31 + 7 SBD Charity #Steemgig Offer 🌀 The Gift Offering, B"H!

in #steemgig7 years ago (edited)

B"H! Since the last charity #steemgig went so well, despite its slow start, let's do another one! Last round, @thatsweeneyguy, @drpuffnstuff and the @skye1 family donated what easily must have around 75 kg, or 165 pounds of clothing, blankets, books, stuffed toys, and food! Between them, I counted at least 9 huge bags for the clothing charities, and several pounds of food for the food bank! How awesome is that steemit?! Please visit their profiles to support Steemians who support others!

So this time around, I'm proposing a charity #steemgig, to give 4.5 SBD each, to the first 6 steemians who do the following:

#SteemGig Mission Two: Donate at least 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) of Wheat Flour, AND at least 1 litre (33.8 fl. ounces) of Olive Oil, to some food bank or other charity, or say, a local school who could use it. It would be great, if you also gave some food that you connect with emotionally.

Take a photo or two of your gifts.

  1. Do something to make us realize you made the donation, like by attaching a sticker, or paper that says Steemit.com onto your offering. Or by taking a photo of you or someone else holding up the current date and the food.
  2. Take a photo of yourself or someone putting it in the charity's dropbox, or walking into the drop-off centre/charity with it. (Can combine with no. 1 if you can make it clear.) (No need to ever show your face.) (Most grocery stores in my city have local food bank bins, yours might too!)
  3. Make a post on your own blog, with your photos and telling us about what you did, or if you want, about the charity, or who it will benefit. Please tag your post with #steemgig (s). Tag it however else you want too!
  4. Drop a link and a picture if you'd like, to your post in the comments of this article.
  5. Bonus 1 SBD each, and mitzvah/karma/brownie points if you get kids involved in the giving! Knowing the purpose, they could craft the steemit.com sign, and do part of the buying, or the giving for example. Show us how they participated! Do they have something to say about the experience?

(Who knows what will happen for the 7th+ participant! If anyone would like to donate for this #steemgig, we could offer it to more than 6 people! So I'd edit this post. Edit: @thatsweeneyguy has offered to give 1 SBD to each of the first 4 participants, and @steemgigs has donated 10 SBD, so I changed the initial offer from 4 to 6 people.)

To repeat for clarity; 4.5 SBD for 1 litre of olive oil and 1 kg of wheat flour (any kind,) with some sort of Steemit.com label, given to charity according to the details above. You can make it from @yourself or give it anonymously. 

Please see @thatsweeneyguy, @drpuffnstuff and @skye1's posts for examples of how to do it. You 3 are welcome to participate again, but if there are others, maybe the rewards should go to other participants first?




Due to crazily changing SBD prices, this offer can only be valid until post payout or until SBD's are > than say, $2.50, whichever comes first. If I wasn't clear on anything, or if you have any questions, please ask!

(Olives on Tree, Oil and DoughModified Oil Bottle, Wheat Flour, Bread with Oil)

In addition to the 3 above, everyone please join me in thanks to @jennswall, @macstyly, @steemgigs, @surpassinggoogle, @virtualgrowth, @kus-knee, @stellabelle, @unmean-stweets, @marieta88, and @jocra who resteemed and pushed to help make the last Charity #steemgig a success! Of course thanks are also for the voters and commenters! Your effort will literally warm someone up! 

We're bringing Steemit and #steemgig (s) into the real world friends!

Have Fun! :)

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit


Happy to have helped out! It feels great!

I'll throw in an extra 1 SBD to each of the 4 winners of this round. Have a great day everyone!

Hey that's great of you! I'm truly so happy about last time what you guys did... Glad you should feel nice too, as will the people you helped.


Indeed they will 😉

You have been filled with amazingness! Your art of generosity here is something to celebrate!

This is great. Steemians giving back to society.

What a world!~

Kol Tov!


May through some STEEM people's ways too. Keep up the good work. :)

That would be terrific! Thanks!

Adding 10 SBDs for now! It is becoming awesome! Hoping @stellabelle visits soon.
Pretty sure @virtualgrowth will love seeing this!
@kus-knee as well! Sharing on twitter!
Oh he was already here! How nice!

Brilliant, thanks! I guess I'll change it to "the first 6 Steemians..."

It is nice indeed!

The beauty of this thing is special! You should be celebrated more often. It will turn into something way bigger for sure! And having them make posts is awesome! More #steemgigs testimonies is awesome!

We'll make it 100 bags for charity from steemit members! It's good!~

Thanks :)

Have fun!

It's already fun! Thanks for the massive boost here. I think with everyone's help, we've created something that will keep going, and do real good :)

We visit to celebrate you as you help us promote unmeanness and so much beauty! @jerrybanfield should love to see this beauty! Perhaps, he can integrate all these #steemgigs events into one of his steemit growth videos! Keep sharing the love!

A generous thought! Thanks back at you :)

Nice Post :)) Followed :)

Thanks very much, I've followed back :)

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