STEEMIT People I'm THANKFUL FOR: #2 | @timcliff | Mindful. Community. Engagement. Encouragement.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am going to regularly spotlight some people on here that I think are good people, good Steembassadors, who help this community and in some cases even some of us, as community members.

You Cannot Regulate Liberty..... Let us Encourage One Another -- Something you have seen me say and print a thousand times at least.

I will not maybe not name all the specific goodness of everyone, just to respect some privacy boundaries and some people like to not have all their good deeds named. Some of that is actually biblical.

I plan on making this a recurring series too, like many other things I post about on here, because it will always be relevant, and it is nice to read good news in any community and that includes here.

I like to encourage people and help people and with my challenges, sometimes there is just not much else I can do

Never in particular order, ever - so as to not play favourites:



Tim is great.

Tim is active here and informed.

Tim is patient.

Tim is polite.

Tim treats people like human beings.

Tim is funny.

Tim seems to remember like I try to do -- not everyone is a blogger, tech savvy or a blockchain nerd.

Tim taught me how to center my posts here and I always say you guys have him to blame for that LOL.


These are just some of the hallmarks of Tim.

-- It is not what he DOES that defines him, to me. It is who he IS.

Some people only know him or care that he was a backup Steemit blockchain witness before rising the ranks to (#SteemitStardom) - Heyas, that is a thing now, I just made it up!.......

-- being the top witness on our our blockchain. Witnesses run a special computer that keeps our system here going, if you are new.

The top Witnesses get paid a crap ton of money too LOL. Unrelated but he is probably laughing if he reads this. I will get to this more at the end of this post if you are still reading.

I voted for Tim as a witness when I was new here, because of all the things in this post he showed me and others every day. He was way down around 50 or 60 when I voted for him and now is the top witness, and has been for a long time and I am still glad I voted for him.

-- If you want to vote for him too, you can see the end of my post, you will not regret it!

Man, I am telling you he was very patient when I was new to all this weird blockchain stuff, and I remember every day, how lost I felt and he always took time to help me.

I post on Steemit.

I post a lot.

Did you know Tim was THE guy who gave me a pointer one night when I asked him, on how to center my posts to make them look nice? LOL

I will never forget that because it was a practical bit of help and it has assisted me a lot and I joke with him about it here and there. I was struggling a bit learning markdown formatting, not being a techy and not being a blogger, just a guy who blogs, as I have said.

Thanks man.

I have some goals and challenges in my life because a car ran me down when I was getting ready to get off the grid, and the state is screwing me due to my activism against them, and Tim has always been there to answer my questions and HELP ME find my way here on the Steemit.

And I have always tried to help others here as often as I can to be a good (#SteemitElder) - another term I made up here and used to honour older Steemians, established people who helped me, like Tim and many others who will be named in this series.

Steemit is my way out of the matrix as a Liberty guy and activist, and Tim has always been there, to help and assist.

Again I always / regularly tag @ned and @dan / @dantheman who created this platform to help regular people like me find Liberty and a way out of the lies of the statist nonsense and I believe Tim feels this way too.

It hits me right in the feelz.

He will never really know how thankful I am but maybe this post will advise him and others just some of how grateful I am.

And hopefully others will follow Tim for amazing Steemit stats and updates, he literally knows everything that goes on here-- IDK how he does it all -- the guy has a full time job outside of here LOL.

I have joked with him lots that Ned needs to give him a raise for all his work LOL (and Dan Larimer when he was still here on the Steemit Executive.... is that a thing? IDK all this blockchain terminology and hierarchy some days....

I started calling him "Polite Tim" like..... right when I found him here and it stuck though sometimes I call him Timmer now and he is OK with that too.

You know, if you know Timmer, maybe leave a comment here so he can read it -- like a Christmas Thanks or a Christmas Card you do not have to mail.

I actually emailed him a real card last week, I cannot lie. To make an effort with him.

If it sounds like I am a fan, I am.

He is a decent human being and they are harder and harder to find, as I am sure you might agree.

-- Why not help, and let others know about him too, right?


Follow him:

if you want a Steemit genius that is a decent guy and want to learn things.


Vote for him:

If you want your vote to go to someone who is ACTIVE, POLITE and INFORMED and/or
if you would like to learn how to vote for him / a witness or learn what they do to keep our blockchain running, he is a great person to vote for or chat with about anything.
I am posting this voting link here because I know him, I trust him, and I like him. I am also doing it because it is a nice way to thank him practically for doing such a great job all round as a human being, not just a blockchain IT guy. I cannot do much, but I can do that for him.
You can vote for him, and your other choices right here if you wish. This link is a very fair way of saying both of those things!
Read this about Timmer to learn about him / his witness application in more detail!


I stayed up super late writing this. Time will tell if my body respects this decision or not with my health issues LOL!

I learned how to embed my sources long ago too, Tim would be proud!

Last episode of this I ran was March 12th, 2017 and it had a ton of votes, like 229, and a lot of comments during the whale-flagging experiment which was BAD as we know LOL, and that bummed me out so badly I have not run one since never knowing what encouraging stuff will get flagged these days "just because" when you attempt to be nice.

It was here --

Feel free to add your comments and encouragement, frankly, we can all use a little more of that in our lives.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

PixaBay has tons of free pictures for us all to use!!!

My Philosophy In Daily Life & Travels:

I have always tried to be kind to people every day, as part of my life Philosophy, since I have always believed we can achieve more TOGETHER.

My path to Crypto and Liberty is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.

If you online search my name + PIZZA -- you will see my deep love of the pie as I seek to eat it, wherever I am, or whatever I am doing.

Life Goals:

-- Get Paid to Travel and Blog about Pizza & Those Travels.

-- Buy a Pizza Store.

-- Become Crypto Currency Independent and Love Liberty and Life!

-- Continue to Hold and Sell Real Estate as I have done for clients since 1991.

Don't let anyone tell you twins are a problem ever!!!!!

FUD or no FUD!!!

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Most stock Images / Gif's day to day- usually via , Funny or,, PixaBay unless otherwise noted, with thanks.
Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. Carry On.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0


So Tim is Ironman? I thought it's Tony? Or maybe he's Tony in disguise or vice-versa? Either way great post man. We should always be thankful to people who've help us.

We can never be sure, he is pretty techy, that @timcliff


The community makes and supports the success of each other..... So Awesome. Today is my first day here at @robertmannino
Thank you


-- I am so glad you could find this post and Tim as a resource!!!!

Yes and excited to start making Steem :)

well post thanks for shearing

What a great way to practice mindfulness and self-compassion. To show gratitude. Very nice text. But for me it is a great start on steemit to read this kind of contributions for the community

Welcome Martin and I am glad you were able to see this!

Thanks Barry! Really kind words :)

This community is so special in that there are people like you that I have met here, and have really only interacted with 'online' - yet based on all our interactions and having gotten to know each other so well, I consider you a 'real friend'. Hopefully we get a chance to meet IRL one day. Appreciate all you do to build the community.



Thanks my man, you know I feel the same.

-- it is always joyous to see an official @timcliff reply on a post, not just at Christmas time LOL.

Keep on truckin timmer, thanks again!

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