Friendships that Reach Around the World: SteemFest Dreaming

in #steemfest6 years ago

Hang on, let me get this straight. There’s a contest that’s giving away a ticket to SteemFest, and travel funds too?

Yay for Steemit awesomeness!!! Sign me up! I’ll weave a little dream here in this post for you, @steemfestdreams.


This was the pic I used in my very first Steemit post. I doodled a brainstorm of sorts around my username, signifying all the things I wanted to bring to Steemit, and that which I hoped to find. I've found it all, contributed joyfully, and have made so many amazing friends! I'm glad I decided to blog here, and that I'm constantly learning more about the Steem blockchain!

Alliance Linebreak

When @roelandp announced the location and date of SteemFest 3, I wrote it off as way too far and way too expensive for this mama. I looked up the price of the plane ticket, just in case, but that solidified my certainty that I couldn’t do it.

Do I want to go? Seems like a simple question, but it’s a bit of a tricky answer.

It’s funny, ‘cause I’ve got wanderlust in my essence. I’m a gypsy queen, always wanting to see new places. So, yes, of course I want the chance to go to Krakow and see what it’s about. I love old architecture, and a glimpse into other cultures.

I have a confession, though: I’m a little scared to go that far from my family at this point in my life. Maybe that’s all the more reason for me to go, to push boundaries and remember who I am as a solo adventurer. Part of me wishes I were as brave and well-travelled as @crimsonclad. Maybe one day I’ll get there.

And why would other people benefit from me going to SteemFest? Well, I'm fun, I have a positive energy that's contagious, and who doesn't love a Canadian?

photo: Greg Eymundson/ Yes, that's me.

Alliance Linebreak

All the beautiful people.

The biggest draw, of course, is the people.

I read in the #steemsugars discord that @soyrosa is going (AHHHHHHH! I want to meet Rosanne so bad!), and @princessmewmew, and @gmuxx and even @rhondak! I’d love to be there to meet my Steem-family and share in the stoke as @thewritersblock launches to the next level.

There will surely be a lot of witnesses in attendance, and I’m always interested in that side of the story. Would I get to see the face behind @gandalf’s cloak, or have a laugh with the good pirate @drakos?

Meeting the faces behind the avatars is such a gift. I can only imagine the kind of friendships formed at SteemFest.

Alliance Linebreak

Meetups are the best!

I’m headed to my second Steem meetup in less than ten days! A bunch of fabulous people will be converging in the Smoky Mountains north of Atlanta, Georgia, including some great friends from #thealliance. @sircork is even bringing a truck full of music gear for me to lay down some tracks. It’s going to be so much fun!

I remember sitting between @enginewitty and @lukestokes at my last Steem meetup (in Nashville, Tennessee) when the dates for the Georgia meetup were shared. Luke said “I’ll be there.”

“I won’t,” I said. And then I made a liar of myself a month later when I bought my plane ticket.

I’ll be taking three flights to get to Atlanta, and three flights to get back to BC, but it'll be worth it!

I’m going to get to see @crescendoofpeace, @ameliabartlett and @hobotang, and @papacrusher, and @instructor2121, and probably some other awesome people! And @enginewitty, who is organizing the meetup, became family for me on my last trip. Gonna be great to see him again, too.

me and witty

Alliance Linebreak

These kinds of friendships make the world a better place.

The social side of the Steem blockchain is helping us connect by sharing on our blogs and hanging out in discord. We become a worldwide family, heedless of borders and race, focused on empowerment and authentic connection, brought together with technology that is revolutionizing our planet.

Meeting face-to-face takes it to a whole new level, and brings humanity closer together.

This is why I want to go to SteemFest.

And maybe y’all would even let me sing you a song. Who knows? ;)


Alliance Linebreak

Thanks to @aggroed, @dynamicgreentk, and @richardcrill for judging, and good luck to everyone who dares to dream of a free ride to Steemfest!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
All photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne



Witnesses keep the blockchain alive, and it costs nothing to vote for them, so please do so. @enginewitty, @noblewitness, @drakos, @jackmiller, @guiltyparties, @roelandp, @ausbitbank, @gtg, @pfunk, @curie, @aggroed — there are so many good ones. Do some research and cast your votes!

alliance banner


Dreaming and pushing the boundaries---quite a potent combination! I can feel your energy would be a beautiful contribution to Steemfest3. Who doesn't love being around happy people with bright and cheery spirits to share?

I hope your dream comes true @katrina-ariel (your name is also a beautiful one!) and that you get the chance to experience the magnificence that is the Steem community. A very worthy way to move through fear, being well supported into great things! Blessings on the way!

Thank you for such a kind comment! Yes, this would definitely be pushing my boundaries, but what an opportunity to share in community and build bridges that span the world. 💖

There's no time like the present!

Awe..that's a lovely post @katrina-ariel and you do have a beautiful Spirit that would be a bright spot at the gathering or should I say additional bright spot!! Krakow has some great architecture from photos I've seen. I've never been out of the USA and Canada. You are an adventurist so I think it's great that you're entering and I hope you win!! ❤

💖 Thank you, my friend! I'm sure there will be a lot of bright souls in attendance. Yes, the architecture looks amazing! I'm an adventurist, but I'm out of practice. lol! We'll see if I get there, but dreaming is fun, either way. :)

You're welcome!! xoxo

Thanks for sharing your experience with meeting with other Steemit members. I think Krakow is going to be a trip. Europe is a place that has so much old history and architecture. Filled with so much wonder.

