Stumbling on Facebook, Reminded why I left (Sarcasm Ahead!!!)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I was trying to track down information regarding some people about a biz matter and decided to try Facebook just to see if I could get a company name was the gist of it. With much trepidation I found an old sock account (one of a ton on there)....and pushed log in.
(how artificial and contrived the old "me" was, I still would rebel by opening my first building storefront at 24 to avoid turning into a housewife)

What was odd was the feeling of what messages (if any) would be there and the fact I didn't want to see pictures of people from my past. I am a firm believer you leave the past where it belongs and move forward in life NO MATTER WHAT.
Of course the info for the company was easily found so no biggie and I felt one thing was about to get crossed off my "to do" list for the day. Then I was like hmmmmm, I wonder how this person is or this one.....and what every happened to him or her or them? Apparently professional portraits of couples is a big thing and has been but what the literal fuck!
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(what I picture is a more accurate depiction of reality behind most fake ass dog and pony shows.... it wasn't long ago all the women were talking about which new happy pill they were popping while talking about meaningless crap at overpriced parties!) I was usually with the men smoking outside somewhere trying to just be left alone till I could leave... :)

I had been in a half assed sort of good mood logging on, my usual female version of Larry David ....but it quickly turned south when I saw all these totally contrived pictures of old friends who were posed by this beach or that one or smiling with teeth way whiter than before.
There is someone bragging about this or that and OMG, my old group of "friends" all look plastic and everything is so posed and artificial. It's like they even used a mummified or stuffed Labradoodle to angle just the right direction. Everyone had the same hair! Page after page I started to just link old friends and people I hung out with and not one picture had anything remotely unstaged or normal going on.
I then realized after staring at Buffy number 10's huge Diamond waving in front of the camera with some completely void look behind a face so plastered with makeup that I left this life for a reason.
There was nothing deep or profound on any of it, just rooting for a sports team or showing off McMansions and vacations. I remembered how I used to post weird stuff like a funky sign or a picture of myself in the rain looking sad or me just flopping down in snow with not a drop of makeup on but just a silly hat.
They are the "Normies" and I spent too much life and time trying to be one to never fit in even when I looked the part. Looks are deceiving and then I realized that all these people seemed to have were selfies and then all my pictures were actual pictures of things and almost no selfies or ones that were impromptu. Which is the real and which is the false? Am I just as fake for turning my back on "Society" and dropping out or did I wake up and decide that being a Stepford Wife was not the road to take? So here I am typing this feeling kinda down in a mudmask with my hair in a messy huge bun with a pencil in it and my glasses on.... pecking away to people I'll never meet and you know something?
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(My new version of me and a few close more Buffy's and dudes with names like Blake Bufont III wearing pink golfshirts with khakis!)

pixabay, giphy, you are only a few decisions and moves away from a totally new life....... anybody who says their life is close to perfect is full of shit and it's okay to have a bad day/week/month/year, that's life baby!



These are peasants. They aren't even real humans any more. It's scary. I remember learning how certain mentally ill schizophrenic think they are the only ones that are truly alive, and that others are merely unreal.

Although that is of course an illness, there is some truth in it. Normies scare me now. They don't feel real. I know they are real as in they have inner organs and a brain (how well functioning it is, is up for debate) etc, but their MINDS are gone.

They usually or often have mindnumb jobs provided to them by the government. Their favorite hobbies are redecorating their home, talking about home prices (in norway at least) and avoiding "cringy" topics like immigration, money or politics, while at the same time managing to brag intensely in this weird way about all their things. For example, in Norway, everyone owns a Tesla. I own one, my dad owns one, my brother owns one..everyone has them because they are cheap(er) here because of subsidies. But I have NEVER heard anyone say.."Yeah, it rocks! Its frigging fast man. I love it"

They're all like.."its not the best quality, and the fact that it's so fast is negative in my opinion. The most important thing is that we're saving the little whalross cubs. I don't really like cars. I wish they could make an estate out of it"

I'm sure they enjoy it..but they just cant seem to allow themselves to show that they are entusiastic and thrilled about materialistic things. Money is such a taboo, while at the same time people CRINGE and DIE inside when they see people make different life decisions.

