Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #01: Stuffed Salad Tomatoes, Devilled Tomato Egg, and Creamy Tomato Soup in a Puff Pastry Bowl (Vegetarian-friendly)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago (edited)

Sooo...the starter gun has sounded!!

Steemit Iron Chef Round #01 — Here I come!!! =DD

I know my "glorified tomato" submission isn’t quite as beautiful as the dish @progressivechef whipped up in his non-validate entry. But, I tried my hand at making the plate pretty, and I'm quite happy with what I got! =P


(I guess? I made this for lunch!)

Stuffed Salad Tomatoes, Devilled Tomato Egg, and Creamy Tomato Soup in a Puff Pastry Bowl

Main pic.png

There are three main components to my tomato-filled dinner. All three contain no meat, so they make up a yummy lunch for vegetarians. Each component showcases a different tomato variety.


Component #1: Creamy Tomato Soup in a Puff Pasty Bowl

This soup's a soul food! I love the thick luxurious burst of flavour on my tongue — the slight tang from meat tomatoes, the hint of sweetness from roasted red onions, the savoury touch of grana padano and freshly-ground sea salt, and the aromatic tones of fresh basil.

Ingredients Used in Creamy Tomato Soup
Ripe meat tomatoes, chopped
Garlic cloves, peeled
Red onions, cut in eights
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Heavy cream
Fresh basil leaves
Freshly grated grana padano cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste


How to Make the Creamy Tomato Soup

Bake tomatoes, onions, and garlic at 200°C till they look roasted, but not burnt (about 30 min). Transfer into a big pot.

Add remaining ingredients and blend with stick blender till smooth, pausing to taste and season periodically.


I decided to 'fancy up' my soup by serving it in a puff pastry bowl. It turned out to be almost a fail because I didn't blind bake it. The inside of the bowl puffed up like a proud parrot!! However, after peeling off the top layers of pastry, my bowl was saved!! Whew!


Component #2: Stuffed Salad Tomatoes

These little yellow soldiers are included on the plate for two reasons:-

(a) Soup and salad go hand in hand, don't they?
(b) I am not a fan of eating regular leafy salads because I find them rather tedious to eat (the leaves like to fall off my fork before it reaches my mouth!!). With different salad components collected together in small yellow tomatoes, I get my complete salad fix in convenient little bites. No more struggle!


Ingredients Used in Stuffed Salad Tomatoes

Small yellow tomatoes
Roasted sunflower seeds
Feld salad leaves, sliced in ribbons
Royal Gala apple, cubed
Avocado, cubed
Date cherry tomato, sliced
Japanese Sesame Salad Dressing


How to Make the Stuffed Salad Tomatoes

Remove tops and contents of tomatoes. Place a Feld salad leaf upright in the tomato. Secure by dropping in a couple sunflower seeds and apple cubes. Place an avocado cube inside.


Component #3: Devilled Tomato Eggs

This is an elevated version of my all-time favourite food item: Chicken Eggs. On top of the cherry date tomatoes, I also added the red parts of the strawberry for both its fruity accent and natural colouring. =)

Ingredients Used in the Devilled Tomato Egg
Boiled chicken egg, halved and yolked
Cream cheese
Date cherry tomatoes, pressed
Fresh garlic, pressed
Roasted paprika powder
Dried dill leaves
Salt and Pepper to taste


How to Make the Devilled Tomato Egg

Whip all ingredients together till well-combined. Scoop content back into the waiting egg whites. Garnish with baby Feld salad leaves and a thin strawberry slice.

"Make the plate sexy," he said. Well, I'll try!

Spoon Japanese Sesame Salad Dressing on the plate and try to make a @steemit-ironchef worthy smear. Gingerly drop devilled egg halves and stuffed tomatoes in train-fashion on top of the sauce.

Calm your fingers down. Carefully scatter and place tiny apple cubes, avocado cubes, strawberry slivers, and a slice of tomato around and on the eggs and stuffed tomatoes.


