock.. then they get very interested ;D

So imagine how fast Twitter grew, and how many people use Twitter non-stop and earn nothing.. I'm sure they would all rather be paid for their hours of effort, and once everyone sees that people really ARE getting paid they will all probably be coming in by the masses!

So dream big and be patient..

And as always feel free to leave your links in the comments.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 58331.25
ETH 2509.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34