@abh12345 - Steem/Steemit update

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

A selection of topics and titbits of information relating to Steem/Steemit, the wider Cryptocurrency market, and my current situation as a 'Blockchain Hippy'.

The topics in today's blog are:

  • My delegates

  • The Curation leagues

  • Post view count

  • A look at the 'ph' and 'philippines' tags

  • Bitcoin price - Fibonacci retracement complete?

  • And finally, our travels so far

gif created by the awesome @stellabelle and co.

Hi all!

It's been a rollercoaster start to 2018 for me personally, and all of us with an interest in Cryptocurrency and STEEM. This is my view of the ride, and I hope you find something of interest here today!

My delegations

Following on from the epic work of @fulltimegeek, who has selflessly delegated around 350,000 Steem Power over the past 3 months, I've tried to pay some of this immeforward by giving out some of my own Steem Power to people and community accounts that I feel are worthy of a boost.

These are my delegates thus far:

Image courtesy of https://www.steemworld.org

Some of the names you will recognise - @minnowsupport, @spaminator, @muxxybot, and @utopian-io for example. I feel these 'community' accounts are well worth a small token of appreciation for the work they do for the Steem Blockchain.

Excluding 'family' accounts (@zapncrap, @osm0sis, @ofildutemps), the other accounts are owned by individuals who have been doing excellent work within their own communities, engaging and trying to build a network of people around them. It is this kind of thing that I really like to see, and think 'together', we are greater than we are as individuals. Keep up the fine work guys!

I am still looking (mainly via 'Curation league 2' which is next on the agenda) for further accounts to support, and so look out for further delegations in the coming weeks.

The Curation leagues

Mid way through last year, I started a 'Curation league' which looked at how well a collection of accounts that I'd had interactions with, were performing with regards to the financial aspect of curation.

@dontstopmenow was an early champion in this league and used this success as his resume to land a job at the head of a trail that includes @cryptoctopus (340,000 Steem Power).

Since then, I've added a second league that is focused on engagement voting, vote spread, commenting (not just 'nice post'), self-voting (lack of), and other variables, which are calculated to find the top 20 'engagers' from a list which now totals over 100.

Recently, I've started giving out prizes for both leagues, and the community feel around this weekly blog makes it one of my favourite posts to produce here on Steemit. It's free to enter, and I'm sure you will find your level of interactions (and followers) increase if you choose to take part.

To become part of the league, just drop a comment in the most recent post and I'll add you to the list. Cheers!

Post view count

As you have probably noticed, next to the number of comments and total reward for your 'top level' post, there is an eye and a number which denotes the number of views this piece of content has received.

Having seen a number of posts over the past few months using this count to both 'bash' and 'support' the attached content, I'd like to clarify a couple of things.

To the best of my knowledge, this count is not 'accurate' and can be easily manipulated. If you were to refresh this post a couple of times, you will notice the count increase. This is perhaps the expected behaviour, but for me, the count is only useful if it were to accurately show 'unique' visits to the content.

As we have a number of applications (eSteem, busy.org, chainbb, etc) serving the same content, all using multiple and different Web Front Ends (The machines that host the display logic), I don't think an accurate display of 'unique' visits could be displays, and because of this, I would take this number with a pinch of salt.

If anyone has further insight into the above (e.g. Asher, you are talking rubbish, I'd appreciate a comment below!).

'ph' and 'philippines' tags

Next up, some great news regarding one community that I feel is spearheaded by the remarkable @surpassinggoogle. The Philippines community has seen fantastic growth over the past 6 months or so, and I personally think that the delegation from @ned to @surpassinggoogle (on the 8th August 2017), and Terry's use of Steem Power following this, has has a huge role to play.

Take a look at the number of 'top level' posts since August last year:

I wish to personally thank @surpassinggoogle for all the work he has done in the promotion and support of the Philippines community. In my opinion Terry, you are fully deserved of this delegation and have earned the right to own it, by using the Steem Power delegated to you the way you have. Thank you!

Bitcoin price - Fibonacci retracement complete?

Firstly, can I say that this is not financial advice, and I won't be kicking out charts like this 10 times a day :)

When Bitcoin touched $20000 around Christmas, dropped on large volume and failed to bounce above this high, I did wonder if the 'top' was in for this cycle. Whether BTC will surpass this high is anyone's guess, but in the short term it did seem like a fall, or retracement was likely.

From my years of investment knowledge (mainly based on failure!) in the Stock Market, I've seen many occasions where a stock has boomed, and has then proceeded to fall around 60-70% from the high.

After new high wasn't made and BTC retreated to around $15000, I mentioned the possibility of $6000 to a few people, based on what is known in trading/technical analysis as the Fibonacci Retracement.

