The (Manic Depressive's) Solution To Dilution

in #steemfunnies8 years ago (edited)

Another day, today, no Steem till the evening, quick check of the blog... dilution...dilution...dilution...what's the solution?

enter image description here


5:00 a.m. - Wake up - feeling alert, refreshed

yoga - meditation - bike ride - exercise - bike ride - home - Steem

6:00 a.m. -Turn on the computer, straight to Steem - annoying, nagging voice in head won't shut up about other non-Steem related things.

Logon to Steemit, just check the blog quickly, what has the latest post made?

...dilution...dilution ... dilution

OK, that one was worth $995.84 yesterday, now it's 776.57, maybe I'll get more votes... got to write something, I can do it now, spend 4 hours then logoff, get on with stuff.

annoying, nagging voice, won't shut up - look voice, it won't take more than 4 hours, tops! It will be 10:00 a.m.... plenty of time to get on with the day. have to take your daughter to school - OK smart arse, I'll be back by 8:35 after an hour and a half interruption... that's still 11:30 - plenty of time...

Thinking Time

Hmm, need to find a subject - POW! - there it is, I can feel it forming, yes that's it; ok, I love this subject, I've even got a title. Let me do a quick check to see if anyone has written about cyborgs, yeah, it'll be good. Even if they have, they won't tie it back to Steem like I will. Yeah this is gonna be good!

Ah, @dana-edwards has just written a bloody cyborg piece, ugh, what are the odds of that? Grr, OK, no drama, no drama, let's have a read....

Mm, she's good, very pro style, well researched, OK, that's fine, that's fine, she's coming from a completely different angle, there's enough room for both articles. I'll just rework the title and...

Ah man! She's got $0.01 for this, she wrote it yesterday, fuck, nobody gives a damn about cyborgs....

Hmmmm, think up another Steem article, I must fight dilution, my posts were worth $13,000 the other day, do I even want to look now?

POW! There it is, I'm going to write a welcome to Steem post, nobody seems to have done that, it will have a guide and an FAQ...maybe I should do an FAQs post; no someone would have done that


Ah yeah, there it is, let's have a look; hmm, mine would be different, but I can't call it FAQs, forget it. Welcome To Steem! - Introduce Yourselves - Yeah that'll be good, a nice friendly welcome - people will post their names, I'll follow them; upvote their posts. That will keep me up in the feed, this should be four figures, I'll make it super helpful, I'll link to other people's posts... and one of mine... maybe two....

write, edit, write, edit, write


OK, sit back let the bucks roll in, woohoo :-D

12:30 p.m. - $185, ok, not as good as I thought, maybe it'll catch on; got a couple replies though, I'll answer those, keep the post active.

2:00 p.m. - OK, I'm still on Steem... time for some other stuff

...dilution...dilution ... dilution

12:00 a.m. - Finished reading Steem articles...



5:00 a.m. - Wake up - feeling alert, refreshed

yoga - meditation - bike ride - exercise - bike ride - home - Steem

6:00 a.m. - Oh just great, #introduceyourself, why didn't I think of that, so much better than #steemnewbie - fuck back to the drawing board.

10:00 a.m. - Shut up brain - I'm just going to write until one O'Clock - then break for lunch, then non-Steem related work.

4:00 p.m. - OK, I haven't done anything else today, but this is going to be the highest grossing article I've done.. I can feel it, how fucking elegant of me, yes, yes, it's so simple, I've solved it; maybe they'll even ask me to join the team, in some kind of consultant capacity. That'd be cool, I can talk to Ned and Dan, ask them all those questions, I've been dying to ask.

It has to be mid to high four figures this one, OK, now time to write it

write -edit - write - 2nd draft - sleep - wake up -write -edit -research - research - pictures - got to be just right - c'mon being diluted as you write - keep going - DONE - post

A Solution To Curator Awards

Haha, sit back and wait for the praise of the Steem community come tumbling in with all those votes; you must be humble though, it's not about you, it's about making the curation awards fairer, and you've done that. No it's about getting this article to $5k COME ON MY SON!

