Photoreportage über den Wiener Stammtisch am Sonntag den 11. Februar 2018 / Photo-report of the steemit-meetup hosted in Vienna on Sunday the 11.02.2018 (DE/EN/FR)

in #steemit-austria7 years ago (edited)

Gestern, gegen halb Zwei, als die Sonne noch schien, gingen mein Freund @manncpt und ich los, um die Wiener steemit Community zu treffen. Die Atmosphäre in den Brandauer Bierbögen war sehr offen und herzlich. Um einen Einblick zu bekommen, könnt ihr durch die nachfolgenden Bilder, die ich gerne mit euch teile, das Treffen miterleben.

EN: Yesterday around 13h30, while the sun was shining again, I started the journey to the Viennese Meetup with my friend @manncpt. The atmosphere was specially nice and welcoming, to give you an idea, the best is to discover the experience through these pictures I have the pleasure to share with you.

FR: Hier, aux alentours de 13h30, alors que le soleil brillait à nouveau au zénith, accompagné de mon fidèle ami @manncpt, nous démarrons l’aventure direction le Meetup Viennois. L'atmosphère était particulièrement agréable et accueillante. Le mieux sera encore de découvrir cette merveilleuse expérience au travers de ces quelques photos que j’ai le plaisir de partager avec vous.


DE: Während wir auf die U-Bahn warteten, began @manncpt mit einer Instagram Story.

EN: In the metro, @manncpt was already starting his report on instagram.

FR: Dans le métro, @manncpt était déja occupé a réaliser son reportage sur Instagram.


@nicoletta supported by @flurgx 😊
7. Wiener Steemit-Stammtisch
Brandauers Bierbögen Heiligenstädter Straße 31 1190 Wien

steemians des Wiener Meetup

DE: Die steemians des Wiener Stammtisch
EN: steemians of the Viennese meetup
FR: Les steemians du meetup Viennois


DE: Herzliches Willkommen mit @bodymindsoul und @reconnectnature
EN: Warm steemian welcome featuring @bodymindsoul and @reconnectnature
FR: Chaleureuses embrassades de bienvenue entre @bodymindsoul et @reconnectnature

DE: @nicoletta Ankunft mit @artpoet
EN: @nicoletta arriving with @artpoet
FR: @nicoletta arrive avec @artpoet

Leidenschaftliche Gespräche/Passionate talks/Discussions passionnées

@shlomit & @leoplaw



Samuel oder Sami

DE: Danke für den interessanten Beitrag und Willkommen Sami! =) EN: Thanks for the interesting inputs and welcome Sami! =) FR: Merci pour les conseils et bienvenue Sami! =)









Elisabeth oder Sissy










Check @vikisecrets posts related to the meetup here:











Full contact list (22)

Recto (part 1/2)

Verso (part 2/2)

Namesteemit alias
Jean Marteau@jnmarteau
Caroline Schell@carolineschell
Christoph Mann@manncpt
Kris Kind@artpoet
Elisabeth oder Sissy@siriusgaia
Samuel oder Sami@infinitelearning

Total = 23

NB: I left early, so I might not have all the contact of the late comers ;-) Please put a message in reply with your name and alias, so I can update the list above! Thanks in advance!

Christoph and Nicoletta. See the selfie in the report of @manncpt here: Viennese steemians meetup at Brandauers Bierbögen

Danke für diese schönen Erinnerungen und die neuen Bekanntschaften!

Thank you for these nice memories and new friendships!


@manncpt, @kissi & @nicoletta

Bevor ich ging hatte ich noch ein letztes Gespräch mit @nicoletta, indem wir unsere Gedanken zu dem Treffen austauschen konnten. Ich freue mich mehr darüber zu berichten.

Before to leave, we get a last short conversation with @nicoletta, sharing our thoughts and reflexion after the meetup with the steemit community. I’ll be happy to share more in a next post!

Avant de partir, nous avons eu une courte conversation avec @nicoletta, partageant nos idées et réflexions après cette nouvelle experience hors-ligne avec la communautée steemit. Je serai heureux de partager d’avantage lors d’un prochain post.

