Should Curators be Paid MORE than Authors or At Least Better Compensated to Grow Steemit?!?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Too many authors on Steemit?

I heard a great point of view with Steemit and the trouble with more engagement, especially with newer users. The point was that we have a hard time here when it is mainly authors just posting rather than people coming to just engage with posts.

It seems that is occurring now in the community. So many authors are all posting and not many people are engaging in these posts, which brings overall morale down with creators. We are all saying something with not much of an audience listening.

Over the past few weeks I have noticed less commenting and engaging going on with my own posts as well as others.

Curators will be the ones who take Steemit to the Top

The curators, our audience, our fan base, is what will take Steemit to where we all want it. We don't want this place to just be somewhere you can get a job and income. We want this to be an awesome place people want to be apart of daily.

If we are going to be massive, the majority of users will be just regular viewers and curators.

We need to get the community more like Reddit and Facebook, from the standpoint of where people want to come here just to connect on topics more so then any money that you receive and the proud feeling of recognition. How can we personally and as a community increase this side of the platform?

Do you think this would help improve the platform??


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Wouldn't that defeat the purpose though of the platform? In a way....

No, we still want great unique decentralized content. The whole system values will always stay the same. I just think we need the viewers and commentors to become a massive platform. We are not going to have 50 million+ authors here, constantly posting. Commenting is another story though.

I'm trying hard to be a good curator and have increased my curation income dramatically by the strategies I'm working on. I read a few posts on tips to curate for better money, and the difference is significant. I can get to the top ranks of good posts. But the 10 people ahead of my get the vast majority of the reward and I still get a fraction of sp.

I try not to think of this as a negative but as a goal. I want better curation results and I aim for them even though they are very small compared to author rewards.

0.031 makes me happy and I look at .003 rewards to find out what happened. I think the improvement will be dramatic over time as I improve and my sp grows.

I know some people do not curate for the reward at all, but just to reward their friends. Many end up voting at low power and never really see big payouts. Instead they get 100's of tiny payouts. Other people use bots and therefore do not see the posts they vote on at all.

For me - I comment and resteem most posts I upvote and I promote them on twitter. I also add those posts to any place that is asking for nominations of good posts. Simply doing that step gives more views and often wins the upvote prize from a bigger fish.

Without a slider, this is only a handful a day, so I can do it.

I think we have to deal with what is here - uneven as it is. If you look at the stats posts from @penguinpablo, you will see steady growth in users even though so many drop off. I hope my manual curation will help and will keep doing it for the time being :)

Wonderful add @fitinfun, I appreciate you commenting.

I actually do quite well on curating when I give it the time. I often receive $1-$3 rewards on a single post and that is good when you sometimes don't see half that much on a author post. Curating is not bad at all.

As authors curating is so beneficial to get noticed and have people come back to see your own blog. As a whole, the system will eventually be more curators than authors and why I bring up the point here today.

I love your strategies on sharing posts. I will incorporate that more.

The stats from penguin pablo is another reason I brought this up. The users are continuing to grow, while comments are stagnate, if not going down.

I agree with all your points and sadly, some of the comments we do get are spam. I get way more from the curation on most days. I'm glad we have that option :)

Yes me too! Followed you @fitinfun, I like your thinking. :D

Thank you! I know we can succeed together :) You already had me as a follower.

Yes! Team work to make the dream work! You have my support always!

It is hard to make good choices when curating. But there seems to be no other way.

Steemit needs good curating but also quality posts. There are no hard and fast rules on how to achieve both.

Well this whole thing is so different from facebook. I have lots of comments and what not on facebook and here sometimes none at all. The presentation sucks. the pictures is to small and the text to much or something. if it would look more like facebook - it would be different maybeeeeee???

Yea I agree the layout needs improving. It needs to be more user friendly.

Yes - as long as the user experience is like this it does not really make u want to look at your feed.

I know, it is true. How do we get the creators to interact more with us?

that is the one and only question!! if you look at facebook and instagram you have bigger pictures for example. I think it is all about the layout 1st so ppl that are not your friends would see you contet better - which would only happen if it gets resteemed. tricky....

Possibly, yes! Curating right now is not very rewarding for most people.. only the big fish. I think I earn about 0.02 Steem Power a week in curating? There's no point. I spend my upvotes on my followers to engage with them nowadays instead. If I could increase my rewards easier with quality curating that might appeal to a lot of small fish too.

Also we should decrease the voting power of downvotes compared to upvotes. There is too much flagging going around that is negative, and downvotes/flags should not have such a big impact.

Try curating authors who have big upvotes and give them to there com-mentors. I sometimes make $10+ easily curating in the week. You have to strategies a bit but again like you said most small minnows don't get much on commenting, which I think if it was more, could expand us easier.

As for down votes I have never received one and do not like the idea that people do that. Hope we can keep that at bay.

Thanks so much for sharing your input!!

I've tried every tactic curating authors who consistently bring in big rewards, but as I have low SP (as most minnows, obviously), only about 32 SP, my vote is worth such a low amount of voting power that the rewards are just not really there. I currently make, perhaps, $10 a week authoring but only if I use a lot of upvote bots that eat up a fair amount of that🙁

Did you invest any fiat into Steem or did you make everything you have on here?
I do know that right when I joined Steem, a week after or so, I saw all the rewards drop significantly. Posts were getting hundreds before, but then suddenly only double digits. I'm thinking if I got here a month earlier, I would probably be above 100 SP too.

All was from here from both curating and my posts. There are a bunch of authors that have big upvotes that will vote you, keep looking and keep trying to improve your responses. You will start to gain traction. In many of my previous posts I talk about ways to increase your rewards, engagement, and profile in general here. (At least what I have picked up so far)

I have been waiting for Steem to run below 0.80 to buy a few thousand worth of it. It will definitely help your influence here, another topic I talk about a lot.