The most significant Fibonacci retracement level to watch for is the 0.618. This is the inverse of the golden ratio, 1.618 or phi. The 0.618 retracement level tends to be the maximum pullback zone where fear climaxes as the final sellers throw in the towel and bargain hunters rush into the stock to resume the uptrend. source

A 61.8% retracement (more like 66% which is also mentioned in this book) has taken place and for now at least, BTC is showing signs of a trend reversal.

adapted from source

Roughly - $6700 from $19500 = 66%

I would say it is too early to say for sure if the low is in (catching falling knives can be very dangerous), but I certainly hope so as we are still seemingly at a point where the other coins generally follow Bitcoin.

For what it's worth (In my opinion, a fair amount), @exyle who was selling into the rise of December, has now started his plan to gradually buy back into Crypto from the Fiat. Great job there man!

Our travels so far

Finally, a quick update as to where in the world myself and @osm0sis are at present.

Following the job offer for Sylvia which was not as advertised, we decided to turn the move to The Reunion island into a holiday, and have now travelled on to the nearby island of Mauritius. Both of these islands have beauty and new sights and wonders that I've not experienced before, and I feel very lucky to have this opportunity to do so.

This opportunity has been largely funded by Steemit and SBD, and so I have to thank you - everyone who's ever upvoted a piece of mine or Sylvia's content, for giving us the chance to experience this. I never thought that I could 'earn' a living away from a desk but so far the signs are that we may be able to do just that - totally amazing!

I must apologise though for the lack of blogs/vlogs regarding our travels, I hope that you find @osm0sis's travel blogs (which are way better than anything I could present!) enough to keep you entertained, while I continue with my table and pie chart based content :)

Chamarel Waterfall - Mauritius - Feb 2018

That concludes my slightly erratic 'Steemit' update this time - I hope you found something of interest within.

Thank you all again for all your support over the past year or so, I look forward to interacting with you on the Blockchain, and who knows - perhaps in real life at some point too!


Asher @abh12345


I always look forward to these kinds of posts from you that dig deep into the numbers and you give your insights.

I have been inspired by your work and the rest of the Stewards of Gondor in spreading the votes and leaving an encouraging comment in other people.

It was my first week in your league and I was pretty happy to have landed in the top 20 even if I am a red fish. I strive to land in your top 3 one of these days! I know it's going to be hard but it's going to be worth it!

Indeed @surpassinggoogle has made a huge impact in the Philippines community by supporting a lot of first time bloggers and writers. His favorite phrase is everyone has something to offer and his untalented tag mad us realize that our weakness and flaws are accepted and we can be better.

His selfless attitude has rubbed off on a lot of people like me that created communities like @steemitfamilyph we may not be big or have enough support from larger people but we try our best to support those that joined last Dec and January.

It was an awesome journey from 10 people to over 400 people now and we try to guide and mentor them to the best of our abilities which has resulted in a lot of them getting curie and ocd votes which is a massive encouragement boost and we have been able to retain a lot of good people that create good content.

I for one is proud to be part of Ohana @steemitfamilyph and the experience we had in turn landed a lot of us in @futurethinker @promo-mentors which takes engagement, mentoring and retention to a whole new level.

We recently entered cryptoctopus call for worthy projects and I hope that both @promo-mentors and @steemitfamilyph win because of what they could do for the community.

Thanks for taking the time to write this reply!

@surpassinggoogle's untalented tag is great, just one of the many ideas of his to encourage new users to get involved in the community.

The league are getting tougher each week, and that's not necessarily due to the increasing entrants, I think its down to the current members striving to do better. This is a great feeling to me as it means they are encouraged to interact, and that's what it's all about!

Thanks again, and good luck with entry to the worth projects initiative by @cryptoctopus.

Thanks for giving the update @abh12345.

I really applaud you being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor here on STEEM. I know it is a tough trek at times but the freedom you enjoy versus those of us tied to a profession is worth it. I am hoping to make a similar move in the next few months myself.

I agree with BTC...it has to be close. Is it done falling? I do not know. If I was a BTC buyer, I would start to scale in at these levels.

Thanks for all you do on this blockchain. It is greatly appreciated especially running the weekly numbers like you do. Keep on Steemin'.

Thank you too, for the reply and the support which is helping me do such a thing.

The desk job hadn't sat well with me for years, and so given the chance I had to give it a go!

It's looking a bit more of a leap following the last months' price action but lets see how we do. Scaled buying (if you didn't spend the profits on travelling) starting now looks like a fair approach to me.

Thanks again for the kind words, much appreciated!

Sylvia and you have my full support. I like your posts and your curation leagues a lot and I love the posts Sylvia makes about your travels. So if I can I give you a full upvote and enjoy Reunion and all the other parts of the world you will visit. Because of the blogs, there are not 'for your eyes only', but for all of us.