OK, stop staring and refreshing, click off, go out.

LOGIN - Wha...?? 84 measly bucks! What? Why isn't everyone clammering over this? This should have started a Steem-wide debate!!

I know.. I'll go on Dan's post and put an intelligent reply and link to the post... he'll click on it... realise I've cracked it and...



Get a reply from Dan!

Good in theory, hard in practice. What you say is what we are trying to do. Trying to measure it all with on chain data is the key.

Awesome! Try and engage - ask back up questions

no answer

OK, delusions of grandeur subsiding.... what now? Must write, must...fight...dilution!!!



enter image description here

Oh man, Muhammed Ali Is Dead, oh no, it was on the cards, I feel like crying - Not quite yet though; first let me make sure that I'm the first to report it on Steem - Search - nobody's done it yet! - Go quickly, quick tribute - ah yes - Rumble In The Jungle poem, I know it off by heart, quick, quick, I must be the bearer of this terrible news.

Find the poetry in your heart man!

Ach, can't spend the sort of time I usually spend on an article... THIS IS NEWS!

Still feel like crying as I write these words.... A Legend Is Gone - Muhammad Ali Dies At 74

Starting to feel like a mercenary... a member of the gutter press - scrabbling to profit from the death of a celebrity... still though, this should make $1500 easy.

Awash with guilt and sadness

Login to Facebook for the first time in days? A week? Can't remember,

Post series of pictures and poems, not for profit just as a tribute - guilt assuaged, feel better - still sad, great man - read some tributes - little cry...

Right, back to Steemit

$189 dollars and 3 comments, more upset at the lack of comments; I guess not too many fight fans on here. Oh well, on to the next one.


PHONE CALL WITH @bleepcoin

Topic of conversation - Steem, curation awards, dilution, dilution, dilution....

CAPTCHA - shit, bleeps! I think you've got it, that is the answer - I won't steal this one, you write it, use this structure, it will be an absolute chicken-dinner-winner, go for it.

bleep - No, you write it..

Cool, ok, well I think it'll blow up, I'll give you full credit for the idea and we'll split 50/50, I think this could be another five grander!

HANG UP - mind racing... words pouring into it... fingers twitching

write - edit -write - ignore phone call - ignore text - write - edit - write - POST!

OK, here we go, Curation Rewards - Is CAPTCHA The Answer? - Oh and sweet GIF - nice; this'll be good - this will be good for @bleepcoin as well, I've given him all the credit - we worked out some of the finer points together, but it's all his, I'm happy for him - just hope the article breaks through the $5k mark - got to split 50/50

...dilution ...dilution...dilution...

Nice, there's my little bot following, $27 straight away, c'mon humans, read and vote, comment, come on...

come on...

come on...


Mmm, couple of comments, everyone hates the idea, pfff. - didn't climb above $27 - Oh no, I don't want to lose my bot fanclub - I've got to keep up the quality or they'll leave me - I need more fans, not less!


KIMBO SLICE IS DEAD - ah that's the guy I used to watch on YouTube, beating up bums after paying them $50, ok; it's sad, but I don't feel so bad writing a piece about him.

write - edit - write -research - write - quick edit - post

WTF?? How can that make more than the Ali post??

Maybe now the fight fans have found me they'll upvote the Ali post, come on guys; you can't give Kimbo more props than The Greatest!


Do I even want to live in a world where an Ali post makes $111 and a Kimbo Slice one makes $267?



Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Hm - spent 6 hours not writing articles today - managed to do some non-Steem related things - oh shut up brain; yes I did!


Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Start article, this will be good.... no it won't, scrap it, move on, what next?

Come on 2 days and nothing...



Look! @Stellabelle is pumping out those articles!

Dilution, dilution, dilution....

@cryptoptocus, fuck! He's good, what's his secret?

There's another biggie from @nanzo-scoop


Come on, you're losing ground...

Of course!

Original content, this is the time to bring in some of my subscribers, come on CryptoGee, how can you ignore that?

