Thoughts and Ideas To Push the Price of Steem Back Over $1.00

in #steemit8 years ago

Now Is Not A Time To Panic


Like any investment, the price of steem will rise and fall. But unlike most investments you likely have in an IRA, you have the ability to directly influence the price of this investment. The only way steem will gain value (which I'm confident it will) is through interaction with this unique and creative community.

While there is the opportunity for investors to simply spend money and wait, I believe that decision is missing the real value steemit has as a platform. Steemit itself is a tool and becomes valuable as people look at and interact with thought provoking posts, whether by creating them or commenting and giving feedback. Without that, investor dollars would be worthless (in my opinion at least).

So instead of jumping ship because the value is not what it once was, how about we as a community take the time to address some of the issues and solve them. This is a new field where money is redistributed in social media and there will be highs and lows. People will come and go and talk good and bad about this platform, but here are some of the ways I feel each person can contribute easily.

  • Have a contest tab that sorts different contests into categories. Photography, fantasy sports, guessing, word puzzle, comment, writing / poetry etc. All in one convenient section
  • Encourage those with no interest in blogging to instead focus on goods or services they can provide and have a tab that links to and get the word out on that awesome decentralized storefront. (Possibly add an auction feature and talk with @steemrollin and @anwenbaumeister about features to add for ease of use or otherwise).
  • Reward great comments. Comments earn far too little and whether that means forming a group of volunteers to curate great comments and reward them in some way or another creative idea, without people making meaningful comments, this platform will not achieve its full potential. Some of my best connections have been made through comments and reward or not, I will continue to make lengthy comments to those who read my posts and people whom I feel deserve recognition and responses for their blog posts.
  • Possibly hire or find another group that will monitor and help new users. Possibly assigning an hour of monitoring an introduceyourself feed or channel and putting the best of the best into a blog post that promotes. I don't believe everyone deserves to make a lot of money on a first post, but I think that a lot of creative people aren't being rewarded for the effort they put in, whether that is sheer volume or otherwise should be addressed.
  • An FAQ or live chat feature for users who are new or have a lot of questions and don't know where to go would be awesome. The easier it is for more people to post, the more likely people will focus on content and not as much time on formatting.
  • Get local colleges and businesses involved in performing arts and creative writing contests. See if a local college with a dance, writing, fashion etc. program could partner with steemit for a contest. The winners of the contest could get SBD and also something from the school or local businesses or restaurants that want positivity attached to their names.
  • A questionnaire that helps people figure out their strengths and how they can help - planning, brainstorming, marketing etc. Steemit is nothing without people working together. This is not a "me" first social network. This is about many people reaching goals together. Selfish people are quickly left behind in the dust of people working as teams.
  • Rewards for daily interactions like a certain number of days where you have posted in a row, or comments etc. with prizes being a prize wheel spin or something fun that gives you a chance to win some sbd (like a lottery, without people spending money they don't have to enter).
  • Marketing team that actively seeks out ways to bring unobtrusive ad dollars to steemit, with the ability for users to make SBD from looking at videos, clicking on ads, etc.

I'll be at Steemfest this year and am hoping to work with some other passionate people to get the monetary value of steem back to a reasonable price. Right now I believe it is bargain priced and if I had the means to do so, I would be stocking up. (Not giving investing advice, but personal advice of my own). Hoping to work with some people as serious about this platform as I am.

Steemit got me out of a dark time in my life, where I thought my ideas and whole being were worthless. Connecting with this community really changed my outlook on life. I'm willing to put in 110% effort to make sure others have the opportunity that I have had, through whatever abilities I have to offer.

Please feel free to ask or comment in any way that you feel will benefit steemit. I'm here for the long run :)


It all started at $0.24, then went all the way up to $4, then returned back to $0.25 - it seems to quite like this price zone.

its just on the floor for now. that huge price spike is a good sign in my opinion. sure, I wish it had stayed up, but the longterm uptrend will be slower than that, The huge increases in price just wasn't sustainable yet.I believe it will get back there and then go much higher. I think the value is there. I guess we will see.

I think its REAL value lies in the $0.50-$1 range.

Yeah, i think that is pretty accurate for right now

That's an accurate price I believe (although anything under a dollar I believe is a steal for investors)

But without unique content and interaction, steem cannot reach higher prices. Long term value will come from advertisers still (i believe) and without people looking at content, advertisers won't be willing to invest.