@komischername, @bloodkratos & @brickster

DE: Ich freue mich auf die nächsten Stammtische, wir sehen uns bald in München!

EN: I am looking forward to the next meetups, see you soon in Munich!
All the best, Jean

FR: Je suis dors et déjà impatient de vous retrouver aux prochains meetups, a bientôt à Munich!

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artwork by: @alexandravart & @jnmarteau & @khansa +free Clipart from palomaironique


Location schaut sehr cool aus, freue mich schon, wenn ich da auch dabei bin!

ABER: Wir haben neulich mal über den rechtlichen Aspekt solcher Fotos gesprochen - Hast du die Nutzer gefragt, die du hier veröffentlicht hast? Würde ich im eigenen Interesse tun - Wird bei den Meetups bisher sehr lax gehandhabt, weiß ich - dennoch denke ich nicht uninteressant!

Liebe Grüße ;)

P.S.: Mir persönlich ist es eh ziemlich egal, solange es akzeptable Fotos sind. Sehen aber wohl nicht alle so locker!

Hi you were missing! Thank you for the relevant comment!

Yes, it is the first thing I did. From the beginning of the meetup, I explained everyone that I was planning to make an article about the steemians of Vienna and asked explicitely if it was not a problem to be featured in the pictures. If somebody want to delete a picture, it is not a problem, just contact me. I'll do it as fast as possible! =)

Looking forward to read you again and hope you liked my entry in the #neulingschallenge contest you organized! =)

I think the main problem is the fact, that you can't delete someones pictures after a week anymore. ;)

But like I said, I just wanted to bring that into the mind, for me personally it has been ok so far. Just wanted to remind people of this, since nobody seemed to care on the last two meetups I attented!

Greets ;)

thank you for the friendly reminder. =)

In this case, I did my best to not expose those who asked me to not be visible. I took their pictures out of this selection. Hope I didn't make any omission!

Greetings, Jean

Thanks for pointing this out - that is really interesting!
Could you tell me, how it is possible to delete pictures that have already been uploaded to
I have tried to do it, but found no way.
Thanks and CU,

I don't know about a way to do that ;)

thanks, Martin. I see, that's what I was thinking. So once uploaded, you really cannot delete it. All you can do is deleting the link to it so that it is not showing in the post - but the picture will still continue to be on steemit's servers.
CU, Chris

Coole und detaillierte Reportage :) aber auch guter Punkt von @theaustrianguy. Denke nicht, dass alle mit solchen Close-Ups einverstanden sind, auch wenn sie vorher gefragt wurden ;) Was man aber bei solchen Stammtischen machen könnte, wäre ein kontrolliertes Photo-Shooting vor einem schönen Hintergrund. Nur so als Idee. Freue mich schon auf das nächste Meetup :)

To be sure, it is respecting everyone choice, I'll ask from now to validate before the 7 days deadline or the pictures will be taken down before the end of the period in which we can delete ;-)

I also thought about making a specific stand for portraits but it is not that authentic to stand for the picture...

Better a little bit less authentic than a problem with the law later 😅

hihih, I'll do my best to make everyone comfortable and I am sure with your guidance and help there is less risk to make errors step by step. Thank you again for your nice feedback and interactivity! I am really glad to have your inputs to improve the next contributions! All the best, Jean

Thank you so much for your summary and the pictures. That is an awesome overview about the members of the Vienna Meetup! 😄

Thank you Kerstin! It took a while to make this post, hope everybody will be happy with the pictures. =)

Oh I hope so too. I like mine! ☺️

I am glad you like yours, that is already making me really happy! =D

Well done @jnmarteau, I am looking forward to our trip to Munich tomorrow! 😃

Thank you for your help translating! It is really important for me to have this in both languages! I am already excited about our next adventures meeting the steemians all around the world! =)

I'm pleased that so many have found the Stammtisch again, and great photos @jnmarteau

Thank you @reiseamateur ! Hope to see you again next time, I had to leave early and didn't get the occasion to great you if you came! =)

Last Weekend i was with Mrs.reiseamateur in Venice and enjoyed the Karneval. I'm shure we will see us in Vienna again, cheers

=) I'm looking forward to it! Greetings

Thank you for the wonderful documentation! <3

Thank you @shlomit! I also have a nice serie of picture featuring you talking with @leoplaw, but I kept it as it would have made the post even longer. If you like I can post them in a further article as I still have a lot of other nice ones in reserve. Let me know, I'll do it with pleasure ;-)

I would love to see it ^_^
Thank you!

