🍽 Stay healthy! 🌱 🌿 Grow your own herbs! Please visit my little indoor garden :) ☀️ ❤️

Dear friends 💕,

Come, follow me, today I show you my little indoor herb 🌱🌿 garden. ;)


I got myself some eco seed starter kits. I love them 😍, because it is amazing to see how those little seeds become actual plants. Like life is coming out of nowhere.

I like to start by sprouting the herb seeds indoors. If the seedlings are too big for the pots, I usually transplant them outside into my raised herbs bed or into my herb buckets.

So, let's debox the seed starter kit! 🌱🌿

It included:

  • a biodegradable and natural herb pot
  • a pellet of compressed coconut fiber substrate (coco coir)
  • herb seedsheet (garden cress seeds)


I love such kits! It is like magic. Whenever I do this, I feel like a little excited kid!

It is hard to imagine, but this little pellet will swell up considerably and it will be enough "earth" to fill the whole of the pot.

I started by putting the coco coir pellet into a mug...


...and filled up the mug with about 30ml of clear tap water 💦.


And oops, it 100xed, almost like a cryptocurrency! ;)


I put about three-quaters of the coco coir into the pot...


... then I put the seedsheet on top of the coco coir and hydrate it.


Finally, I put the rest of the coco coir on top of it. Done!


Now the waiting beginns!

As every good cook, I have already prepared some herb pots 10 days ago, so that you do not have to wait until it is ready. haha ;)

I proudly present you my little seedlings which are very dear to my heart!

I have already prepared 7 herb starter kits so far about 10 years ago. Six out of them have already sprouted visibly! I have put them on two glass plates and have placed them near to the windows so that they get enough sun. Each day, I check about two times if the coco coir is still moist, otherwise I sprinkle some water 💦onto it.

On the first glass plate, I put two kits with lemon balm seeds (left back and front) and one with corn salad. As lemon balm seeds need light to sprout, I have not put a lot of coco coir on top of them (I did the same with the thyme seeds).


Here are some close-ups:

lemon balm:

lemon balm:

corn salad (no seedlings have shown up so far):

On the second glass plate, I put two dill and two thyme seed kits. All of them have sprouted so far! yey!!


Here are some close-ups of the little guys. 🌱🌱🌱 Hope you like them like I do. :) ❤️

Here are the two dill kits...



... and two thyme kits.



Do you like the little guys? 😊 Have you ever tried to use such seed starter kits?

I really love those kits, because they make it possible to start your seeds very early even when it is is cold outside. When it gets warmer outside, you have already big plants. You then simply take the pot and plant it in the soil outside - pot and all! The plant's roots won't be hindered by the put, it will grow through it into the surrounding soil.

Hope you try it also!

It is very nice, having your own herbs! You don't need a garden, having a flower bucket or window box is totally enough! All you need to do is to care about the herbs and water them regularly.

Good luck and best wishes!
Chris aka smallstepschange 🐾


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Grocery store herbs have NOTHING on backyard herbs in quality, potency, value and convenience!

Hi Chris, great post! That's pretty neat. I like to cook with herbs. Makes food taste delicious. These kits can definitely help anyone grow herbs even without a garden. Have a question, what is the sheet you put on top of the soil for? By the way, followed and upvoted.

Hi Vyvian, right, herbs rock it! :)
The sheets are seedsheets. They actually contain the seeds.
If you look closely, you can even notice the seeds on this photo. In this case, it is a garden cress seed sheet.
I'm very glad you like my posts! Thanks for your support and for the follow!
CU soon,

Oh ok I can see the seeds...thanks for explaining.


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Great work and I wish you a good indoor-harvest dear @smallstepschange :)

thank you very much! :) looking forward to harvesting my herbs! :)

Cool Chris! Liebe wie du es beschreibst: And oops, it 100xed, almost like a cryptocurrency! ;) Ich mache auch sowas zuhause, schmeckt einfach super!;)

Ja, wenn man immer brav gießt, dann machen die Kräuter wirklich Freude! :)

Ja genau so ist es!!

Looks almost like magic :D. I really need to start groving some herbs here at home :D

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