Each account is an opportunit to brand and represent yourself as you wish. You can treat this ad a serious endeavor, a secondary site to post cool photos, or even just a place to read uncensored thoughts and stories. Steemit is the sum of the users collectively.

I've found far more interesting articles on steemit that inspire me than on twitter or ig and only occasionally will a well written post on FB really inspire me to write.

We are in at the beginning of steemit and have the opportunity to help guide the good steemship towards things never before seen on social media and away from trolls, hate, an crab-in-bucket mentality that puts a lid on most otger social media sites.

Keep Steemit Great. It falls upon each one of our shoulders (or keyboards)

If it can start to navigate itself towards $0.50 sometime in 2017 I'll be happy :) We need a STRONG marketing message from @ned to market this platform to allow it to grow.

We need a strong front end and ability to onboard new users.

True, but we don't really need to hear from anyone. @ned helped to create the platform, but we are all in control of how steemit will proceed. We each need to use our strengths whatever they be to bring value to steemit. @ned is a very important piece, but there are those with ideas that @ned probably hasn't thought of that he can see and give support to along the way to. Some things should be set in motion and if the collective community does not like them, they will be quelled.

You've got a lot of great advice here.

Thanks for thinking through all this and sharing it with us.

It's been on my mind for quite a bit and I finally had the time to sit down an write this morning. I'm sure their are others with great ideas and perspectives an some that are less creative but better suited to implement suggestions and others who can play other key roles well.

I have no problem with anyone taking any idea i've written about and using it in their own post or making money from it. But i like that we can take an active role in ou investment o time and money if we wish and drive value. Something I haven't seen available from most investments or time invested in social media.

I wanted people to realize that they themselves are in control of the price of steem and not just a select group of investors. It's a fascinating platform to say the least

Yeah, here the power is more in the hands of the people.

some people like to complain about things outside their control for the sake of hearing themselves speak and joining others in negative talk, but with steemit, if you dislike how something is handled or where you see it headed, you can take it upon yourself to make a post and join like minded individuals together

I don't think pushing the price of Steem up should be the goal

I believe that encouraging engagement and interaction will increase the price of steem, which will allow more people to invest in their own hopes and dreams, whether that be music, fashion design etc. I think if these pieces are able to be implemented, steemit will be more valuable whether or not that is the goal. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you believe the goal for steemit should be

Not worried one bit about the price. Just keep producing and let the short term thinkers be weeded out. This is a long term game and I am betting my blogging career on it.

Amen! That is where I am at. The same very reason I spend a good deal of time writing detailed thorough comments to people even though it may make no monetary rewards. Followers and collaborations are extremely valuable to each user and a high payout on a comment may be only a one time thing.

You are correct about long term thinking. It's too early for people to give up on for price fluctuations. The days of $15,000 introduce yourself posts may not come back, but I think that is ok. In my opinion, there are plenty of other more valuable contributions to steemit than introduce yourself posts. But people determined the value and I think that was good to bring some people on board, but may have sacrificed quality and people thinking that posting a quick bio would make them rich.

To the best of my knowledge a lot of this happened before sliding percentages were put into place, so you couldn't vote on a comment with anything but full power. I think there are a lot of great minds working mostly behind the scenes. People like @donkeypong are tirelessly working to make steemit something that people enjoy using and are rewarded for.

A lot of great minds congregated around a single community has to breed some amazing ideas. I'm excited to see where steemit will be after steemfest especially.

I really like this one

Reward great comments. Comments earn far too little and whether that means forming a group of volunteers to curate great comments and reward them in some way or another creative idea, without people making meaningful comments, this platform will not achieve its full potential. Some of my best connections have been made through comments and reward or not, I will continue to make lengthy comments to those who read my posts and people whom I feel deserve recognition and responses for their blog posts.

A guild could do this. Lots of people would comment raising activity levels. Bots can't do it. I think comment and authoring post should have equal claims on the pool. 25 % curation 37.5% new post and 37.5 comments.

I agree and feel this is worth bringing up to the community to see if others feel the same way. I know some people will simply see that comments don't make a lot of rewards and will write them off instead of still spending the time interacting with the authors of the posts and giving positive or negative feedback.

We basically want people coming to steemit all the time, not once a week bedore they post a long post. If that's what we want reward the commenters.