Sweet, Euro 2016 starting, I meant to do an article for BTT anyway... can kill 2 birds with one stone, sort of... and, yes! That's it a #introduceyourself post at the same time, I'll write both and release one after the other for maximum impact.

write edit write edit write

Wow, that took ALL DAY

OK, here you go Steem, my first guest post BTT Guest Post - Trading Emotions At Euro 2016

Come on now, this is definitely four figures, I've pulled out all the stops with this one, this surely is the one?








Come on baby, keep going!


Level off


Release Hello I Am CryptoGee

enter image description here







Chill out, time off - 3 days in Bristol - family - friends - no Steem... well no writing, I'll check I need a break...


Relax.... leave Friday... back Monday; nice :-).


Back, check Steem.... urgh, knots in stomach

...dilution...dilution...dilution... WHAT'S THE FRIGGING SOLUTION?!

In front of MY - VERY - EYES!


OK, it doesn't matter. fuck dilution; I'm on a roll, keep giving them your best, think man, THINK. Scour the news, scour Steem, I NEED ideas.

Think, think, more Steem to bleep over the the trends...where can you add value?...where can you use your expertise...?



....fairly sure he's getting tired of these calls.... fuck it, he's the only one I can talk to about Steem dial

ring ring

@bleepcoin - Why don't you put The Gambler up there?

Mm, could do, it's not really new though...

@bleepcoin - Yeah, but it's good and it is a part of you, Steemers likes that...

OK, cool, I'll do it; I'll write a little bio to go with it and see how that goes...



Not bad, some really nice comments and actually, that's pretty cool to have it on the blockchain forever, or at least until World War 3.


POW!! Of course! Why didn't I think of that before? That's one of the most interesting things that ever happened to me; long story though, got to keep it to around 2500, maybe 3,500 if I write it well.

Here goes; How To Spot An Artistic Sociapath - Hmmmm, is that the best I can do?

All the best titles have been taken on other stories about C.S. Leigh, OK, well never mind the title, it's about my story. It's original, should be good.



Nice, couple of grand, was hoping to get it up to $3500... got to fight DILUTION!!!

Hey look! Everything I said would happen in that Euro 2016 article, has happened, nice; shall I boast about it?

Mm, that's a bit Facebooky....

Will it go down well??

I suppose it's good to let people know, might pick up some subscibers for Betfair Trading Tips.. oh yeah that; OK, leave Steemit for a while, get on Twitter, open Betfair, start trading and Tweeting, come on, keep your house in order.


vote bots - $18.97

right c'mon humans, a couple of you who voted on the first article - or maybe you read it to find out what I got right?



I new I shouldn't have posted that, I'm sorry my little bot friends, my next post will be more valuable.... I promise.



Read article, whale looking for content, for his whale-bot! Of course! The bots are our friends!, that's the next article, people will either love it or hate it, come on boom or bust - ... I'm thinking boom though...

Yes... can't write fast enough....words are already there....shit so excited..

write, edit, write, edit, write, post!


$285 in the first hour... Saaaweeeetttt!!!






level off...







Oh, just stop checking,


My God! I'm number 14 on all of Steemit!! OK, yes I'm winning the fight against the dreaded dilution!

Worth circa $15,000


Right, the solution to dilution, is clear to me now, it's so obvious, keep writing, keep posting, keep coming up with ideas, engage with the community, come on give out what you expect back. Come on, you can do this.

Reading Steem articles - reading comments....replying...thinking

Spot 3 or 4 comments and posts asking how to resize pictures....hmm... I've seen quite a lot of those requests....

AHA! Video tutorial on PIXLR

Yes, I'll feature the article I did yesterday; Steemit Will Not Be The New Facebook - $971 and falling-

...dilution...dilution ... dilution - $885

No matter, if the video tutorial makes $1500 - which it bloody well, should do! 1st video tutorial on Steemit - I should think so!

OK, look; I'll do a deal with you brain, if you stop nagging me about non-Steem related things, I'll get right on those things as soon as I finish this tutorial. It'll take an hour at most, hour and a half tops.