You raise an interesting point about the social side of Steemit, and social media in general. Most people are content to hide behind their avatars, rarely venturing out to actually meet the people they correspond with. At the moment I'm one of those people. But perhaps I might find another Steemian in Utah. Who knows.

I hope you have a fine trip when you go to Krakow.

Thank you, what a nice comment! Yes, it's a lot safer hiding behind a screen, but there's something wonderful about hanging out in person. I face down my social anxiety and go anyway, for the human connection and the laughter, and the shared experiences.

As for someone in Utah, I believe @derangedvisions might be from that area? There's a whole Colorado crew, too—I'm originally from there, though I live in BC. It's really a small world, eh?. ;)

I have a confession, though: I’m a little scared to go that far from my family at this point in my life. Maybe that’s all the more reason for me to go, to push boundaries and remember who I am as a solo adventurer.

This touched me - you can read in my own #roadtosteemfest post what doubts I have about going, and part of that is gaining confidence in myself as 'The Wanderer', the solo traveler again. I lost that confidence, but I know nothing makes me happier than taking on solo adventures - it's one of the best feelings in the world!

I read in the #steemsugars discord that @soyrosa is going (AHHHHHHH! I want to meet Rosanne so bad!)

Same here woman, same here!!!

And why would other people benefit from me going to SteemFest? Well, I'm fun, I have a positive energy that's contagious, and who doesn't love a Canadian?


Gosh, if I were able to get you here personally I would! But to those who are going to pick the one that gets the ticket to SteemFest: I more than vouch for this woman! She is a huge supporter of both people and communities as of Steem itself and all that it concerns (promoting voting for witnesses is just an example!) - If we could get het to Krakow we'd experience a huge boost in energy, love and promotional value alone! <3

I truly hope you'll be able to come and we can get to know each other face to face dear @katrina-ariel! Ooooooooh the hugs! :D

First of all, I love you.

Second, I went and read your post. I'll leave the comment here 'cause short on time and it all fits together, but OH how I want to be there and spend time with you. I'm still not sure, even if I get picked, if I'm brave enough to go, or if I'd try to back out as graciously as possible and let someone else have the chance.

This part, from your beautifully honest post, could just as easily be said about having children:

It shouldn't be such a burden for me to go somewhere. But it is, it drains me, I miss the spontaneity that I used to have.

It's totally different, and I love my kids and am so grateful for them, but my life would be infinitely more free if I weren't a mother. And that takes a lot of adjustment, over a long period of time. And it'll change, but I can relate to that sudden lack of freedom, even if our situations are not the same.

In the comments of your post it seemed like there were quite a few people who will be there offering to help, so I know you'll have friends in Poland. If I go, I would really need to figure out who could help me feel safe. My head would be wrapped up in figuring out logistics, and how I'd handle different situations. Maybe not a bad thing to think about, but I tend to overthink. ;-) Ah, we humans lead such interesting journeys. I'm gonna upvote your comment since your post was past payout, but thanks for mentioning it! I'm so glad I read it. :)

I have so so much to say to this comment, but the main thing is: 1) I love you too, and 2) I would be more than glad to guide you through it all: from finding the best tickets (!) to how exactly to travel once in Europe <3

And yes, I felt from your post that in ways our situations are much much the same - it's the limitation of freedom, the 'feeling held back', the loss of a huge and important part of yourself... I honestly have gone through all stages of mourning. In a way when life chances big time you have to say goodbye to a part of you.

Hug your children, I know this is not about them, they must be amazing <3

Thank you! And, no, the lack of freedom isn't about them, it's about me. I'm so grateful for them, and they get soooooo many hugs. :)

Sayyyy whaaaat? Whooo! A contest to win your way to #steemfest.... my heart is racing. My breathing changed! Do you know how many winners there might be? Your entry is awesome!! Less than 10 days to your next Steem Meetup! How totally cool @katrina-ariel 💚💙

Great to see you tonight! ALWAYS something fun and exciting going down when i cross your trail of beautiful energy! Ahhhh! Lots of Joy my friend ❤

Thank you, my friend! And I'd be absolutely thrilled to see you win the contest. I hope you enter! Much love! :)

Funny, I been nudging Luke and he still not sure if he is coming but, would be a great experience for you to go to Steemfest3. Id be so jesloys😋😎

Luke (in his comment here) said he's in the process of moving to Puerto Rico!!! Maybe he'll make a surprise appearance. As for SteemFest 3, it's a long shot, but I figured I may as well dream. :)

See you in less than two weeks!

Heh. I didn’t realize I had definitely committed to the Georgia meetup. This year has gotten crazy with multiple trips including a new one to Puerto Rico next month and planning a full on move there before the end of the year. It would be quite a drive there and back from Nashville, but maybe I can swing it for one day of the meetup? I’m tentative leaning towards it may not happen. Depends on how much work I get done.

Wow! Big plans for Puerto Rico! That’s exciting. I don’t know if you committed... just how I remember it. We’d love to see you if you can swing it, but understand if not. Good luck with the move! 💞

Good luck, hope to see you there.

Thank you! Meeting you would be one of the highlights, for certain!

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it's my dream to go to steemfest in Poland, trying to manifest it really really hard right now, I really need this personal journey and hope to be meeting everyone there. Thanks for the good energy post and pushing me closer to my manifestation. And for the lovely drawing and rocking my favorite purple hat on steemit (off steemit too))

You're welcome! I hope you enter the contest. Maybe you'll win the free ticket. I'd be just as happy to see you get it. :)

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