UPDATE: Steemgig: I found a Steemian and he's building a steemit inspired Little Free Library for 70 SBD's total!

in #steemgig7 years ago (edited)

Carpenter and reading enthusiast FOUND!

UPDATE: @valued-customer (follow him and say thanks if you would!!) Has accepted the job and is currently gathering resources and materials to build us our first Little Free Steemit Library! Thank you everyone who showed interest in participating! I did say first, because I am planning on funding another one in a future Steemgig, So if you wanted to build one, keep checking in and as soon as I pay for this one and build up SBD's again.. I will pay another steemian to build our Second Little Free Steemit Library!

I want you to build a Little Free Library sponsored by steemit.com. This sponsorship is not authorized by steemit.com but I want it to be so anyway! Therefore I am willing to give you a little more than 100$ of my next paycheck for a total of 70 SBD's (and a bonus if its really good)!! This should mostly cover the cost of building and finding a person or business willing to host it!

Look at other examples of Little Free Libraries and build it however suits you! The nicer job you do the better the bonus you will receive! Just paint the steemit logo and steemit.com onto the little library. It's up to you what materials you want to use or design you want to do!

If you are interested go a post I made about Little Free Libraries linked below, and if you want to do it and you want to find out more there website is also linked below!

More info I posted about Little Free Libraries..


The Little Free Library website


If you would like this Little Free Library to be registered and on the map, let me know and I will send you 45$ worth of additional SBD's Once it's built and in place to pay for the registration.

And I want this library to bring curious people to steemit in appreciation! Make it steemit inspired and let people know that it was built with our help! So do the best job you can!

Seeing as this could cost some money and time.. Once someone accepts the job my commenting below and telling me they will do it!! I will edit the post with "job filled" . I would prefer if the person who accepts the job had it done in 2 weeks or less. But if it takes a month, these things sometimes happen!

Once you are done make a post showing the project and the final product and let us all bask in the glory of the things steemit is capable of! **Also put a link in the comments below this post so I will know it's done as soon as I can :)


Upvote, and resteem if you would also like to see this built. Leave a comment below if anything comes to mind, or if you want to accept this #steemgig! If you just want to donate books and get paid I have a steemgig for that right now too, linked right below. Thanks for reading and have a good time everyone!



Doing great job since you joined here bro, congrats. :)

Followed & Upvoted
Follow back please :) and upvote one of my blogs thankyou ;)

I reckon I can do this. I live in a village and have never seen one of these before.

How do we proceed?

Edit: I have a place in mind in a small trailer park where people of lesser financial means reside. There is a covered laundry room, and also a manager's office, which might suit. Both indoors.

ReEdit: I have few books. When I get this done can folks throw some books my way? I reckon the most popular would be Romance Novels, considering the ppl living here. Danielle Steele, etc., Sci Fi, John Le Carre, similar fluffy stuff would likely be most popular.

You will have to find someone (or yourself) to host it (keep it in their front yard by the street). Or find a little local business that might like the idea to host it and keep it on their property. The 2 I went to recently were just ad the edge of people property by the street.. Then just look at examples here

Build something like one of those, paint the steemit logo and/or the words steemit.com on it. Or something saying sponsored by steemit.com.. If that all sounds possible, let me know! or if there is something I can do to help make it possible, let me know too!

The two locations I have in mind are in a laundry room, or the manager's office. Of the two the laundry room would be best, because no management to disturb, and a more central location.

Both are indoors, but accessible to the local community of residents of the park.

I am a carpenter, so making it is no problem.

I'd need the paint and materials, but can try to rustle up some leftovers from jobs. That's how I built my home.

Well if you want you are hired! I like the ambition, and I like the idea of a laundromat because lots of people might be there to use it and it could give kids who have to wait something to read! And if you take the job and were able to convert it I would send 10 SBD's up front to pay for paint! I would send it as soon as the owner of the laundromat or managers office ok'd it! And then once its built and in place. I will send you and extra 45$ worth of SBD to get it registered on their website so it will be on the map and have its own number and plaque!

Okie Doke. I'm starting a project today. We'll see what can be rounded up in terms of materials, and I'll talk to Jan (manager) and see if it's ok by her to put a free library in the laundryroom.

Is there some way you and I can confer privately?

Message me on steemit chat . My name is the same so you can look me up and send me a private message..

Huuuge! This is gonna be good! I can't wait to see what someone comes up with!

Resteemed cause it's great!

Libraries are vitally important. Real books. What a lovely thing to do. There is man in Afghanistan who has a tiny trailer on his bike and cycles out into remote areas and operates a children's library that way. It's a very dangerous thing to travel outside of Kabul, and the taliban do not like people to educated so that is a double whammy for him. Education is a gateway to personal freedom. And the current terrorist ideology hates that. So I have huge admiration for anyone who has a passion for encouraging education. I hope you achieve this goal very soon.

I so badly want to do this, but struggling to find a place that it can go. Definately donating books because i actually seen one of these libraries the other day. If i find a place i will let you know, but would most likely take me longer than 2 weeks. I love all the stuff you do.

Hmm check local coffee shops or music places. Other places that kids go to. If I knew what city you were located in I would try to help. So send me a message on steemit chat and tell me where that is and I will help if you would like!

Ok will do.

Damn, bro! Way to put your money where your mouth is!

Your investments, both financial and otherwise, are getting noticed. You're well on your way to whale status, man!

Btw. You won't see my vote on here until 30 minutes, because you told me not to. ;)
I'll also resteem all these tomorrow so they see a different set of eyes.

Hi @drpuffnstuff, just wanted to share an idea for a little free library location from England:
https://steemit.com/life/@fleur/book-exchange-in-an-old-english-phone-box 📚

So what happens when multiple people takes on the task? Only 1 will be accepted (based on their proposal)? @drpuffnstuff

Yes I'm only trying to get one person to do it. But after I get more SBDs again I would definitely be willing to pay a second person to do it. Are you interested as well?!

I can't think of a good place to set it up. I can't just set it up anywhere, the whole library may be stolen!

Thats really cool too bad I rent an apartment lol. Congratulations

Upvoted, Resteemed and INSPIRATION ABOUND! <3 A library in the community garden sounds like a beautiful plan to me <3

Wooooooooooot :) ! One day it would be nice to have a good amount of little steemit libraries around. I'm looking forward to hosting a steemgig for the next one and I'm excited to see what he builds for us!!

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