Thank you @clio, that's very kind of you.

We have different styles of Posts which combined will provide some interest to a variety of users. I like to support the person as well as the blog (as long as the content isn't really bad!), and so I(we) really appreciate your support from across the globe. Thank you!

Nice recap of all the projects you're involved in, working on and have initiated.

GREAT selections of personal delegates too! I've been working with @davemccoy's initiative for new steemians called the newbieresteemday and am thoroughly enjoying offering up some guidance and helping newbies learn the ropes and find their way. I have even started privately mentoring one of the members and have taken her under my wing with BIG plans in the coming months.

ENJOY the journey with @osm0sis - looks like you both are having the time of your lives!

Thanks Dawne!

Yes @beeyou / @davemccoy, and #newbieresteemday and it's members are looking really promising!

Look out for @davemccoy in this weeks Curation league 2!

We are enjoying freedom for sure, can we have some sunshine too please?! Thank you!

Dave is going to out-comment all of us for sure! I am positive he will kick me out of my precarious position in League 2. :)

Happy to see you compiled that list of delegates you mentioned. Now it's forever recorded in blockchain history. It is very humble of you to mention the delegation more as a note on your post than an outright declaration (nothing wrong with that either 😉)

Would it be 'weird' if I follow osm0sis? She has a beautiful personality and I love her travel blogs. You two make a lovely couple. I wish she continues to show you beauty in the world (as you do her). Safe travels with your islands exploration!

I think you might be right regarding the 'out-commenting' of everyone. Even top Steward @taskmaster4450 may have met his match here!

I'm sure @osm0sis would be delighted to gain a new follower who provides comments of interest and appreciates her lovely blogs.

Thank you for the kind wishes (and the resteem!), have a great day!

I hadn't known taskmaster4450 is a Steward as well. I love reading his blog when I find time (some posts can be quite lengthy, but don't tell him that). See why I didn't use the @, hehe.

Now I can enjoy osm0sis's blog. :) Have a great day!

There is no doubt the FTG is one of the best steemains around when it comes to generosity and i am so pleased to see that he put the very same habit in you and you further delegated you Sp to other useful steemains who are playing a very functional role at their ends, massive respect for you my best friend Asher <3

This is so true that @surpassinggoogle deserve massive respect as well as he brought huge numbers of new additions to this platform, Bravo.

You visit with @osm0sis always brings happiness and motivated the people to spend live in a more active way, love you two.

Thanks a lot @abh12345 for the detailed updates Man ;)

Hi Salman

Thank you for your kind comments as always!

Today's Post is a bit different from usual, as i tried to cover many topics, and so i'm glad you found some interest within.

We can only do this with the support of people like you, and so we thank you and everyone very much!

You're always at encouraging end with some valuable content, and yes you're most welcome My Friend Asher :)

Oh so the job didn't work out and you're on an open-end holiday now? :)

Pretty much yes, lets see how far we can travel on Steem!

The combination of different posts makes you an excellent team. I look forward to reading more!


We need to be active and constant!

Great travels! I don't see the view count going up when I refresh and look at my page, or someone else's, again -- in the slow times. Thanks for letting people get added to your curation evaluation league. I'm looking forward to tracking my results, although my activity has been down this week. At least I will be setting a low bar to improve upon, lol.

That's interesting that you don't see it. What app/browser are you using?

The Curation League post will be out in the next 12-16 hours!

Hi Asher, how are you? Sorry I have not commented before, we are in carnival season here =] I have been a little away from Steemit this week...But hey, for real, I'm glad to have met you when I posted that analysis on utopian and you gave me some tips. Since that day, you've been helping me a lot and is an example for me to follow. I mean, is good to have this learning and motivation, thanks a lot, man!
Reading about the 'ph' tag reminds it’s time for me to work on another analysis for the 'pt' tag, a lot of things going on in the community, with help coming from other groups, including there is one steward's member that is helping a lot the Brazilians, Kubby.
Nice, enjoy Mauritius bro, sounds like another awesome island, you guys deserve it :)
Thanks for the support :)

No problem, we all have busy lives away from Steemit :)

Thanks for the kind words, it's my pleasure to support good people.

Magnificent article. I'm even a little tired reading it. You all very correctly and accurately noticed. I'm glad I met you. The photo at the end of your article is the best thank you for reading it. Good luck to you.

Великолепная статья. Я даже немного устал, читая ее. Вы все очень правильно и точно подметили. Я рад, что повстречал Вас. Фото в конце Вашей статьи лучшая благодарность за то что я ее прочел. Удачи Вам.

Thanks @cranium, sorry for making you tired! I had a few topics to discuss today :)

Glad to have you with us for the journey :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67975.29
ETH 3240.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66