People are so insanely divided in their minds. They are all for "diversity"..but they fucking cant take it that people chose differently. I'm telling you..we live smaller than most that are closing in on 40. And thats because we dont have 9-5 jobs. We need more safety. We cant just take up 1 mill USD in a loan and buy a house right before the market crashes. No way. But friends in their public/government jobs cant seem to understand this. They ask the same question over and over again "When are you going to buy something bigger" We have just stopped seeing them. How rude is that? Nagging us about our home? That its too small? It's insane.

It's like people just repeat these mantras these days. They dont have their opinions based on facts. Their opinions is just repeating some ridicilous mantra.

I'm glad I've said goodbye to that world. They can go fuck themselves. And when Lambo and when Moon, I'm going to ask them when they are going to sell that boring tesla and buy a real car - Like a Porsche Carrera GT or a Koenigsegg Agera. :D

Flagged this comment for being too long and no pictures.

Initiative all the tings

Getting like "super-meat-boy" there, CAP!

you honestly could make this into a post imho
I agree with so much, money is freedom, security is priceless
Zombie world is right, I always would ask the tough questions and the smart ones would shoot me darting looks at stupid cocktail parties and the rest just kept smiling and not eating to keep their douche hubbies happy. I remember women in a Ritz bathroom just swapping how to get ADD pills so you could fit into this seasons size zero, while a few miles away people were begging, I had to escape , I did escape.....I could burn millions or create millions and both have pitfalls and both I've done without much thought but now
now I'm middle path, I seek simplicity and quality , I do not see riches yet seek enrichment, who cares if they are all at you about your house, You are you , and fuck that! you have less to worry about, there is something to be said of the richness of solitude and having things and matters kept to oneself, the people on here bragging out their ass with these fake cheesy ass infomercial ways are cringeworthy.....
beautifully said

Sup Scandia ;)
I'll take a Boring TESLA, but I am in fact an electrical being and can power it for myself so much cheaper than gasoline, it's like Free Gas ;)

Me too. Love the tesla :) But I'm not afraid to say that I love it!

I just use FB to look for some videos and family news. But I find that social media as not as friendly but rather a place where somebody might put me in harm like rumors and such threats, it is a dangerous place really because CIA can dip their hands in it so easily for our information. Social media is not just to be taken lightly, it is a tool for the governments to put us in a dangerous situation.

agreed, same can be said for here.....
good to see you stopping by my friend :)

oh gurl. You wrote my heart in this blog post. I don't go on fb any more but do enjoy instagram still, there's loads of great art and design stuff on there, but also a few fake people from my old life too. In particular one girl who is forever posting her gym selfies and half naked "hiking" pics. Another couple with their posed images too.

Mork and i were just talking about this thiis evening, how everyone "out there" cares so much about their self image, and here we are just not giving a flying fuck, and how we have found some real ass people online.

I also sit around and feel a bit down sometimes at the great big emptiness of it all, all these self obsessed, image touting people, when our real connections are with people we may very well never meet.

I will however encourage to meet these Steemians in real life if you can - I have met up with a few, and it is just earth shattering and mind blowing to really be free to say what you like without fear of judgement and to really connect on another level of consciousness and being.

Love your vibe x

Meet steemians? Would you also take care of me? I mean really connect, physical connect? A soul to mate with? A soulmate?

O.o she's taken as are all the other good ones on here
:P just so you don't mistake my blog for


oh yessss, the non stop gym selfies....I admit early on here I posted one but it was so smart assed and sarcastic on purpose, too late now because block chain is foreverrrrrrr
Yesssss, as much as I bitch about this place going to "the other place" reminded me vividly that the people I've met on here by and large are realer. In fact, it makes me think of your blog that's unique and has actually interesting things in it! GASP
On Fartbook the most interesting thing I read was "I love that boat" "I love those shoes" "Your hair is awesome" "Wow, your house is amazing and then pictures of five car garages" It's gross
even a canned quote would have helped but then I wrote this came back and saw some meaningful comments like this and it made my day. Thank you Mew to the Mew, tips horribly tangled bun of blonde hair with roots reallly showing and frizz. I'll leave the mudmask on and not give a flying fuck either, <3

I don't believe you, you give a fuck...because that's part of little you!!!