I'll publish them with pleasure in one of my next post! You are really welcome, your discussion seems to have been really passionating with Leo! I am glad that I catched these nice moment and really happy that you are authorizing me to share them! Thank you too! =D

Oh yeah, heavy discussions there ;D
Looking forward!

Dawwww ich wär so gern dabei gewesen! Na hoffentlich schaff ich’s irgendwann amal.

Et puis... c’est une coïncidence que tu parles français ou est-ce que tu n’es pas par hasard une ancienne du lycée français de Vienne? Ça serait trop drôle...

I would be really glad to welcome you whenever you are coming!

A vrai dire, j'ai connu beaucoup d'étudiants du Lycée Francais, mais je n'y ai pas été. Je vivais en Belgique avant d'arriver a Vienne ;-)

Aaahhh oui. Cela explique l’excellent trinliguiste article bien sûr.
Well, now you know another one! Haha
À peut-être bientôt :)

Oui, enfin pour l'allemand j'ai beaucoup d'aides, hhihihi... Au plaisir de te lire et d'en apprendre d'avantage sur ton experience avec steemit! A bientot :)

Wow, I would have almost missed this post! Nice work, Jean!!

Thank you for the emcouraging message Chris! I am glad that you consider the work for this post and looking forward to meet you again at the next meetup. :-)

Hey Jean, yes, CU next time! :)
Btw. if you will attend the next meetup, you qualify for my BTC coin giveaway. 😀
CU, Chris

Oh thank you for this link, inspiring post and giveway! I am still reading your introduction post as I didnt see it before. Wow, I am amazed by the capacity you have to express yourself and go out of your bubble, this is a nice example and motivating a lot! =)

Hi Jean, Thanks for reading my intro post! I will also write a German one - because a lot of people told me that they are maily reading posts with the steemit-austria tag. :)
Thanks for the nice feedback!
Cu, Chris

Hallo @jnmarteau,

danke für die tolle Reportage!

Ich bitte dich, meine drei Fotos und den Namen zu löschen. Du hast mich zwar um mein Einverständnis gefragt, allerdings war mir nicht klar, dass du vorhast, Einzelporträts in Großaufnahme zu veröffentlichen. Es war mein Fehler, ich hätte nachfragen sollen.

Danke nochmals für die Zeit und Mühe, die du für steemit-austria investiert hast.

Liebe Grüße, VieAnna

No problem, I just updated the post. =)

Thank you very much :)

My pleasure! If I can add in parenthesis, you are amazing on these pictures. They are yours, so, do not hesitate if you want them, otherwise I'll delete them from my storage soon to make some space ;-)

The pictures are all very well made, it is not about that. I just feel more comfortable if I'm not publicly exposed in this way for now. I already downloaded the pictures for myself so you can delete them from your storage. Thank you once again for your underdstanding and your patience :-)

Thank you again for your messges and patience too. My storage s now free of your pics :)

Salut, merci beaucoup pour hier, sourtout les photos sont trés bien venu!
À bientot ;-D

Merci encore pour ton accueil et bienvenue!
Ravi d'avoir pu te rencontrer, a bientot! =)

Moi aussi ;-))) à bientot ;-D

Thank you for the really authentic photos @jnmarteau !! :)
This is a very cool report of our unique steemit-austria-meetup :D
It was nice to meet you, looking forward to the next Stammtisch!

Thank you Elias! I really appreciated meeting you too and hope to see you again soon. Next time I'll put my camera a bit on the side and take the time to exchange a bit more, but I'll keep making the photo report, I love to do it and I am really happy about the empowering feedback, thank you again! :)

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