Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #17 : Seared Tomato With Mushrooms & Rocket; Potato Rosti With Turkey & Greek Yogurt; Banana Berry Calpis


I hope it's not too late to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (tho here in Malaysia it is already the 27th Dec. 2017, lol.) and Happy Holidays!! The new year is just a couple of days more and i'll be getting a year older in a couple of weeks more, lol.

Anyway, this is already the last #Steemit-ironchef challenge for 2017 and I would like to give a shout-out again to @progressivechef for hosting this great initiative and also to all the great people from this community who has been supporting this initiative by either joining the challenge itself, sponsoring the awards, creating a related sub-initiative,commenting, voting or resteeming #steemit-ironchef related posts. I am honoured to be part of this challenge and forever grateful for this initiative as it has helped me to meet many great Steemians and helped me find back my passion for cooking again. Everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge and if you are interested to know more or even join this challenge yourself, you can check out the link here.



Seared Tomato With Mushrooms & Rocket

  • Tomatoes
  • Shimeji Mushrooms (brown & white)
  • Butter
  • Garlic (chopped)
  • Onion (diced)
  • Rocket Salad
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Oregano Herb (1/4 tsp)
  • Parmesan Cheese (garnish)


Potato Rosti With Turkey & Greek Yogurt

  • Potato
  • Butter
  • Turkey Meat 100gm (roughly shredded)
  • Greek Yogurt 1 1/2 tbs
  • Chicken and Vegetables Fillings 40gm
  • Chopped Parsley (garnish)


Banana Berry Calpis

  • Banana
  • Calpis Cultured Drink
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry

This week's challenge is actually different where we are required to use a minimum of 2 ingredients instead of the usual 1 main ingredient only and usually @progressivechef would let us know what would be the star ingredient of that week but for this challenge, we have to choose 2 from any of the previous week's challenges. I was pretty excited and got to work when I had the chance but along the way, I was a little too rashed and rushed that I had to change my plan. You might be able to guessed and will know what happened as you read along.

The list for the previous weeks star ingredients can be found in the link above. I decided to go for FOUR ingredients (from weeks 1, 9, 10 & 14) and made 3 quick and simple dishes(1 starter, 1 main course & 1 dessert) because, well, why not? The turkey was actually from a family recipe and it was prepared beforehand so I did not managed to go into details but it's basically just roasted turkey stuffed with minced chicken and mixed vegetable filling.


I cut the tomatoes in halves and seasoned the top and bottom with salt, pepper and oregano. Then I pan seared them on a pan using medium heat on both sides. once the tomatoes are browned on each side, I took them out, making sure they are not too soft.

I cut up 2 different shimeji mushrooms (1 white & 1 borwn) and sauteéd them with butter, garlic, onion, salt, pepper and oregano.

On the plate, I arranged the sauteéd mushrooms on top of the seared tomatoes. I then arranged the rocket salad on top of the mushrooms and sprinkled parmesan cheese on top as finish.

Using a grater, I grated 1 number of potato.

In a small pan, I first melted about 1/4 of butter and mixed the potatoes, making sure the potatoes are evenly coated with the butter, then I increased the heat to medium high heat and using a spatula, I pressed the potatoes together down firmly while making sure the potatoes did not burn at the bottom.

To flip the potato to the other side, I first used a plate and cover the top of the pan (this photo was taken after everything was done and the fire was off, I just wanted to show how I flipped my potato rosti.)

I then flipped the pan and plate upside-down. (this photo was taken after everything was done and the fire was off, I just want to show how I flipped my potato rosti.)

after the potato rosti is on the plate, I returned the pan to the stove and melted another 1/4 butter. I then slide the potato rosti into the pan and continue to cook the bottom.

On top of the potato rosti, I arranged shredded turkey meat and the chicken fillings. I poured some juice extracted from the turkey during the roasting process over it. I then added the greek yogurt on top of the turkey and garnished it with chopped parsley.

In an ice tray, I arranged 1 blueberry and diced strawberries in each column.

I then filled in "Calpis" cultured drink into the tray but only half full and freezed it in the freezer.

While waiting, I blended 1 banana with 1/2 cup of "Calpis" cultured drink with a hand blender until it is smooth and runny.

In case anyone is wondering what the whole "Calpis" thing is about, lol (besides the word "smooth", the rest of the words are in Bahasa and Japanese).

I took out the ice tray again and filled the columns that had the fruits and cultured drink with the banana cultured drink and re-freeze it.

This was where it got messy, after about 2 hours of freezing, I realised the sun was going down (the indoor lightning is a little too dark for me as I am not a professional photographer, hence I usually depend heavily on natural lighting)and I started becoming anxious and impatient, so I took out the dessert only to find out the banana part is not frozen enough (bad move). Thus in the end, I decided to scrapped out the banana part and used it as a sauce instead. I still like how it ended up tho it wasn't what I originally envisioned it to be (lesson of the day-patience is learnt) and it still tasted yummy because I love bananas, lol. I garnished it with a whole strawberry at the side.













Recently I received a few lovely colouring cards from a sweet friend just 2 weeks before Christmas.

So I decided to colour one card while watching Michael Jackson's live concert videos. Yes, I grew up listening to his songs thanks to my older brother and tho I really like most of his songs, my special favourites are "Smooth Criminal" including the music video and it's dance choreography and "Stranger in Moscow" because of the music and the meaning behind the lyrics.

The end result. I know it's nothing great, but just want to share and hope anyone who passes by this little blog would remember to always "Have A Break" after the all the rush that you've gone through throughout the day.





If you are interested, you can also read about my previous #steemit-ironchef 2017 challenges below:

Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16


Congratulations. Looks yummy...wish I could taste...

Thank you! :)

Looks so delicious and tasty ... loving your ideas !


Congratulations! All the food looks so tasty!

Thank You and yes they are tasty! XD

Awesome job on this week's challenge! I love that rosti so much - i'll take 3 ok?

haha, thank you for the compliment and also for dropping by! there won't be a problem even for 5. XD

wow! the details are amazing! :)

Thank You! :D


Memang sedap...hehe... XD

I love rosti!! such a nice presentation of the food!

hi five !! I love rosti too!! XD thanks for dropping by... :D

I usually avoid food posts...too tempting I am hungry and need to raid the kitchen XD

Hahaha...please do!! You need food for energy too!! XD

Wah sooo sedap! Love how you presented the food and your attention to detail...Feels like dining in a Michelin star restaurant. Upvoted and followed!

Thank you so much!!! :D

As usual another amazing yummylicious entry from you! Thanks so much for the shout out my friend! It has been a real pleasure having you joining SIC!
You are such a great contestant here and I am sure in 2018 we will again see amazing entries from you!
Happy holidays...well I know I am late, but i think you know how busy I got recently!

It has been a pleasure for me to join SIC , thank you for this amazing initiative!! Its okay, i understand how busy you are, haha. XD

Happy New Year and i wish you great success for your bistro business!!
Cheers!! :D

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