I will help you. I need help too so we can both work together.. Do you have discord?

Yes, I think my subject matter is probably a bad earning one. Writing about how to improve Steemit and doing posts for newbies seems to draw particular interest from whales. I did some in the beginning and they did well. But, it's kind of not what I love to write about! I'm more passionate about crypto, so I focus on that most of all. Trying to get more engaged in community stuff soon, some contests perhaps.

I can't spare any fiat to buy new crypto, so I have to do it the hard way!
I don't have discord.I am not normally on social media! Steemit is the exception for me! I only got here because I was doing research on new crypto's to invest in.. but hung around afterwards :)

Write about what you like and want to talk about. It takes times for everyone and all subjects. If you stick it out here, you will have a following and a hold on your subjects of interest, once this place explodes with users. Build a community around yourself and interests.

I mention discord because you can chat there and further conversation. Same with if you use that.

I would say also good curation should come with curators being more reputable on the kind of posts they are likely to upvote, with more clear criteria regarding the content outside of how much curation reward they get from it.

The average readers doesnt really care about how much curation reward is made by up voting a post, but care about finding quality post on whatever topic he is interested into, and personally i find it hard to find out how to get informations on true rating of post to match a particular interest, outside of how much reward curators get on it, or the whole money scheme involved with it.

All content publisher like news papper or news site works because the editors are known for a certain taste or qualification in a domain that fits a particular public, either its politics, economy or whatever else, and i find this aspect is missing from the curation policy.

I agree the average consumer just wants to read and connect with there topics. I recommended in previous posts if we can search by reputation. That might help in aid in finding better content with great writers and then with your specific interests.

I think overtime we will get wonderful authors and curators. I just want to speed up the process becaue I love it here so much but can be improved for sure. Makes me think about how twitter was in the early stages but we are much more advanced.

Thanks for sharing your great insight!

There is not really a true system of reputation, in the sense like critics associated with a certain taste or orientation , i'm not sure there is even easy way to have sorted list of users based on what they read or curate.

I saw somewhere there is an app that have something like curation trail which can be similar, i think it can work by group of users associated with a curation trail, which can be used to follow specific group of curators which could be close to have easy pick on list of posts following the curation trail of specific group of curators, regardless of their voting power.

If group of curators like this can be easily seen on the ui, associated with certain topics, that could probably help to get to certain kind of content matching some interest based on advise of these groups.

Or maybe a system of colored vote like colored coin to indicate a vote from a specific group of curators that can be easily followed to catch on post for a particular topic of interest, even if they dont have strong general voting power.

Putting all the power of curation only in big investor is not necessarily a good thing, because they dont necessrily have good skills as content critics, or to detect post that can be popular for a certain kind of public.

You make some great points here about curation trail and colored vote for particular topics. That is something to bring up more to bring more awareness and maybe something similar can be implemented to improve the system.

The voting power is just delegated based on who has invested what in this company/currency. It is the best way to give the power to the people. It would level out I think once new investors come, price goes up, old investors cash out and most is distributed to many and not just a few.

The thing also is that readers dont necessrily have any steem or steem power, and it seem a bit hard to have a valuation of the majority of readers who dont have any steem power, and shouldnt need to have much or any.

Not everyone interested in social media will necessarily be in to get rewards based on their reading or voting, and there should be a way to take this in account beside of the steem power.

Because if the audience is to grow outside of investment circle, need to have a way to value activity of non investors, even if there is no direct monetizing of this activity with the steem system.

Well the thing about the audience is, they can and will just come here for the content. Just because there are rewards does not mean anyone has to care about them. That will be a barrier for users to get over.

If you have no SP you must create value in posts to attract it, like all other social media sites. If rewards is what your after.

There are some kinks to work out for sure. :)

The thing is for me it lacks a layer between authors and readers, like the equivalent of labels for music distribution or edition director for news papper.

For music industry, it needs labels because if just every music creator would pile up their track in a generalist distribution, the end consumer would be lost into all the submissions.

Its same with newspappers, there are general organismes to czntralize news, but consumer dont get their news directly from there, but get a newspapper directed by edtiorial lines, who does this filtering to fit a partifular public.

There cant be any objective one fit all criteria that will make a content valuable to everyone the same, and its why all content distribution is organized in clusters such as labels or news papper to target directly a particular audience interested in a particular taste that the label or editor is able to catch up, for consumer to already have a pre selection of item they might be interested in, because they trust a particular label or editor for that kind of style or information.

And for me in the present state of things, its hard to find an equivalent of this on steemit.

Like some kind of clustering of articles based on a filtering made by person who know a particular audience cluster andbare trusted for their taste or reviewing, to get directly the kind of article that can be interesting for a particular audience, even if they dont invest in steem power to have high upvote value, like consumer of a particular musuc style wont invest in label share because they are more trusting the label to find the good artist that they like.

Even if this selectioning is always hard to quantify objectively, its what will drive consumer choice of content rather than leaving it in anarchy relying on snow balling of largest global market and profits, which is not alwaus what everyone will seek for.

The content need to be sorted out to fit what they are looking for, even if they are not seeking for reward or creating value other than reading content that interest them.

Yes these are fantastic points and really giving me a new look at the platform. Thank you for that.

I take it as it's new and working out the layout of the platform.

That being said, how can we address this suggestions to the creators or moderators?

That is one thing I know nothing about to be honest. Who works on the site? Improves it? Listen to us? Ect?

We believe Curating can help grow Steemit, but there are many ways to curate, thru leaving a comment, or highlighting others posts - there are many doing this.

Great point. I do need to highlight more posts more often. This is why I like doing posts like this, to get more perspective and point of views!

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