When you're satisfied, add the 'bowl' of tomato soup.

Don't forget the sign!!


If you enjoy experimenting with cooking, I don’t think it’s too late to join me in 'Steemit Iron Chef Contest' too! The organiser of this contest is modest yet super talented and professional @progressivechef from Mauritius!

I have a strong hunch that his lovely wife @creativewoman assists the mastermind in some way or the other—whether simply to bounce ideas off on or in the admin department. =P


epic food post alert ! :D

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I accept. Thanks for dropping by again @jznsamuel! =D

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Wow, very nice dish! You made me salivate with this amazing food!
Good luck

hehe thanks for coming by and approving of my recipe. That makes my heart happy =)

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Thanks for the listing and for the heads up, @polaleye50! :) Have a lovely weekend!

Wauv, awesome dish ... looks great and rustic !

Yay when your food makes someone speak an unintelligible word like 'wauv' it must be a good sign. =DD Thanks for enjoying my dish, @globaldoodlegems!

Well I look, read, vote and try to comment on all the entries of my cochefs in the steemit ironchef contest

it is inspiring to see what everyone comes up with

That's very commendable and a good move! I've been really busy and posting in my spare time, but fallen waaay behind in terms of catching up on replies..hope to catch up these couple days and then will get to finally show more support for my steembuds =))

very good, thanks by recipe

Thanks @rsrestinga! Have a great weekend!

What an amazing post my friend! I smoked 2 cigarettes while appreciating this one! Wonderfully written, which makes the reader ask for more!
Super creative with the puff pastry bowl, despite the small incident, I still find it to be a very nice touch, eating it while having your nice thought!
I really enjoyed when you said the quote about making it sexy...Hahaha! You did make it sexy and throughout the whole contest I will keep on encouraging you all to push your limits!
Great entry!
Thanks so much for such wonderful compliment my friend and mention of my wife!

You're welcome! hehe it must have either been captivating or super long for you to go through two cigarettes while appreciating it. =)

I did find the puff pastry to be an awesome little surprise in half of my spoonsful of soup..yummm...This week will really push my limits..

Thanks for the encouragement to alll contestants throughout, @progressivechef!! You must be the closest thing to a Masterchef that I know, and the nicest one at that (which is quite the contrary to all those rumours about flying pans and plates in the kitchen hehehe)

It was captivating my friend and the one you sent for week 2...Oh my goodness! Awesome!
We do have some chefs acting like this in some kitchen, but I just hate these type of attitude. I have sacked a lot of these people in the past, my style is the cool one and always showing the right and best way to young who joins in a humanly manner!

You are a real role model. Your daughter is very fortunate to have a example in her daddy on work ethics, innovation, and leadership to learn from.

Nice! I love edible bowls! And I like your idea of tomato deviled eggs.

The tomato devilled egg was my personal favourite of the entire plate. I made a whole new batch the following day and walloped it with The Mann (my husband) :))

In a puff pastry bowl? What a fantastic idea! So much better than just a plain 'ole bowl. Can't wait to try this. And of course the "Eggface" must add some kind of egg. You made the salad very exciting too! :)

It was really yummy to scrape bits of softened puff pastry along with my spoonful of tomato soup..Definitely a good idea. hehe..I must say, of all the items, I loved the devilled eggs the most!! Not surprising, I know..but I had to make it the next day again, using triple the amount of eggs, for The Mann and me. hehe

Holy cow, @foodie.warrior, this looks so good! I tend to not like the texture of raw tomatoes, so this is right up my alley. The original puff pastry bowl looks like a pot pie haha, and what a surprising use of strawberry. I'm going to go make a subpar dinner now...

I'm delighted to have your approval of my dish, @therovingreader! :)) Indeed my first thought was of the bread bowl that soups are sometimes served in..but I wanted to make my own twist with the puff pastry hehe..the strawberry paired beautifully with the eggs..I was pleasantly surprised teehee..You should join in the fun too! :)) Would love to see your creativity shine its rays =DD

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