Great post!
I totally agree with everything you said!
Hope to see you at SteemFest!
If not I am grateful to be here on Steemit with you every day and am excited about the future of this community!

I believe steemfest will start some great initiatives and launch the price up as those who are serious are definitely going to make the most out of this event. And those who aren't able to attend will be able to hear from the speakers and live through that.

Excellent post! I think you are right on. Some of those ideas are already underway. I hope we can try all of them! I'll be at SteemFest also. See you there!

I know some are underway, and @timcliff has done a great job putting together a lot of projects in one place, but it is difficult to keep track of and new users who may only follow me may not be aware what is going on. Even repeating articles that may already have been done before are hard to keep track of. So I feel the more posts out there inspiring people in groups to work together. Hope to meet you at steemfest. I'm attending with my Dad. Can't wait!

good ideas! and i also feel some gratitude towards steemit, as well as hope that it reaches its full potential. here are my thoughts on your thoughts:

  1. yea, slightly better website organization might help. the design in general, although i don't think it's the most important aspect right now. i say this not as an expert (so i could definitely be wrong), but just because i'm not thrilled with the website design OR functionality and i still post.
  2. this is interesting, maybe you could expand on this? do you mean people selling their own stuff while generating some revenue for steemit?
  3. totally agree with you on this one
  4. i thought we had a group like that? maybe they need more exposure
  5. i guess, but then, yea, you'd need some dedicated helpers
  6. yes, marketing in general. i think it's doing ok by word-of-mouth, but i haven't personally encountered any formal campaigns or anything.
  7. you mean for people interested in helping with this endeavor in particular? or like a questionnaire for people who've just signed up?
  8. personally i'd stay away from this one. too much potential for abuse, and can lead to low quality posts/interactions/usage/etc. i think the resources are better spent on getting people to recognize or experience the value of the platform first-hand, as well as address issues that new users have. i think this will have a better result, retaining more quality users
  9. i'd also be very careful with this one. i think a lot of people are excited about steemit because they see it as completely decentralized without any commercial interests censoring content. if not executed well, could alienate many of those people.

in general, i think marketing should be the emphasis for a while. everything else could be improved, but getting the word out should be the #1 priority BY FAR. the target populations need to be identified. then we need short, memorable introductions to steemit, tailored to those audiences specifically. then find effective ways to reach the targets with the message. for example, off the top of my head, without any research...

  • people into alternative media
  • libertarians
  • finance/economic people interested in cryptocurrencies/blockchain (you should see if there's any way to get some exposure on zerohedge--lots of potential users there)
  • content creators, but especially more fringe in relation to mainstream. also great to pitch as a "tryout" for people who secretly dreamed of being a writer/blogger/whatever
  • techies
  • back to your idea of connecting with schools, i think there is huge potential for some kind of academic connection, just not sure what exactly.

anyway, you get the point. and tailoring messages to these audiences shouldn't be too hard. just get a questionnaire out asking people what initially attracted them to steem, why they finally decided to sign up, what do they use it for, yada yada. then you'll know what aspects attract which users.
i'm kind of confused as to why the official leadership has been so quiet?

i also have an idea that i'd personally like to see happen, and maybe you could help. one thing i've found lacking on steemit is critical feedback. for people that really want to improve whatever skill/hobby/passion they're working on, i think this would really be invaluable. there just needs to be a consensus on topic name (i was thinking "critical" but it looks like that's taken already). i don't have nearly enough followers, so if you see some value in that idea, maybe you could try (and please let me know if you do). thanks!

it seems I've missed a lot while I've been offline. I had no idea the price had fallen so much until i saw this.
Some good idea's here focusing on making the site as user friendly as possible will help to.

It depends on your outlook of the platform right now. To some it seems like a sinking ship, but to me it looks like an extremely undervalued investment that has an incredible amount of potential for growth.

Note that this is steem at $0.25 and not Steem Dollars. Very big difference that I wouldn't want anyone to miss :)

Unfortunately a lot of people are new to cypto and are used to seeing paid to write sites failing. so probably view the fall in steems value in the light they have when P2W sites lower their payout's on their way to internet oblivion.
Personally, i think it's still far top early to tell if steem will thrive or not. but seeing many issues that killed other sites addressed give me confidence that it will do better than many of the other sites I have used in the past.

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