....4 and a half hours to get tutorial right


vote-bot fan club $27.00 - nice



Underwhelming, that will dilute to $10 by the 4th hmmm

...dilution...dilution ... dilution

More articles.... more articles .... some success... 4 figure articles ... nice ... dilute back to 3 figures within hours ... not so nice



Calculated my post worth today $11,568, down from $15,000 last week - check steemle - arg, site down - what's my rank? - I must have lost 14th - Am I still in the top 20? - Too agonising to think about, just keep going - only 12 more days till the 4th.

Must... fight... dilution...

POW! That's it! I'll write an article, about the solution to dilution.. ok, what's the angle?


Aha - got it - just throw your jumbled thoughts onto the page, new style, kind of matches how I feel, about dilution.. chasing shadows ... spinning plates ... putting out fires ... Steem .... Steem ... Steem

enter image description here

Dilution article, throw thoughts down - yeah, that's it - writing style will illustrate the chaotic, futility of trying to fight dilution in any way, shape, or form.... yes, YES! GREAT FUCKING IDEA!

write, edit, write, edit, write, edit

You do realise you're addicted right...? - Shut up brain!

Oh, wait, hm, after reading over this, ugh, this is trash, fuck it scrap it....

No wait, they might, no...maybe I can look at one of those earlier scrapped articles...

no...forget it....aaarrrggghh!!


But what is the solution to dilution???

It's only going to increase...

Of course... so simple... why didn't I see that before??? ... write two articles every day, that gross more than your highest ever grossing article... simple

OK, right, all I need now is two $8000 ideas....


1:20 a.m.

Submit a story

Urg, don't believe it; Steemit crashed - posting not working - sleep post in the morning

...dilution...dilution... dilution



fairly sure he's getting tired of these calls

yep lol

LMAO. Funny reading! Thanks for the contribution :)

Thanks, glad you like it!

It was definitely very therapeutic to write, I need to chill out!



WTF. Have you been reading my mind lately? @cryptogee. Hahaha. I can definitely relate to your thoughts. So it even happens to the top 20 authors too. @stellabelle vaguely mentioned this in her yesterday's post too.
The dilution worries was stifling my creativity and like @idealist said, I'm focused on enjoying myself.

Haha, I know! When I went to put this post out last night I saw @stellabelle's post and I was like WTF that title sounds like what I'm writing :-)

Then the Steemit submit button wasn't working, I tried for like an hour, same thing this morning...

It's obviously a thing that's been on all of our minds, you see that you have a certain payout due and you want to increase that. At the very least you want to maintain it and then you get, dilution... dilution... dilution...



LOL. The "submit" button can drive one crazy Esp when you're about to beat a trend.........You're right.... I stopped checking my old posts cos dilution.....dilution...dilution....Note to myself: I've got to stop checking the calendar. :) hahaha

Haha, the calendar one has only just started to creep up on me. I know I should stop checking, but you never know; maybe dilution will start working in reverse! :-)


Stay cool, mate. ;) Hahahahaha

Don't fight dilution. Just keep providing value and taking the opportunity to learn 😂

Resistance, is indeed futile!



Why don't you write a post about how to write a post about how to write a post?
This way you'll avoid competing with @donkypong or @cryptoctopus - instead, you'll encompass them.

By jove man, I think you've got it!

I can disappear into an ever receding, recursive hole of how to posts! :-)


Seriously, this would be hilarious if you could pull it off.
They make money on teaching others how to make money so let's make money on them.

Lolz, I might just give that a try :-)


You could show those preachers where their place is - let them write good posts instead teaching others how to write good posts.

I'm joking, they do a good job and their intentions are certainly good but sometimes I'm a bit concerned when there is too much patronizing going on.

Let's hope the marketcap will rise faster than dilution in the near future ;)

That's the dream, then we're all laughing :-D

How did I miss this post? It's almost a week old and I'm only just reading it now!?! Grrr... they need to install a "Following" page asap!

Good stuff CG.

Haha, I thought you hadn't been around! :-) Good to see you back, lol


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