I gave a LOT of fucks, too many
now I dispense them from behind my fortress walls covered in iron spikes!

the hair is bleached and my wicked redheaded shedevil auburn (nice way of saying dark red) will not stop creeping through
still.... I find myself staring at those pics going, wow their lives are perfect

Girls just want to have fun, right!!!

wrong, very little worthwhile is actually fun to me but everyone is wired differently

their lives are not perfect. They are still searching for that inner contentedness which you find once you become confident in yourself and accept and love yourself as you are. They must be because they are posting these "perfect" photos to make you think they are perfect, when in fact they are empty vessels.

Don't let them fool you

Empty vessels? Woooot, why did they not tell me that on skool?

Haha this thread 😂

MAMASAN??? I can haz Redhead in Green Dress???

😋 😎 😍 😘

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

"my usual female version of Larry David"....yes!
I hear ya, I haven't been back to fakebook since I started Steemit.
Never fit in there anyway....constant selfies....posts about what someone had for lunch...who gives a about something real people.

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale team and mentioned here:

Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Right there with you. I used to be on the Board of a couple of different charities, and while I don't fault those I served with for their life choices, most of them weren't - and will never be - for me.

Amid discussions about having their latest yacht built in China, or putting marble floors in a frigging beach house, and no, I'm not making that up, I usually made myself scarce and talked with pretty much anyone else, as long as we were discussing something real.

And what the ladies couldn't fathom is that, plain truth, I'd much rather have lived in my tiny Morgan sailboat than in their big glitzy manse. Thanks but no thanks.

And no, I never actually lived in my sailboat, but I threatened to a time or two. ;-)

As for FB, I find it to be mostly a monumental waste of time and effort. I check in with a few people now and then, but mostly I've abandoned it, and I'm happier for it.

I've always been a bit of an odd duck, happy to be my eccentric self, and if someone else doesn't get me, that's okay. I'm not trying to gain converts.

But I'm also not willing to change who I am to suit someone else. I have two exes who "loved" me for who they thought they could mould me into. Guess again.

My motto is to be true to myself. I live in jeans and t-shirts, rarely wear makeup, but I smile. A lot.

My physical therapist today told me that I'm her new goal . . . I tend to do the exercises with my eyes closed and a smile on my face, because I'm using them as a moving meditation.

Because I'd rather tune out than bitch. ;-)

Being true to yourself? It's complicated...

LOLOL!!! Indeed it is, and it is a convoluted and continuing journey, with many missteps along the way.
Thanks for your comment. ;-)

btw you descriptions of the conversations at charity events is spot on, you'd be hard pressed to hear anyone actually expressing any type of genuine empathy or compassion ;)

LOL, I was at a housewarming party for our good friend and chiropractor one day, and was standing alone in the kitchen. A woman I didn't know walked in, and asked how I was doing.

I responded something to the effect that I was exactly at the perfect spot where life had brought me up to that point.

She seemed taken aback that I hadn't given her a canned response, commented that that was too deep for her, and quickly made her escape. It completely blew my mind that just being real with her seemed to scare her so badly, or at the very least, to throw her off kilter.

That said, I did have friends on a couple of the Boards that I could be real with, but they were the exceptions.

So much of it is as you say, the nouveau riche mindset, "My (house, car, portfolio, whatever) is better than (yours, his, hers, whoever)," which simply shows that having money can't buy decency and good manners.

On the other hand, the richest family I ever knew, who were wealthy by anyone's standards, were also among the nicest people I knew, and treated everyone around them with kindness and respect, including servers, shopkeepers and gas station attendants.

That, to me, is the true definition of class: treating others with kindness and respect by default, whether or not they can be of benefit to you.

Too few people exhibit that any more, but I am actually starting to see an upswing.

I'll readily admit to having off days, by my default is to be kind and respectful of others, which is thanks in large part to the example set by my parents and my best friends.

preachin' my language, I get it
seriously ;)

hehe last time I checked FB, 80% of the "statues" were copy-pasted, 20% were complaining about the copy-pasting that's happening. (Some of them even look exactly the same :p)

sometimes it makes me wonder too much about things..... I was groomed to be a certain way and turned out the exact opposite
Why be fake, maybe it is to survive, maybe people lie to themselves
but that is a truly disturbing fact about the copy-pastes, maybe this place is special and different afterall :)
thanks hazem for the nice stats ;)

ahaha I hope you didn't believe the stats are real :p
Yeah, maybe this place is special.

you got me! lol ehehhhehehe

No he did not!!! He wrotes, maybe ... and was not talking about you, but this place.

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